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Sunday, April 29th, 2018 1:17 AM



Scheduled Arm and Disarm

On my previous system I had the alarm on a schedule to arm throughout the night and disarm in the AM. Does SimpliSafe have this feature? I can't find it.

Official Response

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

Hi folks,

Scheduled Arm and Disarm is slowly rolling out now! You'll be able to configure a specific time and day of the week to set your system to any mode: Home, Away, and Off. Both the SimpliSafe Gen 3 and SimpliSafe Original are supported!

The feature will be gradually enabled across all SimpliSafe accounts - so if you don't see it yet in the app under Menu > My System > Scheduled Arming, you'll see it soon!

For more info, check out our Help Center article here.

1 Message

@davey_d​ that's wonderful news! I've been eagerly waiting for this feature to become available since I got my SimpliSafe system a year ago.

1 Message

What’s the time frame for enabling Scheduled Arm and Disarm? I don’t see it yet in my system (I have interactive monitoring) and it’s a feature that would be very helpful 

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5 Messages


when will this be available? I had it in my app options and set it and then it disappeared. Now my system sets at 10pm and I cannot change it? 

1 Message

When will this feature be available? We've been waiting for months, this is longer than the rollout should take. Please communicate and let us know when this feature will be available.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@fscket you're right, the rollout is going slow. Many users do already have the feature available already, and all users will have it soon.

2 Messages

7 years ago

I would like for simplisafe to add a Schedule program option to the system. The schedule will activate/deactivate the alarm at a set time Mon/Fri and weekends and daily customization, similar to a thermostat programming options.  This would simplify alarm operation and I wouldn't have to get up from bed when I forget to turn the system on at night.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Suggestion: Alarm schedule.

46 Messages

Well once home automation system get integrated  that will be a feature you could do... (i.e. HK/GH/AA)

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

No, they don't have that feature.

2 Messages

7 years ago

I have a new account and I am disappointed to learn there is no way to automatically schedule arming/disarming of the system on a daily basis. Are there any plans to implement this in the future?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Any updates to automatically arm/disarm



6.3K Messages

@david.branin, there isn't yet but with the Amazon Echo  (and other integration) it should should only be a matter of time.  There are, however, in my book, much more pressing product developments, like the announced video doorbell and outside cameras.

2 Messages

I disagree -- there are plenty of video doorbells on the market, but I only have one alarm system and I cannot schedule it to disarm unless SimpliSafe implements this feature. Please do!

2.2K Messages

Why do you NEED to program it to disarm?  I can almost see the utility of programmed arm, but programmed disarm seems to have little value and be very high risk of having the system disarmed at times which it should not be (when the disarm occurs on a day which does not follow the usual schedule)

1.2K Messages

I could see this being a good value for businesses maybe, but at my home I would never want this feature.

24 Messages

Alexa integration for SS3 is active and works fine!  You can arm system with Alexa but you still need to disarm by remote, keypad or SS app. I'm sure this is for security so someone can't say "Alexa, set simplisafe to off" through your door or window.

23 Messages

7 years ago

I want arming of the alarm via a daily schedule. Let's say M-F arm yourself AWAY at 9:00AM. Occasionally, a last family member to leave will forget to arm the alarm, leaving it unarmed for hours, until one of use noticed nothing is set. Another popular setup would be HOME at 11:00pm everyday. We occasionally forget this setting too.

I have SS2 and haven't decided as yet to upgrade to SS3.

Rich J
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Scheduled Arming

278 Messages

I am not familiar with any security system that allows this type of scheduling. I guess I can see why you might want it, but my assumption is that this is something that would likely not be offered by SS as the risk of false alarms increase drastically and therefor would outweigh the benefit of so few who would want this option.

434 Messages

My previous Comcast home security system offered scheduling for arming and disarming.

23 Messages

Thanks for the response. Comcast has done it and others will add this feature creating more value. If SS wants to grow the product add then add useful features to keep the home armed when its needed. If your home you'll disarm it to HOME.

Another work around is in the phone app to remind, only if unarmed, notify alarm is "OFF" do want to ARM now at a predetermined time per your setting?

Rich J

25 Messages

If you are a homekit user and when SS adds homekit support this this type of automation should be trivial.
Or if you have homekit setup now and you don't want to wait you can install homebridge with simplisafe. There are versions that work with both SS2 and SS3.

23 Messages

I don't know what homekit is? I think some apple product. I just want an aid or reminder to not leave my alarm UNarmed everyday.

2 Messages

6 years ago

I have a small business with different employees leaving at night and opening up in the morning. I would like the ability to schedule the arming and disarming everyday. Does SimlpiSafe offer this feature?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Scheduled Alarming

764 Messages

No.  There has been several threads on this site concerning this enhancement.  No response from SS, so the general consensus is this won't be a feature any time soon.

2.2K Messages

Automatic disarming would be a severe security risk, and automatic arming would be a risk too, plus encourage false alarms.

I don't get it.  Your employees aren't smart enough to have arming as part of their exit process, and disarming as part of their entry process?  How come you risk leaving people that incompetent on their own in your business?

Maybe have a big sign next to the time clock?  Presumably they do manage to clock in and out reliably.

3 Messages

I'm sorry you feel so upset by this request, but suggest you look at how many people want it, and conclude that you are not the majority. Also, try to be more polite. 

4 Messages

5 years ago


I am trying to find out if SimpliSafe is working on a feature where I can set up auto recurring alarms on certain days and times?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Auto Schedule Alarms

2.2K Messages

Set up "alarms"?  You mean you want the system to go off at various times?  That seems a bit odd.  Are you trying to donate money to your city for false alarm fees?

I suspect what you really are asking for is automatic arming and possibly disarming.  This has been asked for a lot, and there is no indication that SS is working on it.  There is a good chance that in order to implement it,  it would require a new base and possibly a new keypad.  

So a) they probably won't work on it since it is a bad idea for a SECURITY system (auto-arm increases false alarms and auto-disarm leads to not detecting break-ins), b) they probably won't work on it because it does not fit with their design which they are exceedingly wedded to, and c) if by some miracle they do work on it, it probably won't be until SS4 or later, which means probably several years.  And they won't announce it prior to release, and maybe not even after release and some customer will find it accidentally and mention it here in the forum.

4 Messages

Thanks for your feedback :-). Yeah the automatic arming and  disarming I was asking about. Other companies I have been with in the past did have that feature build in as rules.

2 Messages

Yes! I was wondering the same thing! Most of us don't always remember to put on the alarm..   So, for me at least and many others that means no alarm at least one time a week. Going to call Simplisafe about this later today actually. How the hell does have this and not Simplisafe! ADT had it as well. Other than this, Simplisafe seems good so far and we have a large setup, but this is a big thing missing which will quite possibly have me return it at all and go with another company.

2 Messages

This is such a must have feature!
Yes, this feature is must needed. I want to schedule to set "Home" mode during night times. Always, I had to to remember to do that. Sometimes I forget. It is better to have schedule feature to control it.

2 Messages

4 years ago

We recently purchased a SimpliSafe system for our home and soon experienced our first "Oops moment". We installed several new door entry sensors and a few motion detectors as well. After testing the system for a few days, one night I decided to enable the At Home Mode and I told my wife. This was our first night with an active alarm system, Well, the next morning was a beautifully sunny day and we opened our side-deck door and walked outside to sip our coffee and admire the blooming fall plants my wife had in planters. Being noobies, we completely forgot that the system was on and in countdown-to-alarm mode as we had tripped the deck door sensor! So we are admiring the plants and sipping our coffee when "WTH, oh man the alarm is going off - what happened?! " We were stunned at first but after hearing the blaring siren for about 30 seconds I went back inside the house to the keypad and turned off the system which silenced the blaring siren. Whew! In a few seconds, the phone rang - it was SimpliSafe calling to tell us that the system had experienced an alarm event and was everyone ok? We gave them our safeword and explained that we accidentally triggered our own system alarm! Doh! They checked out system remotely and said it was working properly. Our hearts are still racing from the excitement and surprise!

I would like to request that SimpliSafe consider adding a Clock Feature that would allow us to A) turn on the At Home mode automatically at say 11:30PM each night and then automatically turn it off at say 6:30AM each morning. The base station could (optionally) announce each event when it occurs AND (optionally) send a confirming text message as well. That would be a very nice feature for our family! Of course all messaging will be encrypted.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Auto-Arm and Disarm

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

Hi @drsmith_4,

We're glad to hear that everything is working properly with your All-New SimpliSafe system. Regarding your request, we would be happy to send them on to our dev team!

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

3 Messages

I apologize if this topic is already posted somewhere I can't seam to find it, but please direct me to it to I can UP VOTE. I would very much like to see an auto arm function built into the UI.  95% of other alarm systems have this feature built in. I don't want to setup a home hub or purchase additional hardware for this feature, it should be a part of Simplisafe's native features. Thanks!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Auto Arm



6.3K Messages

@ ssafeunv this has been asked for years but so far Simplisafe has resisted doing it. What they have done is recently added the feature to remind you at a specific date and time to arm your system. I should note for me this is not a very important feature and I would rather see other improvements made, like the ability to link an alarm event to a digital assistant (echo thank you) so I can have my 9 IoT devices light up my house inside and out like a Christmas tree.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi ssafeunv,

Right now our philosophy is that arms and disarms should always only be possible from direct user action (whether through the app, or from the hardware).

But we're big on responding to our customers' needs, so never say never! I'll forward your feedback to our devs.

3 Messages

I'd like to +1 this request.

I use a home automation system to automatically schedule arming and disarming. The integration is ugly but effective for our needs. My family really appreciates the peace of mind knowing that we don't need to take any specific actions to arm the system at night or to disable it before we head out in the morning. And, of course, we can always arm/disarm ad hoc trivially.

Having this functionality natively available in SimpliSafe would improve reliability for use cases like the one I described, and would enable me and anyone else building automations as a stopgap to have a more reliable solution. 

752 Messages

3 years ago


I'm 99.9% sure I saw a post in the past that boiled down to, "We're not going to allow for automatically/programmatically disarming the alarm for security reasons" but I can't find it.

Am I crazy and this post didn't happen or is it that I just can't find it? If I recall it was in response to someone asking for the ability to automatically disarm the alarm from homekit or based on being nearby or some such. At any rate, what *is* SImpliSafe's stance on this functionality? It's not there now, I know, but is it fairly safe to say this isn't going to be a thing that happens due to security concerns?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled SimpliSafe Stance On Automatically Disarming Alarm

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi Worthing,

I wouldn't say that we have a hardline stance on it. Just that, as the system is designed currently, we wanted arming and disarming to always involve a human. Every time you see an Arm or Disarm on your timeline, you'll know that a person did it, and with which device. If a PIN was used, you'll even know who.

- Davey D.
Community Development Manager
SimpliSafe Home Security

752 Messages


175 Messages

I just want to be able to arm/disarm with siri!  This was promised, originally..... but has fallen through the cracks into the blackhole!

3 Messages

@davey_d​ I'm probably going to ADT (who have this feature) because you all aren't offering it. Just wanted to share. SS is great, but my kids wake up early (around 6) sometimes and open a door or window pr something and set it off. Can't work. 

3 years ago

Is there any known (and Simple) way to schedule our system to disable every morning at a specific time?  We are installing this at our laundromat where we have automatic door locks that open every morning, and our cleaning crew locks up (and arms) every night.  We can send someone over there to disarm every morning at 5am, it's not feasible.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Scheduling disarm?

740 Messages

Scheduling of arming/disarming is not possible.

Alternatively, you (or someone else) can disable the alarm from your phone app (presuming you are awake at that time - which can be burdensome or become unreliable even if you are). Unfortunately, at this point, there is no other option beyond the app unless someone is physically present to disarm (i.e., giving an employee a custom PIN or Key Fob). But to reiterate, both of those alternatives/suggestions require someone to be present.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Right, for now the only way to arm or disarm the system is by direct action by a person. But we do have Arming Reminders in the Settings of the SimpliSafe app, so you can get a notification when it's time to arm or disarm.

61 Messages

@davey_d Using the iPhone app. it's not a reminder, but auto arms the system. Once you click on the SMS message. The only bug I have run into is the arms it twice. .

2 Messages

Looking around at a new alarm why don't they have an auto arming feature?

It makes my 20 year old home control alarm system look futuristic with what I can and cannot configure.

Currently my current system auto arms at 23.30 and disarms at 05.30 unless I manually arm it then it needs a manual disarming .

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@mccldd as the system is designed right now, the only way to arm and disarm is with a deliberate action by a human. So of course whenever you see an event on your Timeline, you know that a person who has access to your system was the one who performed that action.

But yes, an automated option has been requested in multiple threads. We'll of course be sending this feedback up to our dev team.

2 Messages

3 years ago

I know it's been asked before but I want to add my thin voice to the crowd... please add an auto-arm by schedule feature!  I was with some "other guys" prior to SimpliSafe and the set alarm times for nighttime arming was one of the most helpful features.  If competitors can do it... :)

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Schedule times to arm

2.2K Messages

It's not a matter of "being able to do it", it's a matter of "should it be done" and what are the safety considerations.  As for auto arming, there are valid points on either side and they tend to balance.  Auto disarming tends to put convenience over safety and that's not a good choice.

2 Messages

They didn’t ask for auto-disarming, but auto-arming. On a schedule. And I agree, this is an important feature we should have. 

2.2K Messages

@bfltsnik Many people have asked for auto-disarm as well as auto-arm.  A useful feature?  For some.  An important feature?  Not even in the top ten of desired improvements.  If they are going to work on things, I would say that safety, effectiveness and reliability are much more important than convenience.  

2 Messages

@sevensiamesecats​ We get it.  You’re against it.  You can go for full on bunker mode but others may not live the same lifestyle as you.  I’d personally prefer the convenience.  As I’ve read from quite A LOT of other customers it would be their number one feature request.  You’ve made your point VERY clear as I think have the other 30 people in this post.  

11 Messages

3 years ago

Hi, just wanted to put in my vote that I think there should be a scheduled arming feature (I see previous forum posts where this has been requested a lot). My previous Digital Life system had it, and it was nice to have as a safeguard in case of forgetting to do it myself in the evening. In fact, it's this missing feature that right now has me a bit hesitant about whether to keep the Simplisafe (I just made the switch yesterday since Digital Life will no longer be supporting cellular emergency calls, and I didn't like the 3 year contract and more expensive monthly cost for the Brink upgrade they offered). Yes, I know you can set reminders, but that isn't as useful as I'm not always checking the notifications on my phone.

That said, I found that you can set up a scheduled arm (no disarm) if you have Google assistant/home. Simply create a routine in the Google home app that runs at a specified time each day, and have it arm your security system as the action for that routine.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Scheduled arming and Google Assistant

4 Messages

3 years ago

I've been asking for years now for Simplisafe to include auto scheduler for alarm to be turned on at designated times.   

Many times someone comes home late and forgets to put alarm on before bed,  MyQ Garage Door opener has that feature...

It makes sense....please ask Simplisafe to get it done.....thanks.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Craig

3 years ago

Just switched from ADT, but a bit disappointed with Simpli with:

1. Can’t schedule my alarm to come on and off at certain times for certain days of the week. Seems like such a simple item to implement in this day and age. 
2. No option to silence countdown beeps on keypad. I have one in my room and I don’t need to hear it count down and wake me up. I don’t set the Home alarm to instant On for various reasons, which would mitigate the issue, but the real solution is to have an option to not have the beeps. 

Overall easy to setup and use, but definitely is missing key software functions that put it on par with systems like ADT. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New to Simplisafe, need more scheduling and keypad options

13 Messages

I am also new to SS

On question #1 - you can schedule SS to turn on but not off option.

I use Google Home routines to turn my system on every night. 

@chudak​ thanks for the hint on Google homes. But it’s just silly that Simpli has a nice scheduling option for reminders, but not for the system itself! The thing with going with Google Home is that I’m pretty sure that qualifies as Smart Home access and thus you need to lay the $27 a month? I don’t really need Smart Home control, so the $17 is fine with me, if you get my point…ah well, first world problems!

Yes - please make the beeps configurable on a per-keypad basis!  I don't want beeping in the bedroom (unless there's an alarm), but I definitely want it everywhere else.  I'm also really surprised that door chimes can't be configured on the keypads... I get that the base station is designed to be the center of the whole thing (and you can use the secondary sirens), but keypads seem like an obvious choice for this and in my mind the base station should stay dead silent and completely dark at all times so it can stay hidden and just do its primary job without being quickly found and smashed.

2 Messages

3 years ago

I just got this system. This is the first feature I am looking for. I have a daily schedule on my current alarm system to arm at night at multiple times and disarm once in the morning.  When I go on multi day trip, I disable this schedule and re-enable it when I am back. 

After 4 years since this post, I don't see this feature implemented. I have been using my current system for well over 10 years in this way. I am disappointed about simplisafe right now. This may be a reason for me to return this product.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@etunnel​ thanks for the feedback.

Right now, the philosophy is that whenever the system is armed or disarmed, it's always from a direct action by a human. So we do already have a reminder function that notifies you when it's time. But you'd still have to press the button yourself.

That's not to say that this will always be the case. Our engineering team is very open to feedback from users like you!

5 Messages

Anybody tried using IFTTT with Alexa skill to do this? - I’ll have a whirl at some point and feedback if not (although I don’t want the feature myself 🤪


5 Messages

Plenty of threads on this. Sooo…you can setup Alexa routine to run the SS skill same time every day, but the skill is very limited and requires voice response “arm home/away” or similar. At least this will prompt you if you set Alex device as your phone. You may me able to set up a geo fence using IFTTT and another suitable app and use MKZense to trigger the same Alexa routine when you leave the house but I haven’t explored that. 

2 Messages

@davey_d​ how can customers influence the engineering decision on this? Vote?

2 Messages

@davey_d​ While I understand the reason behind this explanation, it still alienates those who have unique situations or desire to have a schedule to arm/disarm the alarm. If there is a risk/legal concern to allow customers to use this feature, have the customer agree to something indicating they understand they are responsible for ensuring their alarm system is armed according to the schedule. 

This should absolutely be an option for the customer.

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