3 Messages
Auto Arm
I apologize if this topic is already posted somewhere I can't seam to find it, but please direct me to it to I can UP VOTE. I would very much like to see an auto arm function built into the UI. 95% of other alarm systems have this feature built in. I don't want to setup a home hub or purchase additional hardware for this feature, it should be a part of Simplisafe's native features. Thanks!
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
4 years ago
Hi ssafeunv,
Right now our philosophy is that arms and disarms should always only be possible from direct user action (whether through the app, or from the hardware).
But we're big on responding to our customers' needs, so never say never! I'll forward your feedback to our devs.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I'd like to +1 this request.
I use a home automation system to automatically schedule arming and disarming. The integration is ugly but effective for our needs. My family really appreciates the peace of mind knowing that we don't need to take any specific actions to arm the system at night or to disable it before we head out in the morning. And, of course, we can always arm/disarm ad hoc trivially.
Having this functionality natively available in SimpliSafe would improve reliability for use cases like the one I described, and would enable me and anyone else building automations as a stopgap to have a more reliable solution.
6 Messages
3 years ago
I’d also +1 this feature. Sometime in my family’s daily routine we are rushing to work or school and forget to arm the system until later on the day when the morning rush has settled. An automatic scheduled arming feature would be a crucial part of any security system and improve SimpliSafe as a product significantly. I’ve been looking for such a feature to be developed ever since I moved to my house and installed echo devices n
9 Messages
3 years ago
++1 autoarm. Don’t care about disarm - would rather do that manually. Ie if Alexa can check every 15 minutes at night and arm the system if not armed already.
6 Messages
3 years ago
need autoarm. if not I will leave soon. I like all other stuff but this feature must have.
3 Messages
3 years ago
Honestly, it’s pretty surprising that Simplisafe doesn’t have an auto arm function. I had a different alarm system in my previous home and absolutely loved having an auto arm function. It took the pressure off. Even with the Simplisafe app reminder I sometimes forget to arm the alarm. We should have the option for this to occur automatically. I’m considering going back to my previous alarm company. I quess I should have done more research before purchasing a Simplisafe system.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I would also like to see an auto arm feature. It's easy to forget in the evenings and setting an auto arm for say, 11p or 12a would be amazing. Your competitors do offer this feature, and it would be very useful and I'm pretty disappointed you don't offer it
3 Messages
3 years ago
+1 for auto arm. Seems like a relatively easy feature to implement and is only going to be more relevant as the world continues to become more automated.
3 Messages
3 years ago
It's absolutely crazy that there's not a native auto arming function. I now have 2 alarm systems because I kept my old one online so that I wouldn't forget to have an alarm system armed at night. Please for the love of God develop this super simple logical feature for us!
3 Messages
3 years ago
I vote for the auto-arm as well... Auto-disarm may have some risks in case the personal schedule changes, but can't understand the risk with installing an auto-arm feature? I had Xfinity for 4+ years and I assumed most reputed systems would have it - didn't check before getting Simplisafe.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I agree, auto alarm would be great. Wife has instructed to find a new system. I had Comcast in the past and had the function to arm and disarm automatically. I wished I researched better before I bought simplisafe.
31 Messages
3 years ago
I just don't get this feature. Automatic stuff is great and all until your routine changes... like you take a day off work, or go on a "stay-cation". I'm more likely to forget to turn off the auto-arm and then try to walk out the door while I've got the alarm armed. Kind of like I frequently forget to turn off my alarm to wake me up in the mornings.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I wish I could have seen this post before i purchased the simplisafe. This is a very basic feature and sad to know its not available.
6 Messages
3 years ago
Ring and ADT both have Auto arm and they cheaper. $20 per month compare to $28
I am still waiting before I cancel this service