β€ŽGuest account needed 🚨 | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 4:43 AM


Guest account needed 🚨

I believe it is vital that SimpliSafe establish some sort of option for a guest account login to the app. In my opinion it is a HUGE flaw that once we allow someone to access the account (even for one day) they can access all settings including billing or even the safe word. This topic has been raised by many people, but I believe what’s missing is how this is a MAJOR SECURITY FLAW. Whether it’s a neighbor watching in, various family members, or even babysitters/pet sitters. For them to access the cameras, or remote app control, I have to give them the keys to the kingdom so to speak. The SimpliSafe company needs to address this security issue ASAP, this big flaw makes me consider switching security providers. 

-Thank you. 

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Multi-User Accounts

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