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Friday, April 15th, 2022 2:21 PM



Our Central Dispatch recently upgraded and is now utilizing the ASAP to PSAP protocol system (see https://tma.us/programs/asap/).  Yesterday, one of the local TV stations had a story regarding the advantages of the new system.  They interviewed the director of the dispatch center.  He related a real-world example of just this past Monday (the first day the new system was fully operational), they received a smoke alarm from a local company and initiated a fire department response.  Forty seconds after the automatic alarm, they finally received a 911 call from the company and they were able to inform the company fire trucks had already been dispatched.  THAT is pretty neat! 

I happen to know personally the director.  I sent him an email to inquire about SimpliSafe's participation in this new protocol.  He said it is his understanding that SimpliSafe is interested in the new system but have not yet signed up to participate.  He suggested I let them know of my desire for this new system. 

I am suggesting everyone who has a SimpliSafe monitored system request SimpliSafe participate in this new system.  Lives could be saved.  Maybe yours!

Official Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago


Thanks for bringing this up! Our engineers are always exploring the latest technologies, and better and more efficient methods for monitoring and dispatch - like our partnership with RapidSOS. It's all part of our continued investment into improving our services across the board.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@kromedome42303 Illinois is in yellow, so in progress being able to support this. Nice, and looks to improve the dispatch process, but until nationally adopted, SS may not be prepared to support it reliably.  So far COPS has been perfect, 100% in their dispatch performance in my limited experience so until then, will like to keep things the way they are. Note, I am not against ASAP to PSAP, but just cautious. This falls into the same category as Simplisafe having their own monitoring centers.

72 Messages

@captain11​ I like all the thoughts and ideas here and in this thread. I was also going to mention this may also depend on the third-party COPS Monitoring station and what they do, etc. .



6.3K Messages

@Steelick​ Good point on COPS.  They appear to be pretty progressive on new technology, but in my experience, have provided flawless service.

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