1 Message
System for RVs
I am ready to retire so I purchased a RV to travel. I was disappointed to see Simply Safe did not have a system for RVs. My company supplies the RV industry and it's hard to comprehend how many RVs are in the US. Hundreds of thousands of potential Simply Safe customers in the US alone. We need a system that will operate on a standard 12V RV system. One that has a GPS system that can locate the RV anywhere in the US. Simply Safe is missing out on a huge market while leaving us unprotected.
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@hitechceo Actually, there is a customer who has successfuly used a system on his RV. Suggest you use a search on their forum handle, sevensiamesecats and other keyword, like RV. He has been a customer and active in the forums for many years and may be able to provide some assistance to you.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi @hitechceo ,
Yes, we do have quite a few folks who have SimpliSafe systems installed in their RV or boat. Our social team has even worked with vanlifers! There are just a couple of adjustments you'd need to make.
For example, as you already mentioned, the system equipment itself is not location-aware. So you'd want to just update your online account (right on the app) whenever you move to a new location. Though many mobile homes do have the standard 120v AC, which is all the Base Station needs to run.
You're right that SimpliSafe is primarily designed for a standard home at a fixed address. But we keep it simple and easy-to-use so it can also be used in versatile situations.
1 Message
2 years ago
So I could purchase a system for my home, and then move needed components to my RV when I travel?
16 Messages
1 year ago
Does anyone know if there is a lock modification for the door lock? One that would work in a camper? I'm preparing to move my system from my home to my RV and have the full set of devices: Door locks (2) Window/Door sensors, glass break sensors motion detectors, doorbells, carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, water sensor, cameras (9) Obviously I won't need every component but which ones will not work for the RV application? Is there a market for selling extra components?