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Friday, March 8th, 2024 11:03 PM

System armed indicator

When I had my old style hard wired alarm system (my old house) the keypad which was right by the door had a red LED that was easy visible when the system was armed.

I just installed my SimplySafe system with a keypad by each door but after the initial short period the entire keypad goes to sleep and there is no indication of system status. 

When I am home and not anticipating going outside for some period of time I arm the system in home mode.

Because there is no indication (reminder) the system is on, (and because it is new) I forget it is armed and open the door which of course sets off the alarm.

Yes, I know it you leave the light on the base on it is blue but I can't see the base from any door and even if I could, if I remembered to spefifically look at the base in the first place I would remember the system is armed.

So, my 2 part quesrion:

1) Is there a way to set the keypad so that the screen says "Home" and that stays on? (Or some other indication that it is on that remains illuminated).

2) Is there a SimplySafe or aftermarket part that indicates system status? I envision something not much larger than the sensor for the  windows/doors (or a box of matches) with either a single red (armed) or a red and green LED (green = not armed) that you can stick on your door so that as you reach for the handle you notice the red LED LED and are reminded the system is armed. 

This would also be very nice to have in the master bedroom so when you wake up in the middle of the night and think, "Did I arm the system?!?" You can glance at the box and instantly see. (Requires you to wake up much less than reaching for your phone to check the app)



6.1K Messages

7 months ago

@krugerjon Welcome to the SS community. I am a 12+ year customer (almost 13) and started with SS2 and then 3. You will find out quickly that you will probably configure the system differently as you get used to it. Now onto your questions:

1. Shut off power saving mode and it will stay on longer, but, eventually will go off.

2. Short answer, no, but the app will send push notices when the system state changes if you configure it that way. will update this post after dinner with a few suggestions.

----------I'm back and see dipsr has posted, a very inventive and smart guy. Above my pay grade, I will stick to mostly out-of-the-box stuff, but hopefully either will get you thinking about how to use your system.

First, my base has all prompts, lights, voice, etc turned off. It is hidden. I have 2 keypads, one in the master bedroom on the 2nd floor, and one in the kitchen near the garage door. Using the "layers of defense:" strategy,  entry sensors, glass breaks, motion sensors, and sensors on drawers, closet doors, etc throughout the house. (Most of these are armed in away mode only.  Even have entry sensors on the garage doors, which are entry sensors mounted originally to door hinges but now the more elegant nylon holders I bought on Etsy. All security sensors, except the kitchen door, and garage door sensors in away mode) are all set to instant trigger.  3 SA cameras cover 90% of my first floor and doorbell pro, and a front outdoor camera and back outdoor camera cover most of the permitter of the house.  Note, the outdoor cameras are on AC power (which is the only way I recommend them). Mine work fine, however, for full disclosure, dipsr will definitely will tell you otherwise. If you get those, make sure you install and try them, and if not to your liking, return them for a full refund within 60 days).

More questions: Call support, is generally pretty good but if you get into an issue, just ask the agent to escalate. Good luck.


3 Messages

7 months ago


I have 3 keypads, all new with fresh batteries. I tested all 3 with the power save function off. They do wake up using some sort of proximity sensor. However the "Proximity" seems to be no more than 2". If it was 2 feet, instead of 2 inches that would basically solve my problem, especially since I have relocated the back door keypad onto the door itself. 2" is absolutely useless. And it doesn't even wake up the whole keypad, only the screen, and 4 buttons, (off, home, away and menu). The numbers that you need to disarm the system do not light up until you press the off button. Better than nothing i guess... I turned them all back to off.

As for the delay setting for the one sensor; Aparently that does not work. There is a setting for the individual sensor for "Instant trigger" on or off. I set it to off, armed the system to home and opened the door. Instant alarm activation. 

So I have no idea what that setting really is.

So far my only option/solution is mounting the keypad to the door so it is right there to be seen as a reminder, even if there are no lights on, at least maybe/hopefully I'll see it and remember.


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