‎Outdoor cameras - motion detection delayed | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Wednesday, January 5th, 2022 12:50 AM


Outdoor cameras - motion detection delayed

Hello everyone,

I installed two outdoor cameras and set the sensor sensitivity to high. I get so many alerts (as the zoning seems still not working) but the start of the recordings seem to be delayed 2-3 sec. For example, I had a delivery guy bringing a package to my porch ~20ft from the road and the camera caught only the delivery guy leaving the porch.

Anyone any ideas what can be wrong?

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KNOWN ISSUE: Outdoor Camera Delay

12 Messages

3 years ago

Just keeping this alive. Cameras are still absolute garbage for recording of motion detection. I get good shots of people leaving my driveway! Terrible for security. Wish I never got this system. 

12 Messages

3 years ago

Just keeping this alive. Cameras are still absolute garbage for recording of motion detection. I get good shots of people leaving my driveway! Terrible for security. Wish I never got this system. 

2 Messages

3 years ago

I really wish I had read this before shelling out SOOOO much money for a security camera that detects someone LEAVING my property. This is simply not what I expect from SimpliSafe. Your cameras need to be pulled until you get this figured out or you'll continue to produce pissed off customers that were happy with your service prior. I'm submitting for a return along with the mount and solar panel.

4 Messages

3 years ago

You guys/gals,

I'm happy to report that I found a work around,... until the company upgrades their hardware.

I've tied my Camera's reaction time to events triggered by the Entry Sensor(s).

If you're covering Drive-way Gates, Porch Gates, Patio Doors,... tie that Entry Sensor to the Camera and it will trigger when the Door/Gate is opened.... You'll catch the delivery person or intruder on video much faster!

As a matter of fact, all of my cameras now react at the same time, when any of my selected Entry Sensors is triggered.

Inside the Mobile App, go to My System, go to Device Settings, and look in the Entry section.

Pick an Entry Sensor, select it, go to the Alarm Mode section, and there you can change the "Off" setting to "Secret Alert"... Now, when your Alarm is Off, you will get a Text Message and your Cameras should quickly record video; instead of relying on their hardware to sense motion and differentiate it from unimportant motion.

Other Notes:

You might also want to color the sensor to blend in with the Door/Gate color. 

In the Alarm Mode section, think carefully about what sensors should trigger Alarms and what things you'd like to handle/investigate without involving the Alarm Monitoring Company. For example; whether I'm home or not, if my Garage door is opened, I rather review the footage before Police are notified.

12 Messages

@bsevennine​ yes, but when someone steals  packages off your porch or tries to break in your car, no opening sensor is triggered. These should not be marketed as security cameras. Honestly, there should be a class action against them for complete refunds or cameras that actually work. 

10 Messages

@bsevennine​ - You bring up an interesting finding with sensors. Several weeks ago I installed my motion sensor (didn't have a need for it previously) in the hallway and I set the Alarm "Off" Mode to Secret Alert. I just wanted to test out this sensor again because I was so frustrated with the entire system. I noticed all my cameras activated when the motion sensor was triggered. The time response for the cameras to turn on was quicker than the built-in motion sensor on the Outdoor Camera. I repeated the process several times because I couldn't believe it. 

As a test, I was thinking to place the motion sensor under the Outdoor Camera just to determine which one of the sensor detects motion faster. My guess would be the motion sensor and not the Outdoor Camera built-in motion sensor.

Just to sum it up... SimpliSafe has a serious issue with the Outdoor Camera built-in motion sensor. It makes no sense to place a non-water proof motion sensor under your Outdoor Camera to trigger video recording.

Oh yes and more importantly ... Wyze v3 Camera is impressive with quick video response time with Artificial Intelligence features. If all works well I'm switching over.


26 Messages

3 years ago

Amazing no word from SS on this.  They can do much better and new firmware should/could help.  Even more so for cameras that are powered so there is no need to "wake up" first. Way to much is missed in the video as has been mentioned. They know this and why they are not doing anythings just shows poorly for them and the direction they are headed. 

64 Messages

@DBNet​ almost thinking about a class action suit. These cameras are worthless

9 Messages

Useless, this is why I refuse to recommend SS to friends.

14 Messages

3 years ago

I guess they did not fix anything because I am having the same issue. I placed the camera on the front corner of my home. Cars and people are half way past my front yard before the camera motion senses. What is the point of using this?   

At least Ring has color night images, clear and motion senses very far away with the ability to set the distance for the motion. I am not impressed with all of the glitches that exist with either Simplisafe indoor or outdoor camera. Too expensive for these important defects. Please advise.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@cmcan​ sorry to hear that the latest firmware update hasn't helped. We do have more performance improvements on the way.

In the meantime, there are a few things you can try on your side. Primarily, the Outdoor Camera does need to maintain connection with the Base Station when it is triggered. So it helps to move the Base Station closer to where the Outdoor Camera is.

Of course, our Support team at 800-548-9508 can help with further troubleshooting.

2 Messages

Thought I got a bad device and wasted hours on this. Too bad the support only suggested I remove and re-add my outdoor camera. My current outdoor camera is on v1.7 and I am still only get the back of heads - of people moving across the frame NOT towards - in all of my videos. I love the doorbell camera, oh well. Going to return and switch to ring. Easy fix.


2 Messages

Installed two outdoor cameras yesterday, total garbage. Once the cameras go live, there is a 5-10 second delay in footage being delivered to you. My arlo door bell literally notifies me instantly of motion and in live view the delay is minimal. Complete disappointment. 

14 Messages

Simplisafe sent me a replacement camera and sorry to report.... that did not fix the motion sensing issues. I have top of the line, highest speed Internet. My spotlight Ring camera on my garage has no issues. Every technological device that I use works perfectly fine inside and outside of my home. 

The base station is in a location for which that cannot be the excuse for the poorly designed Simplisafe outdoor camera. 

I will be buying my second Ring that does exactly what it is supposed to.... provide some security. 

Simplisafe... you need to speed up your firmware fixes... If this worked, I would have purchased a second one and now I am not. 

2 Messages

3 years ago

I’m so disappointed in the performance of the two outdoor Simplisafe cameras that I purchased. I can go outside and walk around in my driveway and the camera never picks up any motion. Same problem with the one on the side of my house. I wished I had read the comments on here before I bought them….I would have never wasted my money. 

This comment has been converted into a post

9 Messages

3 years ago

 I just resigned to the fact that the cameras and camera systems are crap and I made a bad purchase decision. 

4 Messages

3 years ago

Simply safe cameras are trash does not detect motion until its too late. I have recordings of people leaving but not of them arriving. Total disappointment and a waste of money! Seems they may have been in to big of a hurry to add a outdoor cameras to  thier product line that they forced this junk out instead of a quality functioning camera


14 Messages

3 years ago

Everyone.... try to get your money back. Speak to a supervisor.... Ask to be transferred...even if it takes a different call center. 

Simplisafe is claiming that the outdoor camera provides security outdoors and it does NOT! If your other devices work in the same location that Simplisafe is placed (Ring camera, iPad, laptop), then it is not your Internet's fault.

It is a false claim that the outdoor camera can provide any security and do something that it absolutely cannot do. 

Quite honestly, the Simplisafe monthly subscription is higher than anyone else. Ring is $10/month. Blink the same. Not sure about Arlo- think it is for the year but Arlo and Google Nest reviews for battery cameras did not really impress me on Costco or Sam's Club. Ring is probably the way to go. 

2 Messages

3 years ago

Here's a cynical question.  I wonder if the camera delay still exists for systems signed up for the premium plan... professional, interactive monitoring?  In other words, is the camera intentionally delayed for marketing purposes? Sure, it's a dumb strategy, but sometimes companies do dumb things. If not, then their camera-only and premium monitoring plans are just ripping folks off on a monthly basis. (According to Simplisafe, the premium plan is their most popular plan.) Also, why isn't simplisafe promoting the workaround about linking the camera to entry or motion sensors suggested earlier in this forum? Finally, I'm skeptical that these so-called firmware fixes are what they say they are because this is not a "try it now..

does it work any better now?" situation. They already know how it's gonna work. "Do not buy these cameras" translates to "do not buy this system unless Simplisafe either fixes the problem or provides a monetary remedy for a problem they likely knew about from the beginning". 


Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@Camerashy​ no, that's not how our cameras work, at all.

The Entry Sensor "trick" works because there are two different ways that the cameras can be triggered. First, there's any alarm-type events from the main alarm system - arms, disarms, and actual alarm triggers.

The second is from the camera's built-in Motion Sensor. The problem that users are encountering in this thread is that to preserve battery life, the camera goes into a 'deep sleep' state, which is what is causing the delay. Our engineers have already made improvements to the wake from deep sleep in the last firmware update, and more are on the way.

But in the meantime, it's helpful to know that part of that waking process does involve communicating with the Base Station. So performance will be much more improved if you move the Base Station closer to the camera, if possible.

26 Messages


It SHOULD NOT need to use the BASE STATION for low Freq connection.  When both are on Wi-Fi (Base and Cam), both should be talking over Wi-FI.  Even more so, if the camera is POWERED, it should always be active and both connected to Wi-Fi all the time and be able to motion sense all the time.  Again, it should NOT be require to be able to talk to the Base over the low frequency radio link once set up. It should be able to talk to it over the Wi-Fi network without issue.  Whoever made these cameras for you all sold you really poor cameras and you sold them knowing this...Or soon after you starting well them, you surely knew it.  Yet here we all all, still with useless cameras that capture as people leave.

These cameras are just not made right for security cameras it is not funny...even more so when it is PART OF A SECURITY SYSTEM!!!  

My home is large enough, 2900 sqft I can't even cover some of the places I want to as the Base is too far away.  Every heard of a repeater?  You all should surely use them.  Google does for their system and so does Nest, & Amazon.  Heck even Zwave, Zigbee and others. 

Your alarm system has done well in the market for it was simple to set up, not costly for monitoring (Which is no changed again), as soon as you started to do things like cameras and locks, you all lost your way with poor design and usability. 

It really is poor when you unlock a door using a keypad and not only does it turn off the alarm...which is good...but it also unlocks all the other door locks you have, which is bad. (I have 4...Unlock one, the other 3 also unlock.)  You know what, when you arm the system it does not reven relock the doors.  You need to look at the app to see the status and that is only good if it can talk to the lock which also goes to sleep.   How is any of this a good thing?

As other have said...Stay away now from what was once a very good alarm system as they clearly have lost direction or at least engineering talent.  So much poor logic thought in operation went into the cameras. I have Cameras 1/2 the price that not only do more and have a better image, but also alert me faster! 


2 Messages

2 years ago

Wish I had read all these comments before I ordered the camera and solar panel and went through a couple of hours of installation and troubleshooting with the support team. Having the same problem and yes - the camera is up to date and it is Sept. 25th. So no fix so far. Am sending these back. 

7 Messages

@aac​ Did they support-team offer anything that was truly helpful?  Or did they just throw up their hands... as we have done? 

26 Messages

They have NOTHIING to offer and they know it. 100% failure on all SimpleSafe cams.  All off mine will be going back to Costco and will end up putting in ReoLink using one of their NVR's.  All and all, better quality and much better performance at a much lower price.

SimpliSafe is a nice security system, bu they failed on who they choose to make their cams.

8 Messages

2 years ago

I am experiencing this same issue and it is a huge concern, considering the 'porch pirates and the wifi jamming experts' are hitting my area daily.  I am very frustrated at the amount of money I have spent on the system not to function adequately; as well as not provide the protection it says it will.  I am still not sleeping at night wondering if I will be alerted in a dangerous situation.

26 Messages

2 years ago

"considering the 'porch pirates and the wifi jamming experts' are hitting my area daily."

You are so incorrect on this...This issue that is being referenced is 100% a SimpleSafe issue with their cameras not coming up in time to video record the person. SimpleSafe is fine as a security system...BUT DO NOT USE THE CAMERAS if you want any useable footage. 

2 Messages

2 years ago

Well, I WAS considering buying a camera or two from SS for outdoor use, but after reading about all the problems people are experiencing, I will buy elsewhere.  Plus, SS's responses to customer's camera problems are extremely limited!  They seem to pick and choose who they respond to.  Not good customer service as far as that goes.  I should mention I had a SS home security system in my home for several years and was always been pleased with it.  It stayed in the home when we sold it. I purchased another system last year for our new home and am satisfied with it as well.  As for the SS cameras, I think they put the cart before the horse!   

26 Messages

@bwest312​ Agree with you as a security system, it works just fine, and actually very well, as long as your sensors can reach the base unit.  I have 3 that can not and they do not offer any type of repeater which would be a no brainer. (I would think.)   

But the cameras are the WORST!  I am not installing Reolink for cameras replacing each of my SS cameras and returning them all. (Seeing I got them from Sam's, this will not be an issue.) 

But yes, to make it even worse, SS just does not seem to care and are not looking to fix the issues or even comment about it.  Yet they still sell them and that is a very poor thing for a company which makes me think of even replacing the security part even though it works (for the most part.)

Example of just a dumb thing....I have 4 door locks, if I am outside and I UNLOCK one door, all the doors UNLOCK!  They DO NOT auto lock when you leave the home, thus you have doors that are now just left unlocked.  This shows you that they really are not thinking this through as far as security. 

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