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Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 1:33 PM

Camera not picking up motion at night

It seems like as soon as the sun goes down, my camera stops picking up any motion from 8 PM to 7 AM. Motion at night has been set to high and night vision is set on auto, yet it never seems to pick anything up after it's dark outside. 

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3.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ASprickman, 

I would try going into the camera settings in the SimpliSafe mobile app and toggling the Night Vision setting off and back on to see if that helps. If it does not, I would be curious about the environment around your camera. Are there any porch lights or street lights directly in the camera's path to make it think that it is still in daytime and preventing it to turn on Night Vision?


2 Messages

@emily_s​ - hi there!

So this seems to be a newer issue. When i first set the doorbell camera up, it recorded day or night and i was able to leave night visions on auto. At some point, i noticed that it stopped recording at night so it kept in night mode. Now it doesn’t record at all at night even when it is set to night vision on.  If i check it live, i can see the night vision is working.

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3.4K Messages

@ASprickman​ You mention that this issue just started occurring, so I would try resetting your Video Doorbell to see if that helps. To perform a reset, hold the black button on the back of the doorbell for 30 seconds and then release it. After about one minute, the doorbell will reboot and go into setup mode.

4 Messages

I have been not receiving motions at night on either the outside camera or my video doorbell. This has been ongoing for almost 2 years. I have replaced the video doorbell, got the Wi-Fi extender that Simplisafe suggested, tried changing settings etc. As soon as my system is armed at night, I get no motion until the system is turned off on the morning. It's been escalated and I still can't get this resolved. It USED to work!!! I have not changed my internet provided. The router is in the same location. Please try to resolve this issue!!! One agent suggested that there may be an issue in the software. I think my issue started when the outdoor camera was introduced. Please, please, please help resolve this!!!!

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4 Messages


I am having this same problem. In the daytime when it detects motion, it makes a recording and sends a notification. Perfect.

At night, this is what happens:

1) when I put it in spotlight mode, it detects motion and the spotlight comes on, but it doesn't make a recording or send a notification

2) when in night vision mode, the leds blinks to indicate motion detected, but it doesn't make a recording or send a notification

There is a security light about 60 feet away from the house. The light itself is not in view, but some of the area is partly lit.

 What do you suggest? 

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5.7K Messages

@psmullen1​ thanks for the question. I see you also posted in this thread, so we'll be answering there.

4 Messages

1 year ago

I have been not receiving motions at night on either the outside camera or my video doorbell. This has been ongoing for almost 2 years. I have replaced the video doorbell, got the Wi-Fi extender that Simplisafe suggested, tried changing settings etc. As soon as my system is armed at night, I get no motion until the system is turned off on the morning. It's been escalated and I still can't get this resolved. It USED to work!!! I have not changed my internet provided. The router is in the same location. Please try to resolve this issue!!! One agent suggested that there may be an issue in the software. I think my issue started when the outdoor camera was introduced. Please, please, please help resolve this!!!!

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@madnmarshall​ What is the environment around your Outdoor Camera and Video Doorbell like? Are there any street or porch lights in its field of view? If there are, that could prevent the cameras from turning on Night Vision, which would hinder their ability to record at night.


4 Messages

No, there isn't any street lights in its view. The environment hasn't changed. It used to work. Now nothing at night. Need more help to resolve this. The escalating team can't even solve this issue.

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3.4K Messages

@madnmarshall​ If you have a porch light, or any solar-powered light that comes on after dark, I would recommend turning them at night to improve the cameras' motion detection.


8 Messages

My new camera the one they just released does not work at all at night.  No motion no nightvision.  They have me resetting, turning upside down, moving etc etc etc.  I put back the old camera which worked fine.

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4 Messages

@madnmarshall​ Again this isn't the problem. Our motion activated front door light and video doorbell camera were working just fine before my problem started. I have tried changing the settings for the camera and it still won't pick up motion at night. Need more help. 

8 Messages

1 year ago

My new camera the one they just released does not work at all at night.  No motion no nightvision.  They have me resetting, turning upside down, moving etc etc etc.  I put back the old camera which worked fine.

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3.4K Messages

@fredbatchelder​ Are there any "white" areas in the Smart Alarm's field of vision? This could be anything like a white wall, ceiling, or shelf. If there are, I would try slightly adjusting the placement of your camera to remove some of this material from its view to improve the white balance of the image.

And if you haven't already, I would reset your Smart Alarm by pressing and holding the small pinhole button on the top of the camera for 2 seconds. This article in our Help Center also lists out the steps to reset the camera.

8 Messages

@emily_s​ Yeah they tried that "fix".  The Problem was my ceiling is white???  My old camera works fine even with a white ceiling.  The listing for new camera did not have a disclaimer stating if there is any white in your room it will not work.

1 Message

1 year ago

I am having the same problem as listed. My outdoor camera used to work fine, morning or night.  All of a sudden the backdoor camera stopped recognizing motion once it was dark.  I think a new software release came out not too long ago.  Could that be the issue?

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@galeboisvert​ Has anything changed in the environment around your camera? Are there any new lights directly in its path? It may also help to reset the camera, and toggle its Night Vision setting off and back on again in the SimpliSafe mobile app to ensure that it's entering Night Vision properly. 

14 Messages

1 year ago

It is well past a reasonable time frame that Samplisafe should have fixed this issue. Time to get a security company that has products that work.

8 Messages

I agree SimpliSafe PLEASE do something to help all of us loyal customers that are being taken advantage of by your poor quality camera.

14 Messages

1 year ago

It is working again at night!!! Wait a minute , it's not working again. Testing-one-two-three- Seems to be working.  Nope, not working. Well maybe it will work tonight or it will not. Got to leave my home now and not feeling samplisafe.

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@mbroadbent1​ What is the environment around your camera like? Are their any street/porch lights in the camera's line of sight, or does it face something like a darker field that doesn't get much traffic? If it's facing a darker area without other light sources, that can impact its motion detection.

If there is a porch light, or any type of outdoor lighting near your camera, it can help to turn that light on at night.

14 Messages

Emily-you make a great point.  I will be  adding a light and repositioning camera. It is dark around here for sure.  When I go to the camera on my computer  at night to look around, the light works and I see everything pretty well. When I go outside and stand in front of the camera, the blue light on the camera  indicates to me the camera detects something,but light does not come on. And nothing gets recorded. This is a work in process. Maybe I will figure this out. Samplisafe should have more than one camera option. These cameras at best suck.

14 Messages

@emily_s​ lights help a lot----but cameras do not get close up  enough to see a persons face. Samplisafe needs better cameras or  camera options. Needing a camera every ten feet is  ridiculous.

14 Messages

Just read an article of the five  best outside security cameras.  Samplisafe did not make the list.  Time to wake up now...

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3.4K Messages

@mbroadbent1​ How high up are your cameras installed? We recommend placing them 6-8 feet high. If your cameras are up higher than that bringing them down can help with seeing those finer details.

14 Messages

1 year ago

If lighting is a problem, why not copy Ring security systems smart lighting products?

14 Messages

1 year ago

I will be taking a big loss. Samplisafe is junk. Arlo cameras?? Maybe  Buying off the security camera value menu was a mistake.  Cheap (in more than one way) YES    Just did not hit the spot. Just a bad product that works poorly.

7 Messages

1 year ago

Yeah. I am dissatisfied with this camera. I have replaced, reset, moved router, ect. I’ve done all the standard simplisafe reponses and It still never works right. I had a delivery this morning at 5am on my porch and no video! I wish I weren’t so invested in simplisafe. Ive had it for over 6years now and have battled with them about the door bell most of the time. Here is my view because I know you will say that's the problem also.
BTW, My SS Driveway camera picked him up no problem. He put the package the white bench next to the cam.


14 Messages

1 year ago

Maybe Samplisafe should just copy what other home owner type diy security  systems do. I mean if you can't keep up with the competition just follow the leader. I mean if that is what it takes to sell a product. Samplisafe is not a leader in today's security products.

14 Messages

1 year ago

you must own a mansion! 17 cameras.---WOW---I didn't know Samplisafe  could handle that many.   I just wished this company had more than one camera to choose from.  Maybe a camera with three spot lights would be nice. Maybe a camera that has a lens that can be adjusted, Maybe Samplisafe could improve their software where other than Samplisafe cameras could be used with their system. 

1.5K Messages

@mbroadbent1​ No, just a rancher. 7 SS cams and 12 now Other brand cams that actually work.

1 Message

1 year ago

We signed up in December & only because we're in a rental, but I doubt I'll use SimpliSafe when we purchase our next home.

Anyway, we received a free wireless outdoor camera for doing so, and it was working fine until a couple of weeks ago when it stopped working at night. No problems when it's light out, but as soon as it gets dark, nothing. I'm going to try some of the suggestions here, so thanks.

3 Messages

7 months ago

Same issue. Cameras worked fine until a software update. No night motion detected since. Same camera, same position, no environmental change. 

Has anyone been able to correct this?

4 Messages

I've been working with Simplisafe for several months. My front video doorbell stopped picking up most motion, day or night a while ago. Because of this ongoing issue, we ended up getting 2 outdoor cameras (plugged in) so the battery is always full. Sometimes, both cameras will pick up the same motion, other times, only one does. Not sure why this happens. Our front video doorbell still doesn't work hardly at all. It used to work but can't figure out why it doesn't. We even have the extender that Simplisafe suggested. Simplisafe has "bugs" in the system to get ironed out. If they do, it will be a excellent system. 

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@ABC123456Just to confirm, do your cameras have any problem detecting motion during the day? Or do you only see this behavior at night? There’s a few different troubleshooting questions I have to help us get to the bottom of this:

  • Are you able to livestream at night? And if you can, is the image in Night Vision mode?
  • When you try to trigger the cameras at night, do you see their light blink blue?
  • How high up are your cameras from the ground?
  • How far are your cameras from your Wi-Fi Router and your Base Station? Are there any dense walls in between?

1 Message

6 months ago

This issue was definitely caused by Simplisafe. In the past, the cameras would pick up a lot of animals and other activity at night. Now, unless it’s a human, it does not pick anything up at night even though the option for “everything” is checked. It’s the same behavior with all of our cameras. Even bugs used to just set it off constantly all night long sometimes. It would be nice if they would acknowledge something is going on since so many people are having this issue. And change it back to the way it was. We have these not only to pick up humans, but also animals in case something weird happens like a bear or mountain lion comes through our yard. Has anyone actually resolved this problem? 

8 Messages

3 months ago

Simplisafe are you going to fix the camera problem or continue to pretend it doesn't exist and force us to switch?

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