‎No Doorbell Chime from Base Station | SimpliSafe Support Home

Saturday, February 13th, 2021 8:15 PM

No Doorbell Chime from Base Station

I have set up my video doorbell with ease even having to drill through the door casing to run the wires. Now I am trying to get the base station to chime when someone pushes the doorbell. I have read in the forums that the base station is capable (as long as it is the new version) but you have to make sure it is up to date. I have checked and my touchpad says the system is up to date. What next?

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

Have you checked all through the settings in the app to see if there is a place to enable/turn on the doorbell/base chime feature?

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @buddhaman1967,

Since it sounds like you already have the Video Doorbell Pro and the system set up, you probably just need to enable that feature in your account settings. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SimpliSafe app and log in to your account
  2. Navigate to the Cameras tab at the bottom
  3. Tap on the ‚öô Gear icon in the upper-right hand corner
  4. Select your Video Doorbell Pro
  5. Choose the option labeled Base Station Chime
  6. You can now select the volume and then remember to tap Save back on the Camera Settings page

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

I have done this but it still does not ring at the base station

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@Ktjblaur​ I see that you already contacted our Support team about this, and after resetting your Video Doorbell the Base Station started chiming again. If you run into this issue again, please let me know and we can troubleshoot further.

1 Message

I do not have the Base Station Chime option in my camera settings.  What can I do?

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@january0876​ The Base Station Chime setting should be available within the Video Doorbell Pro's camera settings. Just to confirm, did you select the Video Doorbell Pro and not another camera you may have? If so, could you please send me a screenshot of what you see on your camera's settings page. This can either be sent to me as a comment in this thread, or sent to me directly using the Community's direct messaging feature.

1 Message

 Hi Emily, this is not my thread but I am having the same issue.  In the video doorbell settings I do not see the option to adjust the chime settings.  I am attaching a screenshot from the front door camera page below.  Would this possibly be a hardware or software issue?

Thank you!

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