2.8K Messages
SMS Texts Failure, Signals Not Received, Devices Won't Refresh
Is anyone able to explain how this occurs, and most recently, on a consistent basis?
I posted on Dec 8, that 13 "automatic test signals received" were not logged in the timeline of events for year 2019.
For year 2018, 20 of them were not logged in the timeline.
This year already, on Jan 6, 9, and 12, the signals were not received. Interesting to note is that on Jan 9, when I checked at the regularly scheduled time it should have appeared on the timeline, it did not. I checked again, hours later. It appeared on the timeline the next day, with the date and time it was supposed to have appeared on the previous day. I have never seen that happen.
Likewise, the SMS text alerts have been SNAFU'd....AGAIN (this makes I can't even count how many times over the last two years, and with SS2, it was a ridiculous crap-shoot). The timeline of events on the online control panel show the events, yet I'm not getting SMS alerts for them.
On Jan 8, 9, 12, and 13, no SMS text alerts arrived for any event (arming, disarming). The first day, the event alerts were late by two hours. Today, 36 HOURS LATER, I received an SMS alert for an event that was for 36 hours prior. I have twice attempted to "jump-start" the SMS alerts by going into Alerts, changing from Verizon Smartphone to just Verizon, but this only prompts for a verification code that never arrives on my phone. When changing back to Verizon Smartphone, it sends a verification code, then alerts come in for about a day or two, then stop again.
Another issue of note: I have noticed that when using the online control panel to refresh Devices - twice in about a week, it has taken much longer to complete (the spinning icon) - and you might want to check the little refresh button and the date and time beside it, because I've watched it supposedly be refreshed, but it actually wasn't (still showed last refresh date) - it takes two refresh tries to update it.
For the last two years, SS has been aware of the SMS problems, and eventually, they have numerous times said the issues were either being worked on, or were resolved. Obviously, something is being missed.
My system is working fine, as far as I know - something on SS's side is not. User-initiated tests indicate all is well, I get the call from Monitoring, so why aren't daily test signals showing up in the timeline and for the love of god, why aren't they logged every day? I obviously have no control of this, it's a SS problem. Combined with the numerous other problems that others have been reporting and SS's dismal support, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone's manning the helm.
I posted on Dec 8, that 13 "automatic test signals received" were not logged in the timeline of events for year 2019.
For year 2018, 20 of them were not logged in the timeline.
This year already, on Jan 6, 9, and 12, the signals were not received. Interesting to note is that on Jan 9, when I checked at the regularly scheduled time it should have appeared on the timeline, it did not. I checked again, hours later. It appeared on the timeline the next day, with the date and time it was supposed to have appeared on the previous day. I have never seen that happen.
Likewise, the SMS text alerts have been SNAFU'd....AGAIN (this makes I can't even count how many times over the last two years, and with SS2, it was a ridiculous crap-shoot). The timeline of events on the online control panel show the events, yet I'm not getting SMS alerts for them.
On Jan 8, 9, 12, and 13, no SMS text alerts arrived for any event (arming, disarming). The first day, the event alerts were late by two hours. Today, 36 HOURS LATER, I received an SMS alert for an event that was for 36 hours prior. I have twice attempted to "jump-start" the SMS alerts by going into Alerts, changing from Verizon Smartphone to just Verizon, but this only prompts for a verification code that never arrives on my phone. When changing back to Verizon Smartphone, it sends a verification code, then alerts come in for about a day or two, then stop again.
Another issue of note: I have noticed that when using the online control panel to refresh Devices - twice in about a week, it has taken much longer to complete (the spinning icon) - and you might want to check the little refresh button and the date and time beside it, because I've watched it supposedly be refreshed, but it actually wasn't (still showed last refresh date) - it takes two refresh tries to update it.
For the last two years, SS has been aware of the SMS problems, and eventually, they have numerous times said the issues were either being worked on, or were resolved. Obviously, something is being missed.
My system is working fine, as far as I know - something on SS's side is not. User-initiated tests indicate all is well, I get the call from Monitoring, so why aren't daily test signals showing up in the timeline and for the love of god, why aren't they logged every day? I obviously have no control of this, it's a SS problem. Combined with the numerous other problems that others have been reporting and SS's dismal support, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone's manning the helm.
6.3K Messages
5 years ago
Now for comparison:
Verizon chip, SS3, ATT UVerse broadband with Google WIFI. Push and SMS notices working fine, on Verizon, selecting the network as Verizon Smartphone, running Android 9.on a Moto G6, the Mrs. Android 8 on a Galaxy S7. What's different?
With devices not refreshing, I would wonder if your base connection is strong.
1.1K Messages
5 years ago
2.8K Messages
5 years ago
Elsewise, I have: SS3/Verizon module - Spectrum wifi/ASUS router - Android 8.0/Samsung 9.0 - Galaxy S7.
Keypad diagnostics show wifi fine at -44db.
Cellular is a bit wonky at -85db, but I've watched this on many occasions, it never gets higher than that and is usually around -65db.
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
@stevenragnetti, thank you for providing your input! That's pretty much what mine has been doing for several days now. Now, they are coming in days later, and of course, NEVER IN ORDER OF WHEN THE EVENT HAPPENED. I'm still missing one txt msg for an event that happened a few days ago, guess I'll see if it shows up sometime this week :(
@Lance, yes, that was the boilerplate response to everyone, and according to SS, within a couple months time or so, it was with every single carrier that users posted (not bloody likely) - same response, no matter the carrier, no matter the month of the year, no matter the number of complaints. I had a ton of issues with SMS text msgs with SS2, and one of their guys was actually working on it, then I bought SS3. Almost an entire year without SMS problems, then like clockwork, it starts again. Sigh.
1.3K Messages
5 years ago
Regardless of all else, I'm pretty confident I don't have personally-dedicated resources or a special pipeline into SS that would explain why my services are mainly unaffected while others are.
OTOH, I have SS2. Dunno if that has anything to do with it but it is a potential difference aside from carrier or region.
2.8K Messages
5 years ago
Besides, if this were my carrier, why only SS messages coming in late and mixed up dates, but messages from others are always fine?
1.3K Messages
5 years ago