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Monday, February 5th, 2024 9:24 PM

Text/SMS Alerts not working

I see this is still a problem, simplisafe.  This morning I did not receive txt alerts for disarming/disarming, and the alerts section on the online account has zero option to re-verify phone (there's no red icon to suggest it needs re-verifying) - it also no longer has the option to choose or change "verizon smartphone" that used to be available (changing that used to work).  Are you having sms problems again?  Had these issues continuously years ago, was finally able to have reliable txt/sms alerts for a year or so now, until today.  Also, your chat function sucks, a live person would be nice instead of the useless 'choose which option' helps but doesn't help.  Finally, the incessant log in to the account, login and verify again just to use forum when already logged in, verify again, thanks for fixing this (not) 3 years ago.  This is precisely why I stopped using the forums.  One login, to account/forum/whatever, why couldn't you have done that!

Accepted Solution

2.8K Messages

7 months ago

Update - Resolved.  Performing a user test on the system managed to get the txt/sms phone alerts working again - although there are a few alerts from earlier that never came through. 

I've actually had a few problems with the system in the last month - the famous "wireless interference detected" problem that went on all day long until I reset base station (including taking out batteries and reinserting) - had to do it three times.  Of course, simplisafe never has a suitable answer to this beyond "you must have other interference going on, like a garage door opener, or a low battery in your tv remote".  Sigh.  Every time this happens, nothing has changed in my home, the garage door opener not used at the time, no new tech or anything with radio signal interference, nothing.  Not going to beat a dead horse here, this has been going on since the rollout of SS3, when I bought it.

3 sensors have gone caput in one month (2 entry sensors and a glassbreak sensor).  Yes, I tested them against other sensors in different areas - they're junked.  So much for simplisafe's claim of long life.

No longer possible to re-write/enter the names of devices in the online account section now, the page has changed, and now you have to click on the sensor name to even see the serial number, when before one could hover mouse over the name.  Now I have 2 new sensors in lowercase and no spaces :(  (despite naming from keypad - no option to change this in the online account).

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

7 months ago

Hi @coltmaster1

Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for this new round of issues.

We haven't had recent reports of any outages that affect SMS notifications specifically. Do you happen to know if the events were still showing up on your Timeline event log? If so, it might actually be a cell connectivity issue.

FYI, you shouldn't need to do the "re-verify" thing anymore, because we've changed how SMS works in the backend to prevent being blocked by your phone provider.

On the Live Chat front, it does start with a bot - just in case we could resolve your issue with basic troubleshooting. But if you continue on, you'll be able to get through to a human agent.

Regarding the Wireless Interference Detected issue, your Base Station really does seem to be picking up something. But it could just be overly sensitive. Have we worked with you in the past about dialing back the sensitivity? If we bring it down just a little bit, it'll still be able to pick up a real jamming event.

As for those sensors going down - were you able to pin down if it was a battery or a communication issue?

Since you have so many things still ongoing, I'm going to request contact from a Specialist, so we can get them all sorted out at once.

2.8K Messages

Thanks, Davey,

I believe the timeline of events was fine, logged everything, just couldn't get sms when disarming and arming.  When this has happened before, it used to be that simply re-entering phone number (plus the verizon option thing), usually resolved it.  This time, only initiating a user test resolved it.

Yes, the first time I had the dreaded "wireless interference" thing, I called and requested the threshold be changed, the rep said he'd do so, and haven't had a problem until now.  The only way to clear it was to reboot the base station and remove/reinsert batteries, but it took 3 times of this to clear it.

Changed batteries in all of the junk sensors, and tested them in different areas of the house - even in test mode, they indicated they were working properly (base station would announce sensor in test mode, blue led lights worked when opening/closing, but there were no chimes).  Had a couple extra on hand to replace, those are working fine, chimes working fine now.

New problems last night/overnight, and not certain if some of it has to do with SS or not, but one or two issues actually are SS problems:

WiFi and power were "lost" around 4 am (was sleeping, had no clue) - according to my phone txt msgs, both were out for 3 hours.  A couple days ago when I posted here about the sms problems, I had deleted my spouse's phone from the ALERTS section on online account, so he wouldn't be getting alert messages (which he never did before unless for an alarm event, but DID get the same alerts during user test mode when I was testing sensors).  This morning, his phone didn't get the wifi and power outage alerts, but it DID get a 'wifi restored" alert, and a voice mail from C.O.P.S, (but he deleted the voicemail, so neither of us know what it was in relation to).  So, why is his phone getting these texts/voice mails when I deleted his number from ALERTS?

Have no clue about the power/wifi outage last night, obviously was a true power outage, and possibly surges beforehand, as all of my digital clocks in the house were flashing at different times when power lost.   Another problem I've had since purchase of SS3, is I have ALWAYS had to re-enter my wifi PW on keypad after a power outage, it has never, not once, ever, remembered the PW, never kept it in memory.  Back then, there were several forum posts about this, and it seemed that half your customers had the system remember wifi pw's, the other half of customers would have to re-enter it into the keypad settings.  I've gotten so used to it, that I'm not really bothered by it, I guess I was hoping that it would magically correct itself one of these days.

Btw, my base station had been replaced, including a new module, I can't recall when exactly, could have been about 1.5 yrs ago.  I doubt I have a base station issue.

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