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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 11:46 AM


Quiet Mode: Different alarm and volume settings during sleeping hours

It would be nice if we could set quiet hours where chimes and voice prompts were quieter. I don't want to wake up other family members at night

2 Messages

5 years ago

I don't see an option to disable chimes or voice prompts during the night.  I'm in bed early most nights, but I have college and high school age kids that come in at all hours when I'm sleeping.  I'd like the option to have a Do Not Disturb time without having to disable the prompts and chimes each night and re-enable them in the morning.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Do Not Disturb / Night Mode



6.1K Messages

@bsims3 good suggestion but doubt SS will read it here, and if they did, doubt they will do it. You may want to have your base set to completely silent (and no lights) and use push notifications to your phone if you are on the 24.99 plan. Secret alerts will probably do the trick for you combined with the push alerts.

2 Messages

5 years ago

At night, we put our alarm into HOME mode.
In the morning, I get up and get ready for work, and often leave before the house is awake.
I'd like to disarm the alarm, but not necessarily have the 'ALARM OFF' announced in the volume that it is.
Consider a keypad disarm code that disarms the alarm but only gives a visual confirmation (e.g., keypad confirmation, blinking base) for when you want to disarm in quiet/silent mode.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Mute or quiet confirmations on disarm (e.g., early in the morning)

1K Messages

Do what i do on Saturday mornings when I get up early and dont want to wake up the wife and kids, i go in my app and go into settings and turn off the voice announcements and door chime then turn alarm off with app. Once i get out to my truck i go back into and turn the voice back on and door chime back on and its all back to normal, but make sure you save all changes each time. I do this every single Saturday morning i have to work. The wife appreciates it lol

1.2K Messages

Lance, you should get some type of reward for your efforts my friend. :)

1K Messages

@drunkpenquin, i should shouldn't i lol she making me work to hard to let them sleep in hahahahaha

31 Messages

That's a good solution but Alan's request to have this built in is a good one.



6.1K Messages

Another option: base is set to quiet for everything (no sound, no lights) and when the Mrs is sleeping, I just take the keypad with me into the hall, door closed and disarm it.  Quickly open the door and slide it back on the wall plate. Easy.  Yes, SS should put a sound volume feature in the app.

5 years ago

I'm not sure if this has been suggested before because I don't see a search anywhere on this forum while on mobile.

During the day when I have the system set to home there are a few windows that I like to have open if the weather is nice but I don't want them to set an alarm off.

On the other hand when I'm asleep I do want those windows to set off an alarm.

This probably could be solved with away mode for most people but I have motion sensors that cover large areas of rooms and sometimes I get up in the middle of the night.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Feature Request: Nighttime Alarm Mode

1K Messages

If you arm your system in home mode and want windows open just open windows first then arm it, all it will say is warning living room sensor open or something to that so it will be armed just not those windows you have open until you close them and once you close them they will be active again. But if you have it armed then no don't open window do it before you arm.

104 Messages

My previous alarm system had a "Home' and "Night' mode, with the main difference being an entry countdown for the doors in "Home' and an instant trigger in "Night'.  I've seen that come up a few times in the forums, and I've spoken about it myself.  I don't see it being introduced, at least any time soon.  I've tailored my settings for Home mode to make it work for both situations.  

For the windows, SimpliSafe actually suggests that one could get a second entry sensor magnet (just the skinny part) and place one right above the other. This would prevent the window from triggering until the sensor got above the 2nd magnet.  That might not be a good solution for you, but I thought I would just throw it out there.

Community Admin


626 Messages

4 years ago

Hi @getadam,

Thanks for the idea! We've let our development teams know about this request. In the meantime, if you have any more ideas or have any questions, please let us know.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

4 Messages

4 years ago

As an alternative, if there were a quick way to temporarily disable the voice prompts and chimes, that would be great.  When I leave home early in the morning and my wife is still sleeping, the only way I can get out without the SimpliSafe system waking her is to turn the voice prompts and chimes OFF using the app on my phone and then turn them back on once I've left the house and re-armed the system.  

It's workable, but a complete PITA.  A simple button in the app that would disable all audio cues for a couple of minutes would be great.  Maybe easier than programming an entirely new "silent entry/exit" option.

7 Messages

3 years ago

I'm currently testing Simplisafe side-by-side with the Cove security system. I have equivalent sensors in identical locations and I'm getting a sense of each system's features and reliability, and will ultimately make a decision as to which one to return at the end of the 60-day period. I realize what I describe here may have been mentioned in previous posts, but my hope is to revitalize conversation and hopefully capture the attention of SS.

The basic idea of the functionality I'm suggesting here is the following. I have 3 doors armed, several windows, several glass breaks, and importantly 3 motion sensors. I'll focus on the motion sensors as they're the ones I'm having trouble setting up with the current options. All my motion sensors are in the main level.

If the functionality existed I would set the motion sensors up as follows.

- Disabled
- Instant trigger: N/A
- Alarm
- Instant trigger: OFF
- Alarm
- Instant trigger: ON

Basically, if we're home during the day and want to have the alarm on, the motion sensors should be off. During the night, I want the motion sensors to be on, but not trigger immediately so that we can shut the alarm off when we come downstairs in the morning. When we're away, I'd like the motion sensors to trigger an alarm immediately as we don't have pets so there should be no movement in our home if we're not there. If I had to choose one function to start with I would start with the addition of a "Night" mode, even if instant trigger remains the same.

Some might think implementing a third mode is basically a non-starter given that the keypad already has physical buttons for "Home" and "Away", but you could certainly implement the functionality I'm suggesting in software by using the screen L and R buttons to have the user select "Day" vs "Night" after they press the "Home" button.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Suggestion - Add a Night mode and allow for instant trigger to be set individually for each mode.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi nprez83,

Thanks for the feedback. We did settle on our three modes - Away, Home, and Off, to keep the system as simple as possible. But having a fourth mode, or maybe modes that change behavior based on the time of day, makes a lot of sense. We'll forward your suggestion to our dev team.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

This is a feature I miss from normal alarm systems. I would love to see a night mode.



6.1K Messages

@Johnny M and since we are on the topic of features, requesting again the small, easy to implement ability to have a sensor armed in off mode.  Having separate zones is complicated, but adding an armed mode for an individual sensor is the same way to accomplish that, in effect.

Why you may ask? I have 3 basement windows with entry sensors that have not been opened in 30 years. Would be nice to have them sound an alarm even in off mode.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi Captain11,

Yepyep, we've still got that particular feature request on the record for you!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

4 Messages

Instant  trigger is an excellent and required feature.  However, it should be adjustable by Alarm Mode.  Consider home with front door and back door and other contacts.  When in Away mode, all sensors should be on instant trigger except front door so you can enter and disarm.  No problem.

But when in home mode, to be fully protected, I want the alarm to go off if any sensor, including the front door, is opened.  If I am home at night sleeping, why would I want to give the "burglar" breaking in 30 seconds to come and find me or whatever?  Furthermore, I may in fact want to have certain motion sensors on during Home mode and others off.  Again, I want the basement to be armed but not the main floor where I may be walking around at night.  A good alarm system permits you to set instant trigger in that fashion.   On any DSC systems (that the majority of NA security companies use) there is a feature called Night/Sleep Mode.  It is a small variation on Simplisafe Home mode that permits you to set the equivalent of instant trigger on any device by mode.   Clearly only a software issue that you should be able to implement to make the system far better.  

2 Messages

3 years ago

Last night, at 4 minutes past midnight, my Simplisafe speaker blurted out that there was a low battery in a glassbreak sensor.  Whereas I appreciate knowing that there was a low battery (I replaced this AM and the system is seeing it as OK now), I really do not appreciate being awakened in the middle of the night by a system with much more intelligence behind it than the average smoke detector.

My recommendation is that initial low battery warnings should be delivered via App Notifications (which you can turn off on your device based on time of day) and/or via email.

If the low battery condition persists beyond, say, a week, then it might make sense to proclaim the alert via the speaker.

I called in to see if I was missing something and it was suggested that at night I could adjust the voice prompt volume down and then readjust it up every morning.  That sounds like a horribly bad idea in general, but specifically it sounds like something that an automated system like Simplisafe could handedly do.

For as long as I can remember, people have complained about bleating smoke detectors complaining in the middle of the night that they need batteries, I just can't imagine an engineer at Simplisafe did not take it upon themselves to solve this problem for such an otherwise-sophisticated system.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Low Battery alerts should avoid the middle of the night

2 Messages

I have an intermittent sensor (all times of the day on/off). However, the audible read out-loud notification for sensor is going off after midnight-3AM. WTF!

739 Messages

I have been a satisfied SimpliSafe customer for a decade, but the Base Alert scared me tonight. I was sleeping, and the low battery warning came out of nowhere. Of course, being "out of it," I immediately thought someone was attempting to break in (or had – I was on a different floor).


I am having a lot of issues at the moment, and the forum/community in its current state is of no help. There once was a time you could resolve problems here, but that time is no longer.

5 Messages

Indeed - 4am last night for me... very disturbing when you're asleep. Voice alerts need to be tied to daytime hours, or not at all. It would be great if the app provided alerts which clearly detailed which device needs a new battery, but sadly it does not.

54 Messages

1 year ago

Now that it is getting colder, we are receiving low battery alerts on some of our devices. 

Is it possible to have a feature NOT to notify us (voice) randomly during the middle of the night ??  If the system is working, I really don't want to get out of bed to change the batteries :-)  And with this in mind, it would be wonderful to receive an email alert in addition to the keypad notification for low battery alerts.  Thank you!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Suggestion - Low Battery alert



6.1K Messages

@mgbphoto 13+year customer with two generation of systems (SS2 and SS3) and I have never, ever used the voice or light features of the base. Why? Like the great war movie "run silent, run deep" the base unit is harder to find and destroyed if both the lights and voice prompts are off. Don't need them as I rely on push alerts for the minor stuff (like battery alerts) and the siren for the big ones (break in, smoke CO etc). Think about it and try that configuration. You may like it!

54 Messages

@captain11​ Thanks for your comments, we are also 10+ year users, but we prefer the voice and light confirmations, especially the sounds where the doors/windows open. We don't live by phone alerts. It would be a nice feature to be able to filter out specific alerts and how to receive them (app, email, voice, etc.). If the power goes out, we get alerts via multiple methods. Why can't we get that with a battery low? Uniformity of the alerts would be helpful and more streamlined. Thanks again.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @mgbphoto, 

At this time there is not a feature that allows you to schedule when the Base Station's voice prompts are on or not, but I will forward this request to our devs. And if you are subscribed to either our Fast Protect™ or Self Monitoring with Camera Recordings plans, there is the option to receive email notifications regarding your system.

54 Messages

@emily_s​ Thank you very much! Yes, we are subscribed- is there also a way to receive email alerts for battery issues? We receive alerts for everything else, but not low battery. Thank you!

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@mgbphoto​ If you have Warning email notifications enabled, you should receive an email when a camera's battery is low. The subject line of the emails say "Critical Battery", so I recommend searching that term in your inbox to ensure it isn't getting sent to a spam folder on accident.

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