‎Adjustable Setting for Base Station Light Brightness | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 1:05 PM


Adjustable Setting for Base Station Light Brightness

Is there a system setting to make the blue light on the base station less bright?  I noticed that my newly installed system is very visible through several windows in spite of being properly located away from windows in the center of the house.  It would be far less noticeable from the outside if the light was toned down a bit.  I do realize there is a setting to turn the light off completely, but it would be nice to just dim it to keep the light's functionality working.

2.2K Messages

5 years ago

Wrap it in a strip of translucent tape or cloth.

2 Messages

That's a good thought!  Thanks!

1 Message

4 years ago

Base station light is too bright.  I have the same question about being able to dim the light (not turn it off), but it seems there isn't an available answer.  Hopefully this issue will be addressed in the future.  Unfortunately that doesn't help us now.

Community Admin


1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi all,

Thanks for all of your feedback! We'll make sure to pass this feature request on to our engineering team.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

@simplisafe_admin​ So it's been 2 years I guess this isn't going to be fixed.

1 Message

it's been 4 years and still dimming the base light hasn't been fixed :-(

371 Messages

4 years ago

I have my lights turned off so noone gets in and unplugs it!

2 Messages

4 years ago

I have a suggestion for the SimpliSafe tech people.  Would it be possible to update the Base Station software so that we have the ability to dim the ring of light when it is on.  I like the idea of there being a light to see the status of the system but it is so bright at night that we have taken to draping a cloth over it while watching TV.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Base Station Light

2.8K Messages

Not likely that's ever going to happen.  You could instead, cover the light with a strip of colored window film (i.e. tinted film).



6.3K Messages

@chuckdenise57 another suggested approach: shut off all prompts and voice prompts and place in upstairs room hidden or in area not readily noticeable. I have had an SS2 base in no light, no sound status with a lamp shade over it and now the SS3 base sitting on a shelf in a back 2nd story bedroom.  No need to give an intruder an easy target.

35 Messages

You can turn the light off.

371 Messages

Does anyone know ...I always thought the light goes off when the alarm sound .. could someone verify this or did I dream it

Community Admin


1K Messages

Hi @dandyDons,

You are correct. When an alarm is triggered, the light on the base station will turn off in an attempt to make the base station less conspicuous. Once the alarm is disarmed after an alarm, however, the light will begin to flash red to alert the user to the recent alarm event.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

4 years ago

I also need this.  The light is much too bright at night in my small house.  I don't want to lose the functionality of the light by turning it off completely (although dandyDon has a point to consider...).

1 Message

3 years ago

I agree I need this feature too

1 Message

3 years ago

Please SimpliSafe - address this issue.  The base station is too too too bright.  There has to be a fix to this problem.  I want the light on - but not so bright.  Please help. 

1 Message

Fully agree. We just upgraded our equipment and were surprised at how bright the base station is when armed Home. Very disappointed that engineers at Simplisafe cannot address this seemingly simple issue.

1 Message

When will this be addressed by SimpliSafe??

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@jtrdla​ We have submitted this product request to our dev team and have an open ticket with them, but unfortunately at this we do not have any updates. Once we hear more from them, we will let everyone in this thread know.

1 Message

Had to move my base station so that it wouldn't keep disconnecting and reconnecting to my WiFi, and now, the bright blue light is definitely a problem.  Please ask the dev team to put a priority on the ticket so that this issue can be addressed!!  Thanks.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@kjcraw4d​ thank you for the feedback! We'll definitely forward to our dev team.

In the meantime, you do have the option of disabling the Base Station light entirely.

The option is in the SimpliSafe app, under My System > Base Station Settings.

You'd lose the indicator, but you can still see the correct status of your system on the SimpliSafe app and Keypad, and of course you'll hear the voice prompt when you arm and disarm.

1 Message

1 year ago

Yes SimpliSafe team please add me to the list.  I had to turn light off because at night in home it lights up the entire room outside my bedroom.  Blue light interrupts sleep.  It’s the newer base station and seems brighter than old version.  Meantime thanks everyone for all the great suggestions.  Might try a few to see what works.

1 Message

8 months ago

Please please please address this. Customers have been asking for this for years. You can adjust volumes and durations of various functions, it doesn’t seem like it would be too much to add the capability to adjust base station light brightness. I too like the light feature vs. completely off but it is far too bright. Again, this has been a common request for years. Please tell your customers you’re listening. 


We’d like to be able to see that the system is armed without having our entire bedroom lit up. Our old ADT system had a simple red LED to let us know this at a glance. Cmon please. 

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