‎In-App Panic Button | SimpliSafe Support Home

Friday, February 1st, 2019 11:42 PM


In-App Panic Button

I've seen that I'm not the first person to ask this, but is there any reason why the app doesn't have a panic or manual alarm button? I believe I saw that there are separate "panic button' fobs sold on the site, so the only reason I can see to not have it in the app is to boost sales of the fob. This seems like the type of thing companies like ADT and others would do. One of the reasons I decided to try out Simplisafe over updating my old system was the quality of the app and upsales like this the bigger companies like to slip in. Disappointing that customers have been asking for this for years and Simplisafe has done nothing. Makes me start to rethink just updating my old system.

Official Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

8 months ago

Hi all,

An update to the current status of this request, which we recognize is one of the most popular from our Community.

As of the time of this post, In-App and remotely enabled Panic has not been picked up for development by our engineering team. Because of the nature of how the Panic type alarm works, and how it integrates not just our hardware but also our Monitoring Service (specifically the response from our professional monitoring agents, which adheres to strict standards), it's not as simple as just adding the command within the app.

For now, we are leaving the status of this post as SUBMITTED. The more folks comment in this thread, the more we can show our dev team the demand!

1 Message

Forget a Panic in App button, if the connotation and codebase makes it difficult. It would be trivial to add a "sound alarm" button feature with long-press or confirmation to reduce false positives and that does not require all of the guardrails that a "panic" button might.  

1 Message

@davey_d​ I would like to see this function as well 

Also would like to see Alexia be able to trigger an instant alarm also in lieu of a request to either trigger for Home or Away modes. Thank you

1 Message

@davey_d​ I agree that this feature would be valuable - please add it asap. I like adrais1965's idea of having Alexa be ale to trigger the alarm instantly.  Thank you for listening and providing the request to your dev team.

2.2K Messages

6 years ago

It has nothing to do with fobs, which are only good "on site".  It has to do with the base unit does not have the function to set of an alarm from a remote request, only local sensors.  The code in SS2 is hard coded and can't be updated.  The code in SS3 is remotely updateable, but it is unknown if this function could be implemented with only a code change.  if not, it will never be included in SS3.  Maybe in SS4...

2 Messages

5 years ago

Perhaps this has already been mentioned in the forum, but I don't want to take the time to search through all of them to see.

I'd like to suggest the ability to hit a panic alarm from the app on my phone. I have the keypad, the key fobs and a few of the individual panic buttons. What if my wife is coming home and sees something going on at the house as she pulls up? Maybe they haven't broken in to activate the alarm yet? Maybe we forgot to set the alarm before we left? Or, what if we are away and see someone snooping around the house on the video cameras? There should be a way to use the app to activate a panic alarm and instantly set off the sirens, and prompt law enforcement dispatch.

Just a suggestion that I hope they will consider, if they aren't already.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Panic Button from App



6.3K Messages

@darinhamman this has been requested in the past and in my opinion a bit too prone to false alarms.  I do have three echo devices that I can say "Alexa, turn on house lights" and nine go on outside and inside the house to light it up like a Christmas tree. Yes, not as good a deterrent as a full alarm and sirens going off but still something.

2 Messages

5 years ago

I know this has been suggested numerous times and I think it is a great idea so wanted to add my suggestion as well - hopefully we can see it in an update soon. We need to be able to trigger the alarm from the app at the very least and I think an actual panic button option that alerts authorities with full alarm as well would be beneficial in case you are locked in your room and cannot access the keypad when an intruder comes. I'm surprised this has not been implemented yet - hope it gets worked into the app very soon!

Great product so far - works like a charm - very happy except for the above!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Panic Button or "Trigger Alarm" button on app

343 Messages

The number of times I have accidentally tapped the wrong button on an app...  I would hope that they would make something like this so that it could not be triggered accidentally.  Maybe make it so that it has to be tapped more than once or something like that.  I'd probably stop using the app if something like this was in easy reach.

1.2K Messages

My parents can't even answer their phone half the time.  While this would be a useful feature for some, it would be a complete disaster for many others.

6 Messages

I think there's a lot that could be added to the app!

10 Messages

5 years ago

When I was researching SimplySafe I called sales and asked how the cameras worked in conjunction with monitoring.

I was told I could install a camera outside if I also purchased and installed the outdoor kit.

I was told that camera motion events do not trigger a monitoring event and that once I was notified on my phone that the camera had captured motion and I wanted to have SimplySafe call the police, I could hit a button on the phone app and this would happen.

I have called SimplySafe customer support twice now and they are telling me that this functionality is not available.

I wanted to reach out to the community to find out if anyone has a different opinion or advice on how to do that.

Also, I would not recommend the SimplySafe camera to be installed outdoors (with outdoor kit), as I don't think works very well and I think there are other cameras out there that will do a better job for less money (cameras are $100 and outdoor kit is another $25 so you are paying $125 for an outdoor camera that is not comparable to other $125 outdoor cameras).

1.2K Messages

I don't find that feature very useful personally.  If you are watching a breakin on your camera live why can't you just dial 911?  I also think a panic button on the app would lead to a TON of false alarms which would be bad on many levels.  Some people can handle their phones properly, but many people like my parents who cannot answer their phone half the time would have no business having a panic button on it.  

Your comment about the SS cam outdoors I agree with.  There are some VERY good options for a little bit more money.  My cameras can pick up the stars at night.

Also, you're new here, but it's spelled Simplisafe.  :)

248 Messages

Dialing 911 while in a different state, area code, country, or even town will not help when you see an intruder on the camera in your home.  They are still not as interconnected as the $trillions spent since 9/11 would have you believe.  Best to have the direct, ordinary phone number of your home police force on speed dial.

4 Messages

4 years ago

Would it be possible to integrate an in app panic button to the system? Large dogs trigger motion sensors and it's impossible to protect every window against breakage and opening. An in app panic button would be helpful if the camera captures motion and we see something while we're away from home. The cameras aren't exactly loud enough to cause intruders to panic.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled In app Panic Button

2.2K Messages

Actually, it would be a unique dwelling indeed where it would be "impossible" to protect every window against both breakage and opening.  Difficult, maybe, but impossible is a word we don't like to use because so  often we can be proven wrong.

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

Hi there,

While an in-app Panic Button is not currently a feature, your input has been sent to our dev team.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

Seven, you have to run for political office. If I lived in your district, you would have my vote. If only our elected leaders thought the same.

2.2K Messages

As I understand it, to run for political office, you tell all the bad stuff about your opponent (and make up some if there is not enough), and say nothing whatever about your own vision for the position.  Sorry, I could not bear to be involved with that sort of behavior.



6.3K Messages

@sevensiamesecats excellent acceptance speech, with the reasons people would vote for you...

2 Messages

4 years ago

SimpliSafe, you should create the function of being able to manually activate the outdoor siren(s) via the app. It would be a great option to deter a criminal if observed or identified. Having the ability to turn them on and off manually for both the old and new systems. Is this something that could be developed?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled On Demand Outdoor Siren Option

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

Hi @jw61097,

Thanks so much for your suggestion. We take all of our customer's feedback seriously and will be sending this to our dev team to consider.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

4 years ago

You should be able to sound your siren from the app like a panic button. For example what if you see someone on your front door cam or outdoor cameras snooping around your house when you're not home. It would be nice to have the ability to sound your sirens from the app to scare off unwanted intruders.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Suggestion: Remotely Trigger Panic

2.2K Messages

It would be nice, but SS does not have this, and there is no indication that they will have this, or when.

So, look to other companies.  For instance, internet controlled outlets are available, so you could install one with a siren or bell plugged in, and voila.  You see something on your outdoor cameras, you turn on the remote outlet and away they scurry.

4 years ago

cx= whynot297@yahoo.com
would like to see a panic button on the phone app. one that is disability friendly
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled panic button on the phone app

5 Messages

3 years ago

I was alerted to movement by outdoor cameras while remote and found there were people on the property trying to get into the house  I discovered then that there is no obvious way via the app or website to set off the alarm.  Am I missing some way to trigger the system alarm remotely similar to the panic button or  is a break-in/indoor device trigger required for an alarm to be sounded?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Remotely triggering an alarm



6.3K Messages

@simpli_9GFS2Y currently, there is no remote way to set off an alarm, by design. It has been requested by many but as of yet not done by Simplisafe. I can understand the heistancy by SS for numerous reasons, however, in your scenario I have asked SS for the ability to sound the siren(s) upon demand within the camera inteface, whether the doorbell pro, simplicam or the new outdoor cameras.

Johnny M, want to pass on, again, to the dev team?

113 Messages

I could see a use for a type of remote/panic button in the app.  What about a "siren test" button in the app that would sound the siren without triggering a call from the monitoring center?  I mean, you are just being proactive to prevent a break-in, and if that does occur then the alarm is triggered as it normally would.  As a workaround, you could maybe get an extra entry sensor, use a cheap PTZ web cam, attach a string to wrap around the camera and the other end to the magnet.  See if turning the camera would pull the magnet away from the sensor.  You could get fancy with relays and servos, but there are some cheap cameras available and it gives you an extra view.  Not ideal, but if it's a function you NEED...



6.3K Messages

@hondaman88 great clariiication, and that was exactly what I meant and intended. The ability to sound the siren in many instances is what you would use, not a full alarm state.

5 Messages

Thanks for the response. Were I not paying them for monitoring and protection I might be inclined to argue the merits of their hesitancy.   However my desire to alert them of a situation based upon their own device detections should be no different than if I were standing on the property with the keyfob in my hand.  They could cancel the service of customers they felt were too nervous or alerting without decent corroboration.

Im now lead to wonder if I actually call the monitoring center if I will discover that only cancellation of alarms are possible and my reporting of verifiable recorded trespass will be ignored.

113 Messages

Well, their alarm system is designed for a building/residence and not a "property".  While it's creepy as heck and disturbing to say the least to have someone walking around your house and looking in windows or even trying a door to see if it's locked, they are only guilty of trespassing.  So there may be a legal boundary where a security system is involved.  Once they break a window or force open a door, then that's a different story and also where the alarm system should respond.  You could try the two-way audio to alert the trespassers that they are on camera and you will be notifying the police yourself.  Call your local non-emergency number and ask for an officer to check on the house or at least to a drive-by (throw some search lights on the property).

One of the first results when searching online:

Burglary and Criminal Trespassing are two different crimes that involve unlawfully entering or being present on another's property. However, from a legal standpoint, the two are defined very differently. The consequences of each act also vary depending upon local laws. Read on to learn about the differences between burglary and criminal trespassing:

Definitions of Burglary and Criminal Trespassing
Burglary is the entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft. The crime of burglary is very specific. At its purest definition, it means a person illegally entered a property with the ‚ÄØintent to commit a crime. For instance, if a person picks a lock or breaks a window to enter a house with the intention to steal jewelry and money, this is a burglary.

Here's another example, if someone entered an unlocked door with the intention of causing harm to a person inside, this too is a form of burglary. According to the ‚ÄØU.S. Bureau of Justice, the four types of burglary are: Completed burglary, forcible entry, unlawful entry without force, and attempted forcible entry. If authorities arrest a person for burglary, the charge could range from a misdemeanor to a felony.

Criminal Trespassing
Criminal trespassing is intentionally entering, or remaining on, someone else's property without their explicit authorization. It's also defined by when a person intrudes or remains on someone else's property without their permission; it is considered a criminal offense. Like burglary, the key word here also is‚ÄØ intent.‚ÄØ To meet this criterion and be considered to be unlawful, the person must have:

Knowingly gone onto the property without authorization

Remained on the property after learning their presence is unwelcome

Owner specifically directed visitors are unwanted and was ignored (i.e., a posted sign, fence around the property, verbal statement, or a locked structure)

Accidentally wandering around someone's wooded property isn't deliberate and would not be considered criminal trespass but traipsing through their woods to go deer hunting after reading a "no trespassing' sign would be. Most of the time, criminal trespass is an infraction or misdemeanor, however, there are some states that consider it to be a felony. If any‚ÄØ damage is done to the property during the trespass, the consequences are typically more severe.

Key Differences
To charge a person with burglary, law enforcement must be able to demonstrate they intended to commit a crime when they knowingly entered someone's property. They typically do this by establishing circumstantial evidence and showing the person threatened or harmed a person or had stolen goods in their possession. On the other hand, while criminal trespass is also committed with intention, the key difference is that it doesn't necessarily have to be with an intention to commit a crime. Just the sheer fact of‚ÄØ being there without authorization‚ÄØis enough to warrant criminal trespass.

Other Things to Know
Most burglars try to determine if an alarm is present before attempting a burglary, and empirically, a clearly visible security system deters them from further illegal activity or malintent.

Source: https://brinkshome.com/smartcenter/burglary-versus-criminal-trespassing

20 Messages

3 years ago


Is there a way to activate the panic button from the app?

The reason I ask is that having 3 cats, I've never been able to get the motion sensors to not trigger a false alarm, so I have them set to "personal alert". I regularly peek in on the house using a couple of SS cameras, and if I see something that's not right I would like to be able to trigger the alarm remotely. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Using panic button remotely from app?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi slugbait,

This does seem to be a common feature that folks are looking for. Right now, no, the only way to trigger a Panic Alarm is to press one of the physical buttons while you're physical onsite. The reasoning is that the Panic signal isn't just a way to trigger the siren right away. It also changes the protocol for our Monitoring operators, since they're assuming that someone is on the premises and needs assistance right away.

In the scenario that you describe, however, where you're able to see that an intruder is at your home, we would really suggest that you dial 911 yourself, to get law enforcement to your home as soon as possible.

2 Messages

What if you are out of state or country? You can’t call 911 since you are not in the same area as your house. This happened to me before when I was on vacation. Have you guys ever think about that? I was basically SOL. 

Community Admin


71 Messages



If you need to call the police and do not have access to 911, I'd recommend calling your home's local police department directly. 

2 Messages

@XCPX​ I worked as a 911 operator before my current job. You can 100% call 911 anywhere in the US and tell them where the emergency is and they can connect you to the proper call center. 911 centers have a database of contact information for the centers across the nation and I believe Canada at minimum. 

2 Messages

@davey_d​ - is that true? I did a google search for "simplisafe trigger alarm from app" and found plenty of results for people across platforms (this forum, Twitter, reddit) asking for this same feature. 

Last night our home was broken into and our system didn't trigger an alarm but we saw the intruder through the motion detection on our outdoor camera and wanted to trigger the alarm to scare them away. We called 911 right away but it took 10+  minutes to get through to dispatch. 

Why is there such an insistance from simplisafe that this isn't a feature customers want when it clearly is? There is a clear use-case and other platforms have this functionality.

15 Messages

3 years ago

ive seen people asking for this for the last 3 years and i feel its absolutely necessary. the option to trigger the alarm/ panic button in app. simply put, a button on the dashboard that says "set off alarm"---"are you home?"---"yes or no"---(either selection should have) "set off alarm and alert emergency dispatch" or "set off alarm only, do not notify emergency dispatch" ... by asking if were home or not it will help simpli determine more high risk situations and appropriately notify dispatch if someone is home or not. this would help deter break in without having to get the police involved as well as benefit those who dont own a panic button or key fob or those who are not in a position to access there's safely in the event of a break in.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled In app panic button

5 Messages

3 years ago

why don't you have the ability to setoff the alarm from the APP?  If i am notified from my camera that an intruder is on my property i should be able to setoff the alarm, before they break into my home.  It makes no sense that this feature is not available.

Or offer other products that are APP driven, like turning on and off lights?  I can turn the alarm on and off, seems like the ability to activate lights would also be an option?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Set off alarm from app

9 Messages

2 years ago

Can panic button be activated from app? If so, how?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Panic button in app

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi @diana ,

At this time, no. The system is currently designed so that an alarm can only be generated by the equipment at the location - either the sensors, or one of the physical panic buttons.

But we'll keep you updated if the function is ever added to the app.

750 Messages

Until there's an option in the mobile app I'm going to continue to share this extremely out of the box and hackish solution that uses 3rd party hardware and software to provide the functionality you're looking for @diana ! :) Please note that I make no claims about how well this works and it's obviously not supported at all.

There are a number of devices that you can buy that can be remotely triggered to literally extend a small "arm" to press a button. (They exist so you can apply "smart" features to "dumb" hardware.) One such option is the SwitchBot Switch Button Pusher but other options exist. You could, in theory, buy one of these as well as a SimpliSafe panic button and set up the button pusher to literally push the panic button for you. Again, this is not an elegant solution but it's a solution that may work for you until this option exists in the software.

Seriously @davey_d , when are y'all gonna give me a regular spot on a guest blog so I can share my many awesome ideas like this to your your customers who are hungry for solutions! :)

6 Messages

I can't believe there is no panic button in the App. All I can think of is this is a shameless way to sell the physical panic buttons for $24.99 each. Don't you all have any shame though? If someone enters my home thru the door next to my keypad, what should I do?? The only thing I can think of is to set the alarm to away and allow it to go off with the motion sensors after it takes 30 seconds to arm. 

If you really cared about your customers safety you would include those panic fobs or configure a panic button in the app. As of now it seems you're more interested in $24.99.

I am currently looking at other home security companies and a panic button in the app is worth more $/month than not having it with Simpli(not)safe. 

740 Messages


As you already noted, there is a panic button on the Keypad. With the previous generation (SS2) and SS3, I purchased multiple Key Fobs (not for the panic buttons, but for guests). I also bought a stand-alone Panic Button (and I need to buy another). Other users have extra Keypads for their bedrooms (more than I ever imagined), so the button is available in emergency scenarios. 

Everyone has different desires, but I have never wanted a Panic Button within the app. I know I may be in the minority, but I rarely use it (I will check the app when away from home – I never arm/disarm the system with it). I can only speak for myself, but I seldom have my cell phone near me. So a physical button is far quicker to engage than the app. My worry is it would take too long for the app to load or that I would press it accidentally. But I do see your need and point.

4 Messages

Doesn't the duress PIN function as the equivalent of a panic button in the app?

3 Messages

2 years ago

I'd like to suggest the ability to hit a panic alarm from the app on my phone.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Panic Alarm

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@thomasmorrison​ Thank you for this suggestion! This feature has been requested before, so I've gone ahead and merged your post into this pre-existing thread. We have submitted this suggestion to our dev team. Once we get any news, an update will be provided in this thread. 

2 Messages

My home alarm (not Simplisafe) has a remote panic in the app. See attached picture.


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