‎Suggestion: Remotely Trigger Panic | SimpliSafe Support Home

Thursday, October 15th, 2020 4:10 AM


Suggestion: Remotely Trigger Panic

You should be able to sound your siren from the app like a panic button. For example what if you see someone on your front door cam or outdoor cameras snooping around your house when you're not home. It would be nice to have the ability to sound your sirens from the app to scare off unwanted intruders.

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In-App Panic Button

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

It would be nice, but SS does not have this, and there is no indication that they will have this, or when.

So, look to other companies.  For instance, internet controlled outlets are available, so you could install one with a siren or bell plugged in, and voila.  You see something on your outdoor cameras, you turn on the remote outlet and away they scurry.
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