199 Messages
System Disarmed Master Pin via Keypad - but no one entered Pin
Tonight, my wife and I were sitting in our sunroom and I received this notification at 7:24PM: "system disarmed Master pin via keypad." The problem is that no one entered the pin in the keypad. I am also the only one that knows the master pin. (I've told my wife, but she never uses it).
I called technical support and they said everything is working fine with my system and if the problem continues they can replace my base station.
I don't know if this this makes a difference, but earlier in the evening, my wife turned on the oven and forgot that there was a plastic cake pan in it. We turned off the oven and removed the pan, but not before the smoke alarms went off. Apparently, my wife likes to test the smoke detectors every couple years. :) We received a call from the monitoring center within seconds - fantastic response time.
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
@mdolfan ,
When you had the fire alarm, I'm assuming you used the Keypad then to cancel it? Does that show up in the log? It could be that, but somehow confirmed by your Base Station way later (which by itself would need further investigation from our lab).
The other thing I could think of is an old issue where you might get a "disarm" voice prompt if your Base Station had recently downloaded a firmware update. It wasn't actually disarming (and indeed, you'd only get it if the system was already disarmed), but was part of the system checking if it the update was ready to install. But that odd behavior should have been resolved way back in Firmware Update 2.3.
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@mdolfan Greetings, long time no hear. Glad you are back on the boards! Hmm, old term for the old forums, but since I'm old, I am going on the basis you will forgive me. :-)
I have experienced this a few times over the years, and for those times, except one, eventually I get to identify the culprit as me, all ten thumbs. What you described is similar to one instance that I couldn't explain why it occurred. In my case, the log said I armed the system with my master PIN to home, and then the system went off while we were having dinner a minute later. Possibly, I told SS tech supervisor, my fumbling with my smartphone around that time I had accidentally armed it. I would make a note of the event and do a follow-up in about a month and see if it happens again. A base replacement for the sake of doing something doesn't seem to me as a good thing for anybody. Have a great week!
199 Messages
3 years ago
Thanks for the replies.
I did not cancel the fire alarm through the keypad since I had already received a call from the monitoring center. My system is updated to the most recent firmware. I'm not sure when I did the update, but it has been a while.
Also, I don't think I mentioned this, but my alarm was not even set when I received the "system disarmed" notification.
13 Messages
2 years ago
@mdolfan did you ever figure out why that happened? it happened to me twice today (along with 2 false fire alarms). thanks.
1 Message
1 year ago
The exact same situation happened to me tonight - fire alarm earlier in the night, then disabled by pin sometime later in the evening. Must be a bug.