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Wednesday, July 20th, 2022 5:03 PM

Simplisafe sticker or sign

Just wondering if you advertise that you are protected by SS or any other system on your doors or a sign in your garden area or yard.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@muttjunky no advertising for SS on my property.  Kept up a few of my ADT/Brinks stickers from 10+ years ago and purchased a very nice generic sign for the front. With the video doorbell and outdoor cameras, if someone kepts up close they know I have SS but I don't go out of my way to advertise it. On the flip side, I know over a dozen customers who proudly display the Simplisafe logo on the nice expandable stake that was shipped with their systems!

If you are interested, you can use the search tool in the community to find many threads on this topic and the reasons why people fall in to the sign, no sign and "someone else's sign or generic sign" camps.

7 Messages

3 years ago

Thanks much captain11 

31 Messages

2 years ago

I purchased a generic sign from eBay when I installed my previous self-monitored system.  I recently made the switch to SS and I'm keeping the generic sign out.  I don't want to give the bad guys any help in knowing what they're up against.

56 Messages

2 years ago

I have my old ADT signs and some old ADT stickers... that's what I use.  I want people to know there's an alarm.. they don't need to know which one.

1 Message

2 years ago

Does SS still have window stickers available.  The ones I put on my windows are now deteriorated.

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6.3K Messages

@boneyardmanab​ Stickers and sign with stake are available. I don't use either, now or over the past 10 years. Have a generic sign in the front and an old Brinks sticker in the back. Years ago this topic was discussed at length and fell into the no sign, SS sign or generic or competitor sign camps. I am in the latter.

31 Messages

Bought a generic sign when I had my old GE Simon XT system.  Still use the generic sign, and no stickers.

1.1K Messages

2 years ago

I have 4 simplisafe signs around my home and simplisafe decals on windows on every corner of the house, I even have a simplisafe sticker on my mailbox. I am not worried one bit because I had a vivint sales guy come to my house one day and tried to fill my head full of crap saying I see you have simplisafe, I can get in your home with this little device so I said go ahead and I will arm it and even leave the door unlocked and that window unlocked so he pushes the button on it and yes he was able to block the window sensor but soon as his head got in the motion sensor 2 of them caught him and alarm went off and the extra siren was right above his head so he jumped back out and ran and said sorry to have bothered you and have a nice day. He could not block all my sensors plus I have 10 cameras so I'm not worried and I will have simplisafe signs up all over I just wished they were made out ofa better material like metal lol

1 Message

1 month ago

Does anyone know- if I put ss window decals in  my widow - can I easily peel them off afterwards if I want to or will they need to be scraped off? Also, sign v no sign -.I would always go for a visible warning sign. In general, and in my experience (a police officer for 39 years,) burglars are looking for an easy target. Unless they are looking for something that you have, in your house in particular, then any house in a neighbourhood is much the same as another in respect of stealable goods. They don't normally look for what alarm system a property has, they just look for the house a couple of doors down that doesn't have any alarm system at all the easiest target.They also dislike targeting property with dogs - as a Rotwiler can often leave a lasting, traumatic, memory - along with a few bite marks! 😁



6.3K Messages

@petebg Like the dog comment...as far as the decals, they stick on to stay but can be scrapped off.   We still have an old Brinks and an ADT sticker on our back doors that date back over a dozen years. On the front of the house is a very nice generic sign, but the two outdoor cameras (front and back) plus the doorbell make it pretty obvious we have an alarm system.  Of course you can guess what camp of the sign discussion I fall into. If you do a search in the community, you will see many threads extensively staking out all of the different thoughts on this topic.

One other item: Active Guard monitoring. I had it for a week and is awesome, effective and worth every penny, however, current SS mandated software config had me downgrade my plan back to Core (formerly FastProctect). If and when SS changes the config I will upgrade again.  This now makes me realize I need to do a separate post and explain why.

Happy holidays to you and your family!


1.1K Messages

@captain11​ could you explain why? I had it as well but just downgraded because I could not afford the $80 a month price tag. Is it because they make you get the version 2 cameras fpr this to work? If so I completely understand that asim not buying more(special cameras) for this to work when I already have 6 of the original outdoor cameras. 

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