‎New Outdoor Camera wake time is SO Slow | Page 4 | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 3:36 AM


New Outdoor Camera wake time is SO Slow

Why does it take SO LONG for the New Outdoor Cam to wake up? It can take 5-10 sec. I've read many people post about the same thing.
This means that when motion is triggered it catches the "end of the act" if at all.

Thanks for your patience. SimpliSafe is hard at work on improvements to camera performance in response to your feedback. Outdoor Camera Firmware 1.10 (September 2022) is out now, and more are on the way.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

KNOWN ISSUE: Outdoor Camera Delay

105 Messages

2 years ago

Working with customer support but still no answer. I believe I'm done with SimpliSafe. While working with support I have had more system problems. I cannot trust this system anymore! $2000 down the drain and no answers from SimpliSafe. BUYERS BEWARE!!!

5 Messages

2 years ago

The only issue I’ve noticed that concerns me some is the wasted time waiting for the camera to wake and then connect. To be truly effective it should be instant.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Delay in waking and connecting

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@rdkautto​ thanks for the feedback. This is a known issue that our Camera engineering team has been laser focused on. We've made great strides over the past couple of firmware updates, but work on further optimization is ongoing.

In the meantime, there's a few things you can try on your end to improve connectivity. For example, if at all possible, we recommend moving your Base Station closer to the side of the house where your camera is installed. The Outdoor Camera goes into a deep sleep state to save battery when not in use, and that requires linking up with the Base Station. So strengthening that link between them can help significantly.

You can also find helpful tips for improving connectivity in general here on our Help Center.

5 Messages

My comment was about the beta INDOOR camera. I don’t have an outdoor camera.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@rdkautto, anything regarding your experience with the Smart Alarm Wireless Indoor Camera can be posted in the Beta Community. You should have received an email with a link to join.  

4 Messages

2 years ago

I am stunned that this is still an issue, I just purchased a new system and noticed how long it takes these outdoor camera to wake. It completely defeats their purpose. I am seriously considering the usage of their indoor cameras as outdoor cameras until they fix this issue, or taking my business elsewhere.

It should be so simple, if the camera is powered via solar panel or AC, the camera should not go into deep sleep. This should be an option in the software for us to suspend deep sleep when powered externally. 

Thank goodness I am still in the return window......

764 Messages

2 years ago

@grinchyy I believe I saw a SS post there is not longer any of the outdoor protection sleeve for the original outdoor camera.  Not sure there still is a way to use these cameras outdoors.

4 Messages

2 years ago

It’s 2023 and my outdoor camera is powered wired.  Takes a very long time to wake and turn it on.

28 Messages

2 years ago

My problem is not only the length of time it takes to start streaming but also how it often times out when you try to view the camera.

It's impossible to tell whether it's going to time out or it's just taking a long time to wake up.

All stream tests are good, better than -60dB and all over 14mbit...

But I am for sure this is the case every time:

1. I get a motion detection alert.

2. I go into the app and try to view the camera

3. It just sits there spinning then times out.

4. I can try again and it may or may not show the live video.

5. If I try the recorded video it says "processing" or failed.

Anyone else have the same issue?

5 Messages

2 years ago

@davey_d How can i update the software? the current camera version is v1.15.3.387 but the keypad says the system is up to date? it's only recording for 13 seconds and often doesn't start until 10+ seconds after detecting motion. this is absurd.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@duba024 the cameras and the Base Station have separate firmware. The cameras are updated automatically, so there's no need to do anything on your side, and also there's no way to prompt it. But version 1.15 is already the latest version of the Outdoor Camera, which is rolling out now.


Our engineering team is very aware of lag issues for many users, as reported by our Community in this thread. But you may also be having connectivity issues on your end that prevent your camera from working properly. We do have some troubleshooting steps that may help here.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Yuck. Same issue. Takes minutes to "wake up" my cameras most times. Eventually get the "your camera is disconnected" issue. After switching cameras and going back it finally figures it out. I have a mesh network and fiber internet connection. It's definitely not my network.

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