2 Messages
arming with open sensor
Just came home and backdoor was open despite alarm having been armed Away. Realized the base station voice calls out an open sensor, but if you are arming Away outside the home, there doesn't seem to be any sort of alert or notification for trying to arm with a sensor open.
Am I missing anything or is this a gigantic gap in functionality? Thanks!
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
2 years ago
Hi @bententious ,
The Base Station does give a verbal warning for an open Entry Sensor, though of course it will allow the system to arm anyway. This is an intentional feature, in case you wanted to leave a window or door open on purpose.
However, if you have a Smart Lock set to lock behind you when the system is armed, you'll get a notification if it didn't lock successfully.
6 Messages
2 years ago
there needs to be some warning when armed (home/away) with sensor open.
1 Message
2 years ago
I just had this same experience. Terrible feature. Bad enough that I may switch to another system.
2 Messages
2 years ago
I have had three other systems. All would not arm with an open door or window unless you did a "bypass" on the open sensor. I believe the way SimpliSafe does this could actually be dangerous. Please add a bypass feature.
3 Messages
2 years ago
All the contributors above are correct and the SS staff is wrong. A system must never be allowed by the software to arm with an open sensor. If a window must be kept open its sensor should be disabled or an attribute of "non-critical" or "bypassed" should be created for it.
The system should POLL the sensors at the moment the user tries to arm the system, post an ALERT to all controllers (KP, website, phone app, base station) that the system is SECURE and ready to be armed, but it must STOP without proceeding to countdown if a sensor is open as a result of the poll just taken. The user can correct or disable a sensor as desired, and start over.
Never assume that an open sensor is intentional. The default should be that all non-disabled sensors must closed for the system to arm.
3 Messages
2 years ago
I can’t arm the system Does the base unit change from green to red when unit is armed ? It I don’t hear that system is armed ??
please have one of your techs advise me
2 Messages
2 years ago
It makes no sense for the system to still arm with an open window or door
why would somebody would want to arm a house leaving doors and windows open im seriously thinking i made a mistake switching from adt to this company
they need to change this
1 Message
2 years ago
This is by definition NOT SECURE and SimpliSafe should be ashamed to call it a feature! I'm dropping the service I have at three locations if this isn't fixed!
5 Messages
1 year ago
I recently had my sliding door open (with an entry sensor open) and my wife was able to arm the Home mode. This was a surprise to us! I didn’t hear the base station warned about the open sensor, nor did I see any message on the keypad when I turned it back to the off mode. To me, the system did nothing about the open sensor!
SimpliSafe calls this a feature which I strongly disagree!
Since the app can configure if a sensor should be armed in various modes, logically, an open sensor to be armed in that specified mode should cause the arming action to fail unless it’s explicitly bypassed or excluded.
SimpliSafe: please change this behavior and refuse to arm the system unless the sensor is bypassed (the needed bypass feature is yet to be implemented)!
This is not a feature to win you a business, but rather a weakness for your competitors to use against you!
2 Messages
1 year ago
@davey_d Why not send an alert to my phone if I turn the alarm on with an open entry sensor?
3 Messages
1 year ago
This is a huge flaw that they know about and refuse to fix. They also have issues with sensors not working intermittently but have no solution. Don’t think they’re trying to hard on that either.
4 Messages
1 year ago
Have just read this as part of my product research, and decided not to buy. A big motivation for me is to have something to make sure doors/windows are shut when leaving the house, given that the highest risk of break in is leaving an open window. An audible announcement on a base station located on the other side of the house isn't going to do it - especially if we arm via keyfob after the front door is closed (likely).
6 Messages
7 months ago
I've just bought the simplisafe alarm system and came across this thread while installing as I hit the same issue.. I expected to see warnings and it refuse to set the alarm with the kitchen door wide open.
HOW do we raise this concern to more than "it's designed this way" to be a critical bug