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Monday, November 22nd, 2021 10:31 AM

Water sensor and options

Thank you simplisafe.  I installed a water sensor at the main sewer line and it saved me from a sewage backup in the basement.  I love the fact that it triggers you to call me but if I am unavailable then a call to police or firehouse would create a ton of damage to my property for them to gain access.  I think an option should be given to customer on how we are contacted in regards to this sensor.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@pitalyne  I am pretty sure only you and your contact list are called for water and temp conditions, not the police or fire dept undering the monitoring plans.  What I am hoping to see in the near future is SS either releasing on their own, or through a joint effort with a 3rd party, an option to have the water turned off automatically if a water sensor is set off.

@Davey, I did not find the answer to this in the Help Center.  Please add article (unless I missed it) Who is contacted for each sensor type?

Enviornmental etc

750 Messages

3 years ago

I am pretty sure only you and your contact list are called for water and temp conditions, not the police or fire dept undering the monitoring plans

This is 100% correct per https://support.simplisafe.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036466511-What-does-Professional-Monitoring-protect-against-What-happens-during-an-alarm- which states:

When an Environmental sensor is triggered (Water and Temperature), the monitoring service will call both Primary Contacts to notify them. Environmental alarms do not result in dispatch regardless of whether you answer the phone or not. This is just a notification call from the monitoring center.

I can also confirm from my own personal experience.

I can also confirm that the FD has been out once when I wasn't home for a false alarm and they don't just smash down your door and scour the house for a fire. They'll check windows, doors, etc. to see if there's evidence of a fire and then proceed from there. Or at least that's been my experience. It would be wildly irresponsible and expensive if they just busted down doors every time a fire alarm went off. :)
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