‎Visual Verification: Agents dispatch on sight? | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Saturday, February 6th, 2021 8:46 PM


Visual Verification: Agents dispatch on sight?

While responding to another post, the customer's question made me think of another for the Simplisafe Social Team.

If a customer opts in for Visual Verification, and if the security system is in "Away mode", why can't the monitoring company, upon seeing someone, just dispatch? Possibly another setting, but if no one is at home, alarm goes off and someone is seen on camera, my answer will be "dispatch please!"

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

Some people have pet sitters, cleaners, etc come by when they are gone.

And such authorized people have been known to mess up with the alarm.



6.3K Messages

Good point, but, as an opt in I would do it. Also, would expand my original post to be either mode, or both.

In my situation in home mode, all 3 simplicams cover the entire 1st floor, we sleep on the 2nd floor and the entry/exit delay for home mode is 0/0.  As you can see, we don't expect anyone on our first floor.  Admittedly, the risk  of false alarms in general would be too high, so in real situations not practical. Walking through it again,  I yield.

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

Me too, as I don't have anyone who should be here when we are not.  But it must be opt in (not default) and easy to opt out and back in to handle all cases.
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