2 Messages
Redesign Key Fob so it's harder to accidentally arm/disarm
Accidental arming/disarming of remote is irritatingly easy by coins, keys etc. in pocket. SimpliSafe needs to redesign this remote to alleviate this issue. Luckily, the panic button can be disabled.
2 Messages
4 years ago
On the issue of the video door bell, there is no bracket for the camera to turn horizontally, only a bracket for a 10 degree movement vertically. The competition such as Ring, offers an excellent video bell with an appropriate bracket for horizontal movement.
2 Messages
9 months ago
makerper.com is an etsy shop that has fob cases that help with accidental presses.
2 Messages
9 months ago
New user here. I added the key fob to my keychain a week ago, and already twice it has alarmed my system from within my pocket, unintentionally.
I had a key fob with my prior alarm system, and in 8 years, that never happened. s
I might buy a 3d printed "cover", like the one 3DPrintZ mentioned. It's a hard sleeve that you slip over the fob, which effectively makes the buttons more recessed. Unfortunately that will add bulk on all sides. And having to spend $32.36 (2 covers + shipping) right out of the gate to rectify a design problem with the fob -- that I see here was reported 3 years ago -- is not making me happy about my switch to SS.