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6.3K Messages

Friday, September 22nd, 2023 6:09 PM


Expand SimpliSafe to IOT

It appears our friends at Amazon are starting to increase pricing and/or reduce features across their product portfolio. While some are not related to security, one definitely is. Here is a recap:

*For Prime Members, Prime Video is getting ads! Want no adds? Get ready to pony up more coin....

*Free returns are vanishing with fees being imposed.  Boo

and, finally, for those with Amazon Echo devices, Amazon Guard is being phased out, including the free features and being replaced with Amazon Emergancy, starting at $5.99 a month.

All in all, not happy with any of this and, for the first time since 2002, questioning my yearly ever increasing expenditure to be a prime member.

Simplisafe: the above should be considered a marketing opportunity that Simplisafe can monetize.  Create and sell YOUR gateway that can turn on my IoT devices to light up my house like a Christmas tree in an alarm state. Either add value to the most expensive Gucci plan and have more customers sign up for it, or, charge an additonal fee.

Others, what do you think?  Simplisafe, what do you think?

248 Messages

1 year ago

Amazon is entering phase 2 of the Ensh*tification cycle:  Abuse the users/customers for the benefit of the business and partners.

With the multiple monitoring fee increases, one could argue SS is also entering phase 2. 

Just wait for the 3rd-party ads in the app!



6.3K Messages

@simplistuckon​ I do hope you are incorrect on 3rd party ads. I have already given SS grief for "surveys" and other garbage popups in the app. They could hamper proper use of the app espeically when the user needs it the most, like alarm conditions, viewing cameras etc.  Must admit they have been receptive so far to keep garbage off the app.

To emphasize the obvious, Simplisafe, you will note from my original post to this thread that I am politely (although not subtly) requesting a response.  Thank you.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @captain11, 

This suggestion has been submitted to our dev team. Once we heard back from them, we'll provide an update in this thread.



6.3K Messages

@emily_s​ Thank you for submitting my request. From your lips to the ears of the dev team. :-)



6.3K Messages

Just saw another "classic" move by Amazon.   Does make you wonder where this exec went to school for his degree and common sense...but he definately gets a "+" for honesty.  A subscription fee for using your Echo devices?  Bye bye, see ya.....


Another reasion for a SS gateway....with IoT plugs and switches too?


248 Messages

1 year ago

I do not want my alarm system connected to any "IoT" system. 

Good OPSEC requires it to be isolated from that... "stuff".



3 Messages

I agree 100%. It's bad enough that my doorbell is connected to wifi. I'd prefer an ethernet hard-wired doorbell, but I'm not the one who purchased my SimpliSafe model.


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