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Keypad panic button going off by itself, repeatedly
Last night at 2:10am the panic button on the main keypad was triggered, although no one pressed it. I set the system to Off, and the audible alarm stopped. It then proceeded to fire repeatedly, leaving me no choice, once I fended off all the calls from the monitoring center, but to remove the batteries from the keypad. Then it stopped, thank god. After about a dozen false alarms.
Has anyone else seen or heard of this?
I suspect the first answer will be that, hey, the hardware went bad. Somehow I doubt this.
I'm about to call the support line.
Has anyone else seen or heard of this?
I suspect the first answer will be that, hey, the hardware went bad. Somehow I doubt this.
I'm about to call the support line.
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
Exact issue woke us 30 minutes ago. The kitchen keypad panic was literally triggering the alarm while I was still on the phone with monitoring from the time before standing in front of the keypad. Of course, monitoring can’t help other than to disable monitoring and customer service isn’t open at night so we had no choice except to remove the batteries from our keypads and base station. I guess I’ll be calling first thing in the morning.
1 Message
2 years ago
I just had the same issue. Multiple panic triggers from one of the keypads. Rep disconnected the keypad from the base and had me reconnect it. I also measured the batteries and they were low (1.2vdc). The keypad was not reporting low batteries.
I replaced the batteries with a nice fresh set and it’s been 12 hours and no new panics. The rep did say she had seen that before (panics caused by keypad having low batteries). We’ll see
PS. She didn’t say anything about replacing f the keypad which is about 2 to 3 years old.
3 Messages
2 years ago
We have been experiencing this problem for over a year now. Most of this time has been spent with the batteries out of the keypad, because we couldn't fix the problem. Call support wasn't helpful at all, and whoever was initially responding to my emails has since stopped. I requested a replacement device so I could finally use my system again properly, but was ignored again. I've done every "fix" they recommended, to no avail. Plus, the call center claimed to fix the problem, but of course did not. The device is defective and I'm incredibly disappointed in Simplisafe.
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2 years ago
I juat had this samw thing happen to me. Disconnected keyfobs vause we dont use thwm and unplugged the batteries from the keypad. So thats cool.
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5 months ago
Just happened here at 1:30am. I suspect they have identified the issue as a hardware problem in the keypad as they are sending out a new one no questions asked. System is well past any warranty. Wondering if I need to proactively replace everything at this point.
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5 months ago
I just had this happen to me last night! No one was helpful over the phone and made me feel like I did something wrong. I put system in home mode and got in bed and then 5 minutes later the alarm was continuously going off saying the panic button was triggered when no one was near it. The lady on the phone said I needed to replace the batteries in our motion sensor but that doesn’t make sense as to why the panic button was triggered. I’m very frustrated by this because then a few hours later the alarm went off again. We have a baby at home and was nervous we would alarm her and wake her up.
6.3K Messages
5 months ago
@jszydlik26 when you get suggestions like that, you politely ask to escalate the call to a supervisor..and SS and any reputable company will upon request. Years ago I purchased a Dell Computer at Costco, brought it, home, plugged it in and immediately got a disk error. Called support and was first question "Was it plugged in?". I asked for a supervisor, got one on the line and first question was "Is it plugged in? and second "Please shut off and turn it back on.".. I thanked them both, hung up and returned it.
Move ahead to two years ago and my keypad died. Called SS, said to replaced the batteries, I replied "already done" and next was to "remove the plastic lens over the display". (Spoiler alert: it doesn't move and is attached permanently) so I asked for a supervisor, said "before we start, please listed to my conversation with your tech"; she came back on the line and said an order for a nc replacement keypad was being done.
In this instance you need to politely do the same, and, if you get the "hey, try replacing all of the motion sensor batteries" ask for that supervisor, then manager etc.
Please post your outcome here. For the record, SS support is usually very good and effective, but as I pointed out, there are exceptions. Good luck.
4 Messages
3 months ago
This happened to me last night. I set the alarm to "home" at 12:58am and went to bed, then the keypad panic alarm went off at 1:10am and then 3 more times shortly thereafter before I pulled the battery out of the keypad, unplugged the base unit, and pulled the batteries out of the base unit to stop the false alarms. I will be calling support after posting this message. There is a duplicate support thread in this community plus a reddit thread.
UPDATE: After calling support, level 1 support transferred me to level 2 support, who asked me questions to confirm I was not at the keypad during the false alarms, then they are sending me a warranty exchange. L2 support confirmed it is a hardware issue. You can disable the panic button on the keypad in the app or on the web site device section to stop the false alarms.
2 Messages
3 months ago
Both of my keypads started to trigger false panic alarms today, even as I was on the phone with the monitoring people. They stopped one and the other keypad went off. I had three back to back and they had to take my system offline to get a break. Spoke to “support” and she didn’t seem to understand the issue. Had me power cycle the system and told me it was happening because of errors, before asking if everything was resolved. I had to come on here to get answers. Chatted with the bot and it wasn’t even helpful. 😑
1.5K Messages
3 months ago
Alrighty then, proactively disabled both keypads panic buttons. Degrade the SS security system even further than it already is.
Never had the problem, don't need the problem.
Something says it's not responding in the app for about 10 seconds when disarming but doesn't stay up or on long enough to find out what or why.
No logs anywhere, unlike my other system which actually almost has too many logs.😵💫
I wonder which sensor will trigger an alarm or cause interference?🤔 Hulk might Smash, 😁 🤬 Maybe disable all of them also?🤔😜
I see an investment in batteries in my future. Note to self; Buy some Duracell stocks. 😂
Or a Chubby Checkers, Come on Baby, Let's do the base station Twist and battery removal to get the firmware 🪲's & cobwebs out.