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Sunday, September 20th, 2020 1:51 PM

Smartphone app without subscription?

Hello all, considering buying into SS but wanted some confirmation re: functionality.  I don't want 24/7 call center monitoring ala ADT, but would want to be able to control/monitor myself via smartphone.  Do I have this ability without paying SS a monthly fee?  I.e. can I get push alerts to my phone without the subscription?

Basic App Control is available for all users in the United States, even without a subscription. As long as your system is connected to WiFi, you'll be able to arm/disarm your system remotely, receive notifications for alarms, and even view 7 days of Timeline events. For more info, check out the Help Center Article here.

Community Admin


1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @alarmcompanyrefugee,

That's a great question. While most of our customers opt for 24/7 Monitoring with either our Standard Monitoring ($14.99/mo) or our Interactive Monitoring ($24.99/mo) plan, you do have the option of monitoring the system yourself for no additional cost. Unfortunately, while self-monitoring your system there are many limitations. Without 24/7 Monitoring you would only be able to Live Stream and receive Push Notifications from the SimpliSafe cameras but not the SimpliSafe system.

I'd also like to mention that many home/renters insurance policies give discounts if you have a monitored security system so that may be something to look into as well.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

So let me get this straight. Let's say I have 4 simpicams, one in each room of the house. Plus I have the SS system, but not monitored. If someone breaks in and my system is triggered, and one of my cameras is also triggered. The camera will send me a push message and I can Live view my camera and see what is going on.
Is that correct?

3 Messages

I'm currently trying to activate a system that was included with the home we purchased, and after I type in the base station serial number I'm asked to choose a plan, and the only two options both have a monthly fee. How do I do self-monitoring as you say here?

5 Messages

I was told by a customer rep that I can activate my free month monitoring and if I decide that I do not want to continue with that I can cancel and continue with “basic app services”. This includes push alerts, arm/disarm system.  push notifications include alarm triggered by any of your sensors. You MUST activate monitoring when you install system first.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@alarmcompanyrefugee  SS is not a non profit, and, of course their decision, does not include the phone app with no monitoring accounts.  Of course, it is your decision not to buy SS in the first place.

I do know one of their customers, with no monitoring, that does use the Alexa "Guard" feature to hear the siren to send a notification. I have not seen it work and only going on what they told me.  It may be something you would want to look into.

2 Messages

@captain11​ True SS is not a non-profit, however, you do have to purchase the system to begin with, and on the box it states you use the system without their services via the app, and webpage.  That turns out to be incorrect.  Due to this, there is an class action suit in the midst of being filed.  More information about this will most likely be posted within the next few days via various (and considering the company) numerous news outlets.



6.3K Messages

@cyancyroyall​ In my defense, the post you are replying to is over 3 years old. This is a change over this time, and as you have stated in your post, this is no longer applicable and therefore the suit. As I am not aware of the suit or corresponding details, cannot comment on it.

1.3K Messages

I thought the situation with Gen 3 SS, with its WiFi connectivity, is you can use the app without monitoring service.

But, you have to be somewhere where you can connect to WiFi for it to work.

Correct, or no?

Presuming correct, that is unlike the Original and or Gen 2 SS that did not have WiFi capability (cameras notwithstanding) so the only way to connect was with a cellular subscription/monitoring plan.


Community Admin


1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @scrctb,

Yes, that's correct. It is important to note that the motion detection feature on our cameras is only active while the Privacy Shutter is open. That being said, if one of your SimpliSafe cameras detects motion, it can send you a Push Notification which you can then open to view live footage from that camera.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

5 Messages

4 years ago

There is ZERO reason that customers shouldn't be able to turn on and off the system and get push notifications when the system goes off WITHOIT paying for monitoring. Those functions run through WiFi, just like the cameras. Sure the system won't be able to call the police without monitoring but not including the ability to control the unit via app and WiFi is just a pressure tactic to sell monitoring. Sad that a company would do this.

3 Messages

SO let's say we're self-monitoring and the door alarm is breached. You'd receive a notification and are able to live stream the camera but how would you disarm to relieve the siren and/or call the police?

@ehurt I was able to reverse engineer. I changed vsim, registered with my carrier with new IMEI, removes simplisafe reg servs, reg PSAP, E911 and ECID. All devices reg, SMS, SMTP, tunnel all is working. All done with jtag


5 Messages


would it be too much to ask for detailed instruction on how to do this?




6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@ehurt  That is how Simplisafe sells their services and products.  Buy it or not buy it. IMO 24.99 for what you get is the best value in the business.  You and I have different opinions, but that's fine.  Once SS did offer a plan in the middle that did offer text and email alerts but that has been phased out a long time ago.

5 Messages

Keeping simple user tools away from customers just to sell monitoring is not a good excuse.
This should be changed so it operates like nearly all other home security / cameras / lights etc.

2 Messages

Exactly! Monitoring is optional is a myth here! The app really doesn't do anything for the sensors or base station or keypad. The plan name should be changed from monitoring plan to app enablement plan. Push notifications are a basic part of any smartphone app and SS is intentionally blocking it to make customer pay for monitoring, that's cunning and hiding the fact because no where in the purchase journey or app description they mention that the notifications won't work until you subscribe for monitoring. Monitoring service is meant for monitoring the location and dispatching authorities when needed but in no context it means app notification service.

5 Messages

I was told by a customer rep that I can activate my free month monitoring and if I decide that I do not want to continue with that I can cancel and continue with “basic app services”. This includes push alerts, arm/disarm system.  push notifications include alarm triggered by any of your sensors. You MUST activate monitoring when you install system first. Is this accurate?

Community Admin


1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @janimationd,

Since the use of the SimpliSafe app on a self-monitored system requires an internet connection, users of the Original SimpliSafe system will only be able to use the SimpliSafe app for Professionally Monitored plans or for their SimpliSafe cameras. Users of the All-New SimpliSafe system will be able to use the SimpliSafe app for their self-monitored system because of the ability to connect this system to WiFi.

If you would like to activate an All-New SimpliSafe system on a self-monitored plan then on the plan selection screen you would simply need to choose the Decline 30-Day Free Trial option.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

4 years ago

Water Sensor Push Notification without Subscription to Monitor

Can you clarify - If I'm reading here correctly, I will not receive push notification on an internal alarm for the WATER Sensors as well if we do not have a Monitoring Subscription ? You have push notifications for the Camera's but not Water Sensors - or other devices for that matter ?

If not will your team be considering that soon? Thank you

1 Message

I think silence on the part of the SimpliSafe Social Team is telling. Looks like they are not inclined to allow local wi-fi control of the system with notifications without a subscription. SimpliSafe Social Team should develop a pricing tier that excludes monthly but allows local push notifications for free or if not then for a nominal fee.

I just reversed engineered it.  I can even change the PSAP, ECID, DID info and all it working. I removed their server info. I changed out the vsim with my own carrier.  All is working perfectly

1 Message

4 years ago

While SimpliSafe sells an Outdoor Kit that lets you use the SimpliCam outdoors, the camera is technically an indoor camera. Does it require a subscription? No, once you purchase the product, you can self-monitor for free.

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

There has never been any secret about needing the interactive plan for full app functionality. It's only a big surprise when the homework has not been done.




6.3K Messages

4 years ago

I am with whoaru99, but will add that SS could add "Starting at" when they show 15 bucks a month, but they do disclose everything.

2 Messages

4 years ago

I posted the same question a few minutes ago. I guess I got my answer here.  

So my question is why sell without a monitoring plan as it is essentially just a paperweight. Sell it as a system you are not financing the equipment but DOES require a monitoring plan to do anything.

2 Messages

Exactly! Monitoring is optional is a myth here! The app really doesn't do anything for the sensors or base station or keypad. The plan name should be changed from monitoring plan to app enablement plan. Push notifications are a basic part of any smartphone app and SS is intentionally blocking it to make customer pay for monitoring, that's cunning and hiding the fact because no where in the purchase journey or app description they mention that the notifications won't work until you subscribe for monitoring. Monitoring service is meant for monitoring the location and dispatching authorities when needed but in no context it means app notification service.

Community Admin


1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @dilexa1924,

While the majority of our customers are on our Interactive Monitoring plan, our All-New SimpliSafe system can be used without any plan at all. Without a monitoring plan, you won't have the ability to arm or disarm your system through your SimpliSafe account and you won't have our monitoring center monitoring your system, but your system will still work as a local alarm system and if you have any SimpliSafe cameras, you will be able to view live footage from those cameras through the SimpliSafe app.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

4 years ago


Quick question on this, on the website where it compares the three plan options, under Self Monitoring with Camera Recording, there is a checkmark on the line 'Advanced SMS Phone Alerts' and if you click on the little 'i' bubble for more information, it says:

"Event Alerts
Get real-time alerts via text, whenever someone arms or disarms your home, an alarm goes off, there's a power outage and more. Plus, you can personalize alerts to contact important family members and friends, so they're in the loop, too."

So - I take this to mean that if I'm using this plan, I will get text alerts (this also include app notification?) if an alarm goes off....which is different to what one of your customer service reps told me over the phone...they said I would only get motion notifications under this plan. Clarification would be great.



Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago


It sounds like you're one of the lucky few who are seeing one of our experimental plans. Yes, essentially that plan includes all features except the 24/7 dispatch. So if there's an alarm event, you'll get the SMS, email, and Push Notifications.
But an operator will not call, and it will not result in dispatch.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@Johnny M I had to read your post several times for it to sink in. Then I clicked on monitoring and saw the page you referenced with two plans. Self monitoring and the Monitoring plan.  Changing the plan offerings without prenotice is not a good idea. Please pass on to the appropriate product manager and ask him or her to call me if they want additional feedback.
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