1 Message
Keypad stopped working
The keypad accepts my pin number but will not change from away mode to home mode or vice versa. I have to use my app on my phone to change the mode. Has anyone else had this happen and do you know what to do to fix it?
Official Response
Community Admin
3.4K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @LeeWest,
When using the Keypad to change your system's armed state, you cannot go from Home to Away Mode and vice versa. You must disarm your system into Off Mode first and then re-arm it.
6.3K Messages
1 year ago
@LeeWest First make sure it is connected to the base. If so, next, pop out one battery, wait 20 seconds, put it back and have it reconnect. If still not okay, and you know the batteries are good, call support to troubleshoot.