‎Base Station Lost all Device Settings | SimpliSafe Support Home

Monday, July 5th, 2021 2:23 PM

Base Station Lost all Device Settings

Set the alarm to HOME mode and went to sleep then in the morning was unable to disarm it. Keypads indicated Connecting to Base Station but they never connected, key fobs had no response and the base station light still indicated armed. APP indicated no Wi-Fi connection so I could not disarm that way either. Unplugged power from the base station and the armed light turned off.

Called customer support got tired of holding. Unable to find a similar occurrence on the help page so I removed a battery from the keypads to get them to connect and had to set up all sensor devices again including the camera.

I am thinking this is a faulty base station to lose all device settings. We had no power outage and even if so, it should have keep the device settings. This is disappointing to set the alarm and then it lose all devices. Now I regret updating my wired/wireless GE alarm system.

Any suggestions?



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@wilsoda I remember reading a similiar topic in another thread but, unfortunately, cannot remember where to find it in the forums.
Suggest using a google site search to look for it, or, call SS, get on hold and wait it out. Good luck.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

I definitely don't trust that Base Station, wilsoda.

I took a peek at your account and I'm happy to see we're already sending you a replacement!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

6 Messages

4 years ago

Talked to SS support on Monday and they are sending a new base station. As of Friday have not received it. Weird thing now is I got 2 notifications from the APP that the alarm was set to HOME. This thing is really flakey.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago


That shouldn't even be possible! Unless somehow those signals are getting severely delayed, and those arm events are actually from an earlier time.

From your account I see your replacement might have finally arrived. Were you able to get it set up?

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

3 Messages

Hi Johnny - sorry to hijack, but is there a fix coming for the commonly reported issue of being unable to manually lock the door from the inside after having just unlocked it using the exterior number pad? This is a safety issue and extremely frustrating. It appears that the only thing SimpliSafe has offered is to send a new lock, but the problem persists.


6 Messages

4 years ago

Received a replacement Base Station on Saturday and all is good so far. Also received another Base Station on Tuesday since the first one got lost. SS emailed USPS shipping labels and returned both units today.

1 Message

2 years ago

The same thing has just happened to my base station.

I have managed to get the keypad connected again by removing the batteries but now all devices have been removed, save for the two cameras.

This is very poor and now customer services unavailable until tomorrow morning.

Do I have to manually add all of the devices again? 

Is the base station faulty?

1 Message

2 years ago

UGH......  This just happened to me.  All my settings and configuration are gone.  POOF!  All gone.  It is now asking me to set up a new base station.  WTH?  Very annoying very annoying.  Disappointing indeed!  Am I to expect this now going forward? 

1 Message

Just happened to me. Time to move on.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@uirshad75​ I'm very sorry to hear this. I would recommend reaching out to our Support team for some live troubleshooting. At the least, your Base Station should be replaced. 


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