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Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 3:20 AM

Outdoor camera won’t connect to wifi

Following all recommendations but still won’t connect. Connected fine and worked fine for weeks. Both outdoor cameras went offline and won’t reconnect no matter what I do. Close to dumping the whole system for my home and business and buying new one. Not worth the time to sit in the phone to be told to do the same thing that I’ve tried many times. One last chance…….

5 Messages

10 months ago

This has been an issue forever and Simplisafe does nothing about it. You need to go into you router/switch and turn off Group Key Interval. This security setting is overkill for a home. What it does is it assigns a new key every certain amount of seconds depending on your settings. Thats why after a reboot of devices, it works for a bit and then gets a new key which causes it to disconnect. I was ready to throw these cameras in the garbage after months of troubleshooting and no help from simplisafe support. Do your research on your equipment as it might not be named Group Key Interval. I have Ubiquiti infrastructure and thats the setting name on my controller. I turned that setting off and never ever had an issue with the cameras again. 

19 Messages

I had to get a timer that reboots my router every day at 3am since SimpliSafe doesn't care to correct this issue. 

9 Messages

I have Ubiquiti as well and had tried that previously, but didn't work for me.  My theory is the radio on these cameras are either underpowered or just plain horrible.  It's laughable that the admins reply to reset the cameras, like anyone hasn't already tried that.  Then they tell you to contact support, which tells you the same thing.  I wasted too much time with these things, hopefully anyone considering these cameras will see these posts first and avoid them all together.  SimpliSafe needs to immediately stop selling these cameras.

The inside cameras work like a charm though!


5 Messages

Hello Roby, I am very surprised that this didnt work for you. You only need to turn off Group Key Interval in the 2.4 wifi signal. The cameras are considered IoT devices and will never connect to 5g signal. I left Group Key Interval turned on with the 5g signal. Also, my security protocal is WPA2, I am not sure if you are using stronger security. I left all other settings default. Let me know if you want to see screenshots of specific settings. I know I spent months on this issue and I always took photos when making changes in case I had to revert back. 

9 Messages

I appreciate it, but I've moved on to cameras that work, lol!  I have a completely separate wifi, 2.4 only and WPA2 strictly for simplisafe equipment.  Only these outdoor cameras won't connect, everything else simplisafe works great.

10 months ago

Hello anyone have any success? I have attempted multiple suggestions from y'all and from tech services...at this point I am about to cancel my subscription for good.

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3.3K Messages

@marvinsanchez42788​ Is your Wi-Fi network configured to WPA2 or WPA3/2 Mixed Mode? The Outdoor Camera requires routers to be configured to one of those two settings, so if it isn't I would recommend setting that up.

If your router is set to WPA2 or WPA3/2 Mixed Mode, I would recommend setting up a 2.4GHz guest network on your router and connect only your SimpliSafe devices to it.

This article in our Help Center can also help to further troubleshoot your camera. It has additional tips to get your camera connected, and mentions a diagnostics tool that will pinpoint what could cause network connectivity issues.

9 Messages

Move on to other cameras that work, I went with Ring.  The SimpliSafe admins on this forum can only do what they're told, which is point to network issues.  The cameras themselves are the problem and need to be recalled or replaced with something that actually works.  The Ring cameras I replaced them with work fantastic in the exact same spot on the exact same WiFi.  Again proving it's the cameras that do not work.

10 months ago

Any updates on fixes? This is borderline ridiculous. I have attempted multiple fixes with no success...if I get one more post from tech to attempt to reset camera I am gonna blow lol..Google is looking pretty good right now

2 Messages

@marvinsanchez42788​ The only thing that worked was changing the routers internet protocol from 802.11 ax to 802.11 b/g/n. Once the camera connected we were able to change it back. 

1 Message

10 months ago

Exactly the same problem. Mine actually showed symptoms after the recent firmware update. Thought it was a battery issue, bought new battery and same. Now I see this is a rather common issue with resolution being new camera. Not good.

This comment was created from this reply

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3.3K Messages

@SBAdams​ If you haven't already, I would recommend resetting the Outdoor Camera by pressing and holding the pairing button on the back of the camera for 30 seconds. Once you release the button, the camera should reboot and you will be prompted to set it up in the SimpliSafe mobile app again. 

If you have already tried a reset, I would then check your camera's connection to your router using the Connection Check tool in the SimpliSafe mobile app. This will run a scan of your camera and provide additional troubleshooting steps to help improve its connection to your Wi-Fi network. We list out the steps to use the Connection Check tool in this Help Center article.

5 Messages

Lol read the room Emily. Your suggestions are less than helpful. 

2 Messages

10 months ago

We have Xfinity and could not connect that outside camera to save our lives. Every other piece of our system connected without incident including our indoor camera. The rebooting the outside camera and reinstalling the camera and cussing didn't help. As soon as I changed our wireless network to WPA2 it connected right away. I had to re-login to our streaming TV but everything else just connected! The base was not affected by the wireless change. And I could still use our inside camera without issue.

2 Messages

Actually we did have issues with our indoor camera after having to adjust the wireless settings. It's all working now but what a pain in the a$$

3 Messages

9 months ago

I have exactly the same issue. Customer service put you thru the same useless process, nothing works. They have a problem here that they are not fixing! Tired of wasting my time on these ove4priced cameras. Have installed Wayze cam and they work perfectly at a THIRD the price. Anyone interested in two used not so SimpliSafe cameras

8 Messages


Finally determined what the problem was.  Here it is:  the base station was only working using cellular, not wifi.  Without wifi, it would not connect camera.  So, after replacing base station that fixed it.  I suggest you call them and have them test the base station signal.  Why the folks from Simplisafe don't know this remains unclear and frustrating.  Good luck!

5 Messages

9 months ago

This is so frustrating!!... I’ve read everyone’s suggestions and tried it ALL. Nothing. About to throw this sh*t into the garbage and start a lawsuit. 


Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@Pdx​ Does your Wi-Fi network's SSID and/or password exceed 31 characters? Our devices cannot connect to networks where the SSID or password are longer than that, so if it is I would recommend shortening it. 

If your SSID or password are shorter than 31 characters, I would recommend following the troubleshooting flow in this Help Center article for further assistance.

2 Messages

9 months ago

Add me to the list of frustrated users

I was exited when I initially setup my outdoor camera successfully during my testing phase

At the time the camera was connected to the 25 feet power cable inside of my garage (testing before installing)
After disconnecting the power cable and attaching the camera to its permanent location, the camera would not re-connect, no matter what

I have tried all known tricks from this thread without success, the camera would be added to the base station, then failed to connect to WiFi

One notable observation:
During the WiFi caonnection process, my home WiFI will be lost (knoked out, as if the router reset)
I can see the Wifi from my computer and other Mobile devices being removed, and a few minutes later woud come back

Seems adding this outdoor camera is a no go for me.

I have 2 indoor cameras and a ring doorbell camera on the same WiFi network without issues. 

My conclusion is the outdoor camera has a WiFi bug (Period)

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@brochild​ Is your router closer to your garage than the Outdoor Camera's current location? Since your camera was able to connect to Wi-Fi when you were testing it, I would recommend adjusting the placement of the router to move it closer to the camera.

2 Messages

9 months ago

Thanks for your quick response.
I solved my connection issues by moving my existing WiFi extender to the garage.
I was abe to connect to the outdoor camera again.

But still. I cannpt explain why when I used my home WiFi for the camera, the connection is unsuccessful and my home WiFi gets disconnected and eventually re-connect again (as if the router resets the WiFi)

3 Messages

9 months ago

Having the same issue…already did troubleshooting with simplisafe for over an hour- tried forgetting and reinstalling the camera, changed security settings, deleted the app…nothing works

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@dfdabney​ Something else that could help is to set up a guest Wi-Fi network locked at 2.4GHz and connect only your SimpliSafe devices to it.

And when you say forgetting and reinstalling the camera, did you perform a reset on it by holding its pairing button for 30 seconds? Or did you remove it from your account and then add it back in? If you did not reset the camera, I would also recommend doing so by following the steps in this Help Center article.

3 Messages

9 months ago

Is anyone at SimpliSafe listening?

Your expensive outdoor cameras are pathetic and shedding a bad light on your fabulous alarm system

SimpliSafe tech people - wake up

3 Messages

I recently referred two different people to simplisafe but if they don’t address this I won’t be recommending it anymore. So bush league that they haven’t addressed this when people have been complaining literally for years about this specific problem.

I’m thankful for this thread, it’s saved me from pouring any more hours into a problem with no solution 

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@PaulH​ making sure that your home is secure is our whole mission, and that includes ensuring that your cameras are reliable.

That being said, WiFi connectivity is complex, so there could be a few different reasons why your cameras may have trouble connecting or staying connected. Or to put it another way, there isn't a single "problem" that we're troubleshooting for; this thread even presents several, from compatibility issues with your WiFi router and network, to interference and range issues.

We are of course constantly pushing out updates to significantly improve connectivity and responsiveness for your Outdoor Cameras. The latest version that has been rolling out for the past couple of weeks brings Performance Mode, which kicks in automatically when your camera is connected to a power source to significantly boost response time. And we also have a step-by-step guide on our Help Center that can take you through troubleshooting environmental and other issues.

If you still need help, we can even request a call from our Support team, so we can go even deeper into troubleshooting to get your cameras back online.


3 Messages

Having this same issue. Have been trying to fix this for over a year with no luck. Tried restarting the camera, base station, uninstalling/reinstalling the app, and everything else mentioned in the app. Created a 2.4 ghz WPA2 network for only SimpliSafe devices and this is the only one that won't connect. This is beyond frustrating. 

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@stevejaker​ How far away is the Outdoor Camera from your router? I would recommend bringing it inside, about 5-10 feet away from the router, to see if that helps it establish a connection.


3 Messages

@emily_s​ the outdoor camera is around 15 feet from the router, however, it will not connect no matter how close I bring it to the router. 

1 Message

8 months ago

Same issues for me with wifi connectivity on Ubiquiti. Upgraded my Ubiquiti firmware a few weeks ago and lost all simplisafe wifi connections: cameras and base station. Have tried everything in this thread. Camera has been replaced by Simplisafe. I even bought a new Ubiquiti AP only to discover that it still doesn't work - then I found this thread. A bit annoying! Have resorted to using another 2.4GHz AP just for Simplisafe. Not great really. Please do register Simplisafe that there is clearly something wrong with how your kit connects to Ubiquiti.

1 Message

8 months ago

really really sad how this thread goes back over a year and no solution has been found and the same workers are still giving the same bs responses like it’s something on our end because lord have mercy they ever be the ones in the wrong. 

19 Messages

@bmichael123​ are the support people humans or just AI bots?

5 Messages

8 months ago

This is 100% not our issue as I have a purchased a new camera, exact same one, and it connects. However, SimpliSafe will not take responsibility at all especially if the camera is slightly over a year old as it’s “out of warranty”. I have the same internet, same camera, same everything.  I think they updated firmware but haven’t figured out how to update previously manufactured cameras out there, especially once that haven’t been on for a time. 
Can someone please sue them…

3 Messages

8 months ago

Add me to the list of infuriated Ubiquiti network users.  I have 3 indoor cameras, which connect to WiFi seemingly when they're in the mood, the doorbell, and 2 outdoor cameras (which are both brand new and installed today).  The outdoor camera near by UniFi nanoHD Access Point connects pretty well.  The outdoor camera near my UniFi AC Mesh Pro Access Point hasn't ever connected, even though I can watch it try to connect to both the Mesh Pro and a nanoHD upstairs, both providing "Excellent" connectivity per UniFi at -34 dBm.

I've of course done everything above, removing/resetting the cameras, reinstalling the app, trying different networks, yada yada. But the bad outdoor camera simply will not get on the WiFi despite being a few feet from a broadcast antenna literally bigger than my head that runs WiFi 5 (3x3 MIMO) at 22 dBm and 9W. And it's in the same exact spot where I had a Google Nest camera that stayed online continuously for months previously, only dropping off for updates.

Of course I made the cameras their own 2.4 GHz-only network with all the recommended settings:

But the damn thing just won't connect.  Starting to feel like I made a mistake switching to these unreliable cameras.

9 Messages

@datavortex​ You're not alone.  After nearly a year of fighting them, and support, I bit the bullet and chunked them.

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@datavortex​ The 2.4GHz network you created, is your Base Station connected to it as well? We recommend having all SimpliSafe devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network, or is could cause connection problems. 

Also, if you haven't used our in-app Connection Check tool on your Outdoor Camera yet, I would recommend trying it. This tool will scan the camera's connection to your network and provide additional steps to help improve it. We list out the steps to use this tool here in our Help Center.

However, if that does not help I can also get you in touch with our Specialist team for some additional live troubleshooting to get to the bottom of this.

19 Messages

@roby​ I have thrown mine in the trash where they belong 

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