‎Outdoor camera battery lasts 3-6 days, not 3-6 months | SimpliSafe Support Home
thomas_12282724218327284's profile

Friday, September 24th, 2021 8:04 AM

Outdoor camera battery lasts 3-6 days, not 3-6 months

I've had the camera for over three weeks now, and have had to charge it four times. And that's in addition to me not getting right to charging it right away.

I think this is because, as I mentioned in another forum post (https://simplisafe.com/forum/customer-support-forum/installing-and-using-simplisafe/how-do-i-turn-off-notificatio), it triggers absolutely all the time with the motion sensor.

I've set the camera to low sensitivity, and blocked off every zone that isn't just concrete slabs where nobody is walking, yet it still triggers almost nonstop.

Is there anything I can do? This camera seems pretty useless unless you connect it to a power supply. And being outdoors that's not exactly trivial.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

As I posted in my review in another thread, the camera build, specs, firmware work great fo rme, however, I did say my camera has the optional AC accessory and is the only way I would install and configure any outdoor camera. Period.  That said, the battery should at last much longer than a couple of days and it triggering each time is an issue.

Mine is set night vision, no spot, people only.  It triggers only when there are people within the frame.  Living on a culdesac, that may be due to the fact not so many people pass by.  Can you describe your enviormental data? (Face busy street, set on people only, faces directly due west etc)

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi thomas_12282724...,

We've got a couple of firmware updates on the way, one of which is intended for optimizing motion detection. So there might not be anything you can do but wait.

But in the meantime, we don't want to discount the possibility of other troubleshooting. We know this isn't a widespread issue, so there might be something about your particular setup that is causing the hyperactive Motion Detection. As the Captain says, it would help to know more about what is within the camera's field of view.

Also, have you already tried a reset of the camera? You can do that by pressing the button in the back for 16 seconds. When you release, it should reset, and you can set it up again through the SimpliSafe app.

If that doesn't help, we can also try sending you a replacement camera (at no cost to you, of course).

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security
I hope these updates come out soon, because, (a few times) my camera has failed to detect a garbage truck and other vehicles directly in front of my house, and this is with Sensitivty set to High, and Motion Type set to All Motion. Other times it has detected vehicles in the exact same zones.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@whyAMiStillTaLkIng  battery issues aside for the moment, mine works correctly with people only. night vision is on, no spotlight. Try that and please post if it works correctly . Thanks

740 Messages

3 years ago

I wonder if plugging the Outdoor Camera into the Power Adapter would correct the problems so many seem to be having due to Captain's lack of issues. It would be an interesting theory to test. Perhaps SimpliSafe might find the camera, at the moment, needs a consistent power source to work correctly and use that as a starting point to adjust for battery usage only through firmware updates.

(And since the cost to test the hypothesis is relatively high, maybe SimpliSafe can choose some users who are experiencing significant issues in which to send the Power Adapter to free of charge)



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@Shiherlis I believe my choosing people only and night vision may be one of the reasons motion detection works for me but your theory on the battery only is an interesting one.

3 years ago

The environment is that the top third sees a medium busy street (one car per minute or so daytime). I have x-ed out those portions and more in motion control.

I have night vision on. People only, low sensitivity.

Could the street / sidewalk be triggering wake up, that drains the battery, even if it's not in the motion zone? But then again it triggers events anyway, thinking still concrete is people.

Maybe I should move the camera higher and point down, but then it wouldn't catch faces.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@thomas_12282724. I thought I read a post that there is an issue with the zone feature with certain settings that was going to be addressed in the next firmware update, due out shortly. Possibly Johnny M can confirm and provide more info?

36 Messages

3 years ago

New outdoor camera won't stop blinking blue when trying to set up. Can't get flashing white light. Tried reset button, tried re charging battery. Still blinks blue. Anyone else have this prob?

7 Messages

2 years ago

Mines the same, just bought this cameras a few months ago and now I'm constantly charging....not worth it.

Community Admin


242 Messages

Hi @Wags4u2002​ 

The Outdoor Camera battery should last up to 3-5 months on a single charge, depending on its usage. If you're seeing significantly less than that we'd want to take a look over its placement and settings to see if there are ways to optimize the battery life.

For example, one easy change would be to set up Motion Zones to only capture motion in specific areas, and avoid capturing it for the rest. You can also opt to turn off the spotlight with night vision as well. Let me know the details and I'd be happy to help!

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