99 Messages
New Outdoor Camera wake time is SO Slow
Why does it take SO LONG for the New Outdoor Cam to wake up? It can take 5-10 sec. I've read many people post about the same thing.
This means that when motion is triggered it catches the "end of the act" if at all.
Thanks for your patience. SimpliSafe is hard at work on improvements to camera performance in response to your feedback. Outdoor Camera Firmware 1.10 (September 2022) is out now, and more are on the way. |
9 Messages
3 years ago
Has anything been done about the slow wake up time for these out door cameras? All I get is the back of peoples heads as they leave my porch. Not what I expected........
33 Messages
3 years ago
We are now in April No better. Very disappointed. Spent money and still no security. Paying for monitoring will be throwing good money away!!
33 Messages
3 years ago
My message on ‘Thanks for your patience’ jumped below
4 Messages
3 years ago
Just installed the outdoor camera a couple days ago and noticed it was slow to wake up. Every time I check what was captured it’s either already gone or headed out of view. One google search and I ended up here. I wish I’d read these before purchasing. 🤦♀️
9 Messages
3 years ago
The sad part is SimpliSafe doesn't seem to be doing anything about it.
9 Messages
3 years ago
I'm running Firmware The camera is still slow to wake and misses events.
You can put a warning by the option letting us know it's only intended for wired power or something.
I'm done with the outdoor cameras until make them better when powered by hardline.
19 Messages
3 years ago
Don’t mean to piggyback and pile on on another post, but this post seems to have the momentum on the slow response time topic.
I’m a fully disabled veteran that is dependent on
the external cameras to be situational aware of the surroundings outside my residence. I purchased 7 cams, and later also the power supplies at a great expense. To alleviate the slow response time ss customer service recommended buying an expensivemesh wireless system, I did so, more money spent, and still no help. Now I find out it’s the slow wake up issue causing the problem. Please please please, can someone from customer service provide an update on the firmware update, I’m heavily invested in SimpliSafe, and with a fixed income I’m unable to change to another cam system. Thanks
2 Messages
3 years ago
Yes, I am also piling on. I find it totally unacceptable that these SECURITY cameras do not provide any semblance of security. I have extended 120V power circuits in order to install the power supplies for the cameras.
The Tech (??) support person had me switch to a slower dpi saying that was the problem - NOT!
The worst recent purchase I have made! Totally useless for its purpose.
Simplisafe will not get any positive recommendations from me.
19 Messages
3 years ago
I am 1000% satisfied with the rest of the system, it’s just the cams. Why doesn’t SS
throw more resources into solving this easily solvable problem. SS spends a huge deal of money on advertising to acquire new customers and build brand loyalty, then pisses it away by not fixing a completely fixable problem. I was a software programmer for many years, it’s a simple fix, if the battery sensor reads > 99% it can set the device to prevent sleep mode, most laptops have a similar flag when the lid is closed and the battery is above a set threshold. It’s not rocket science guys…
I’m currently paying for a premium service specifically to include camera verification, our local law enforcement won’t respond without it. So SS, what happens if I’m robbed and law enforcement doesn’t respond because of a sleeping camera, seems like paying a bit more for some additional programmers would be cheaper than possibly paying lawyers.
19 Messages
3 years ago
Apparently SimpliSafe continues to ignore this thread which addresses a problem severely impacting the functionality of their much touted (and expensive) outdoor cameras. The Firmware 1.6 released in Feb 22 has done nothing to fix the camera "sleep issue" which negates the cameras ability to capture real-time video. With users that have mesh wireless systems the lag is even greater, I routinely wait up to 30 seconds before a camera becomes viewable. When I do receive an alert nothing is recorded. Tech Support has been helpfull, but their hands are tied on a fix.
As stated in the thread, most of us are happy with the overall service, but feel burned (severely) with the camera purchases. Five months have passed without a single 'real' update from SimpliSafe on this issue. Perhaps those with one camera are less impacted, but from someone who purchased 10 cams, solar power accessories, monitoring, and installed outlets, I'm about ready to cut my losses and move on.
3 Messages
2 years ago
Well, unfortunately, I too have the “NO WAKE UP” problem SS. Timed a number of tests at the front door and am in the 15 to 20 second range of the camera waking up. All I see is people walking away. Waaaaaay too much time for things to happen and not get recorded. After getting a new camera for the system last week, and a new base station this week, and spending over 4 hours on the phone with technical service, all I get each time is that “MY INTERNET IS TOO SLOW”. I am also told that I need to get a specific wi fi extender or another camera to face the opposite direction looking back at the original camera.. Well, spending more money on a SS/system problem doesn’t make sense. My Router, Indoor camera, outdoor camera and base station are within a 10 foot circle, 5 foot radius from the outdoor camera. How much more time will it take SS to get this problem corrected?
14 Messages
2 years ago
@davey_d is there any update from engineering? Any ETA? What does the product roadmap look like? How often are firmware updates pushed to production?
14 Messages
2 years ago
@davey_d Is there any update on this? When is the next firmware going to be pushed out? How often are firmware updates to be expected? Where is this issue in terms of relative priority / on the product roadmap? Is there a way to escalate it?
6 Messages
2 years ago
New SimpliSafe customer here. System is installed in a lake cottage that sits empty much of the time. Every aspect of the system has been great except these darn outdoor cameras. I seem to have the same issue as described by many people here. If I try to simply look at the liven view it takes forever to wake up, connect, and then stream live view. Sometimes i takes several attempts. When triggered on motion this results in not capturing video of the action. My wife went to cottage today and made several trips in and out of the house right past the front yard camera. All but one of the motioned triggered recordings missed her walking by. Extremely disappointed.
33 Messages
2 years ago
No changes! The pits. We need a refund on our cameras