4 Messages
Battery for doorbell?
I didn't realize the doorbell had a battery. I received an alert message today stating it was less than 30%
4 Messages
I didn't realize the doorbell had a battery. I received an alert message today stating it was less than 30%
Accepted Solution
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi @mtebor ,
The Video Doorbell Pro does indeed have a very small battery that helps with operation - though not enough to keep it powered for more than a few minutes.
The wired doorbell circuit should be keeping it charged. So if you're getting a warning, that implies that it's not getting enough power!
1 Message
3 years ago
I also received this notice of less than 30% doorbell battery. I know the doorbell has power because I can use the camera and the doorbell works. I am currently away from home. What could be causing this?
1 Message
2 years ago
My door bell has never worked if it’s on the terminal. It only works when plugged into a charging cord and it doesn’t hold a charge ever. Do I have a bad doorbell or terminal?
1 Message
2 years ago
How to change a battery in doorbell camera device?
Thank You
2 Messages
2 years ago
Unfortunately, I purchased 2 Simplisafe video doorbells and then find out they’re not battery powered. I built my home in 2020 and made no provisions for wired doorbells. Without tearing up my completed drywall (and SIPs) what are my options? Should I just return them?
3 Messages
2 years ago
I received the same message today. The video doorbell was installed 8-9 months ago. The voltage on the electrical circuit feeding the doorbell is 121.9 volts although I did not remove the doorbell to measure the voltage on the leads. Please advise.
1 Message
2 years ago
We just received the same notification re: 30% left on doorbell battery. Am charging it now. Q1: how will we know when the battery is fully charged? Q2: don’t have a volt meter right now but if it is outside the 8-24 volt range do I understand correctly that Simplisafe will send us the “chime connector” for free?
2 Messages
8 months ago
I have had my video doorbell for over two years and got the message about the battery a couple weeks ago. I ignored it and now the battery is dead and the doorbell is not working. Why all of a sudden is this happening and how do I charge the battery?
3 Messages
6 months ago
We are also showing the 30% warning for the doorbell camera that is on a dedicated line that has had and still has power without interruption. What is the solution to this if the battery is not replaceable and with constant power is still dying?
3 Messages
6 months ago
If it was not included in our original packaging the no we don’t. It would be much appreciated if you could send us one.
2 Messages
6 months ago
Same issue for me. Getting battery notice <30% and I already gave the chime connector installed. Is this an anomalous notification?
2 Messages
5 months ago
This also happened to me. I purchased and installed the doorbell in Mar 2024. About 6 weeks ago (Sep 2024), I got the battery notice saying it was <30% and shortly thereafter the doorbell stopped working completely. I do not have a chime connector and the doorbell has had 18 volts of power for the entire time. Also, confident that the mounting bracket is not screwed on too tight ... I actually loosened it today to see if that helped, and it did not.
I called support today and they are sending me a new doorbell to replace this one.
I am very interested in understanding why the battery dies ... I see via this thread that this has happened to quite a few people over the past few years. Hoping to see a design improvement in the product because I am very happy with the product otherwise.
Thank you.
Adding one note. My doorbell system does *NOT* have a chime box of any type (mechanical / digital). I have seen Community articles saying it is not required and Community articles saying it is required. So, unsure which is correct. Possibly this is a part of why the battery dies?
ARTICLE SAYS CHIME BOX NOT REQUIRED: Video Doorbell Pro - does doorbell wiring provide primary power? | SimpliSafe Support Home
ARTICLE SAYS CHIME BOX IS REQUIRED: No mechanical chime, doorbell camera appears to be working fine | SimpliSafe Support Home
1 Message
3 months ago
My doorbell says it has no power. I checked and there is power. I take the doorbell off and it’s completely dead. I put it back on the mount and no camera only a ding dong. The inside is bulging a little where the battery could be. The system is 2yrs old. Could the battery be bad?
1 Message
2 months ago
I just installed the chime connector. How long until the battery inside the camera charges so it will start working again? The doorbell works just not the camera.