‎Entry sensor not responding...... | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Sunday, December 10th, 2023 7:57 PM

Entry sensor not responding......

Left Friday morning for a weekend trip to meet my old college cronies to cheer on the old team and was enroute to the airport and no more than 10 minutes later my wife is calling me that the SS3 base is making the tone that a battery is low. With Murphy's Law at work, I told her I would get in the phone app and see what was going on.  There was a notice that one of my basement windows was not repsonding. Never got a low battery notification so I just removed it from the system.  Issue solved for the weekend.

Now back, replaced the battery, reinstalled the entry sensor and all good.

SS:  how should the notificatons work?

Now onto Simplisafe Product Development:

The reinstalled sensor, like before, is configured for "secret alert" to "off", alarm for home and away. Customers need an alarm stetting for "off" for those locations that are never or seldom used and we want them protected all of the time. My three basement windows have not been opened in 35+ years since we bought the house. This should take little programming effort, please consider getting this done! Thank you!

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9 months ago

Hi @captain11, 

The Trouble Signal alerts you to a few different issues, and a sensor Not Responding is another one of them. You can find a list of issues that the triggers the Trouble Signal over in this Help Center article. Whenever the Trouble Signal sounds, you can see what the problem is by checking the Keypad or the mobile app.

Regarding your feature request for that alarm setting, if you could please create a post for it in the Product Requests and Suggestions section of the Community, I can forward it to our devs!



6.1K Messages

9 months ago

Thanks Emily for the qucik response. I have asked for this many times in the past and emailed SS but now I am "official" with the request thanks to you.

On the "trouble" alert, here is the issue in this particular instance: a new battery took care of the alert but I never got a  low battery message for it. At 2 am in the morning its something that could wait until I'm up. Please confirm the system is designed you should get a push message before the audible warning. (I hope that's how it is designed.


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@captain11​ An Entry Sensor Not Responding error can mean that the battery in the sensor is experiencing an issue and needs to be replaced; while its battery may not have necessarily been low, replacing it can resolve the error. When a system error is identified that warrants the Trouble Signal, you will receive a notification at the same time the Trouble Signal sounds. 



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@emily_s I don't know if its a design error/omission, hardware issue or operator error.  Today the trouble signal went off again, waking up my grand daughter from her nap and I was in the dog house with her, mom and Nonna. (my wife).  I checked the app, no error messages, nothing on timeline and unplugged the base and pulled a battery to silence it.  Got the power outage push alert immediately.  I put the battery back in, plugged the base back and called support. I was told by the agent I should have gotten an error message of the offending sensor in the app but didn't. He suggested I check the keypad and there was the message that the batteries were low in my aux siren. Replacing them immediately silenced the base.

Here are the issues:

1. No alert or warning message in the app

2. No prior message about a low battery until the base started its warning beep. (2nd instance in a week). Is this the way it was designed? I know the feature was in response to new regulations, but not getting a low battery message prior to the warning signal is a major issue. It is not fun waking up at 2am (or getting grief that the alarm system woke your grand daughter) for something like a low battery.

Here is what I would expect to happen:

Base detects sesnor with low battery, then sends you a low battery alert to act on. 24 hours later, another low battery alert.  Ignore it, then the warning beeps. The time intervals can be something else but hopefully you get the idea.

Your feedback on how it actually works will be appreciated. And if there is no warning mesage before the trouble signal, that has to change or you are going to get a ton of complaints. Thanks!


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@captain11​ You absolutely should have seen an alert in the mobile app that your siren had a low battery as well. When this happened, did you pull down the screen on the main page of the mobile app? Doing so should have pulled the most recent information from the app. 

The Trouble Signal was designed to sound right when the system detects a problem, it won't give a notification first and then make a sound a little bit after. You can always turn off the Trouble Signal's sound if you'd like. This way you won't hear the Base Station go off, but your Keypad and app will still notify you when a problem is detected. 

The Trouble Signal can be turned off (or made quieter) in the Keypad by going to Menu > System Settings > Trouble Signals. From there, you can change the volume of the Trouble Signal or turn it off entirely. 



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@emily_s Better late than never, just saw your last post, and glad I did! Just went into keypad and shut it off. Push notifications will do quite nicely and I get (more imporrtantly my wife and the grandkids when they visit) get a good night's sleep too.

I will put in a feature request too to have this setting in the app. (I looked and didn't see it there). The two, as well as the web dashboard, should be the same as much as possible. Thanks again.

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