1 Message
Pets tripping motion sensors
I have not set my new simply safe system "away" yet while pets are home because I am concerned they may trip the system when jumping on their favorite chair which is below the motion sensor in corner of a 9 foot ceiling. The pet directions are sparse and only say flip sensors if animals are larger than 30 lbs. My dog is 22 lbs and my cat is 8 lbs. but I cannot control them jumping on chairs in kitchen/sunroom when we are away. The total feet off ground when on a chair is 2 feet. Any advise? Thx
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
4 years ago
I answered a similar question in a different thread, but I'll post the same advice here:
- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security
175 Messages
4 years ago
We have them now but still don't trust them even without pets so they are all set on secret alert. just the other day one of the INSIDE motions secret alerted while we were out. obviously checked cams... but none of the entry sensors had triggered... so just simplisafe safe motion detections NOT working like they are supposed to! would have had the folks calling it we didn't have then on secret!
49 Messages
4 years ago
1.3K Messages
4 years ago
As you experiment to optimize position you can set them to alert only. That way an alarm won't be triggered but you will get a notification if you have interactive monitoring (and had set up notifications). The drawback about alert only is you get notifications even when the system is disarmed. In some regards that's OK, but not if there is frequent motion as you could get a lot of notificatjons.
Frankly, due to a couple nuisance alerts I have the motion sensors at a remote property set to alert only. If I get a notification I can quickly check video both from SS cam and from an second, standalone security camera system.
13 Messages
4 years ago
(also, installing multiple sensors in different locations can help identifying false alarms. I doubt a real break in would ever trigger only one sensor in one room)
1 Message
1 year ago
We got a false motion sensor alarm while away (in away mode -- we never use the MS with home mode due to two dogs). It was not at all obvious what could have triggered the gen-1 sensor until we found the remains of a recent demised bird (about robin-sized) under a cabinet. The alarm occurred around 0445, so the heater's been off, the house is @ ca. 50° F, so I'm guessing if the poor bugger was flying near the sensor, there'd be a clear thermal delta in motion.
Please advise if this is a plausible explanation.
1 Message
6 months ago
The solution I came up with is to disable the Motion Detectors when set to Away Mode. My alarm now will only go off if someone opens a window, which would instantly trigger the alarm, or if someone comes through the front door without knowing the code while it's set to Away Mode. It works pretty much like the Home option, but I set the Motion Detectors to Secret Alert if there's any motion in the house while in Away Mode. My dog is usually in his kennel while I'm away and him moving in his kennel isn't enough motion to trigger the Secret Alerts I have set while in Away mode.
52 Messages
6 months ago
We have a 9lb Chorkie (Chihuahua/Yorkie mix)who will set off the motion detector if it's not flipped.