27 Messages
Matter Smart Home Integration
Will Simplisafe update products to be matter compatible? Matter Home Automation Protocol. It would make great sense to do it and end the issues with HomeKit and other integrations.
27 Messages
Will Simplisafe update products to be matter compatible? Matter Home Automation Protocol. It would make great sense to do it and end the issues with HomeKit and other integrations.
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi crownmountain,
We're not able to give info on future release plans. What we can say is that SimpliSafe is a member of the Connectivity Standards Association (CSA), so we're able to keep close tabs on the development of the Matter standard. If and when that results in added integrations with our products and services, we will let you know.
2 Messages
7 years ago
Can integration with devices like Vera or Samsung Smart things be placed on the roadmap? Other providers like Vivint already have this in place. Think about turning off the HVAC system if there was a fire alarm? Using motion sensors from a device like an EcoBee to trigger an alarm with the security system when set to away? Setting the HVAC to occupied when turning the alarm off, and turning on a small subset of lights in a home? The possibilities are endless.
I don't expect SS to control these devices but more provide integration with automation controllers.
Is there a reason this would not be on the product development path?
3 Messages
4 years ago
This is something I could probably figure out how to do if I tore apart a door/window sensor, but I would love to see SS sell a Normally Open / Normally Closed input and output device. Basically, this would enable the more advanced users to purchase specialty sensors or other components and then have SS trigger when these are tripped. For example, I have a workshop which does not get wireless signal back to the base unit. I have low voltage cable running from the workshop to the house. It would be fairly easy for me to wire up the doors, cabinets, etc with sensors and cable these back to the house and run them to a wireless sensor that has one NO/NC contact point. This would also allow people who have previously wired systems re-use those sensors and wires. Such a sensor would actually be cheaper than any other sensor you make, because it is the wireless transmitter minus the sensor (magnetic door contact, PIR, etc). In a perfect world, you might even make a multi sensor which has 8 contact input points and 8 different wireless codes.
Likewise, a wireless output device could be tied to a power supply and an advanced user configurable device, like a strobe or other output device. Again, this would be very easy for you since all you would have to do is take an existing siren and remove the siren part, just leaving the wireless receiver.
248 Messages
3 years ago
I'd rather see an open, non-proprietary protocol like MQTT.
Matter is owned and controlled by megacorps.
But unfortunately we are highly unlikely to see any general-purpose HA protocol integration as it would threaten their business model.
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@crownmountain What I can tell you is that Simplisafe is a member of the CSA - Connectivity Standards Alliance - and it follows logic they joined for a reason. Hopefully this is an indication that more 3rd party integration (with world leading security in place) with SS in the near future.
Here is a link to the CSA site and SS's membership page.
754 Messages
3 years ago
@davey_d Was Simplisafe a member of the Zigbee Alliance? Or did they join after the ZA was rebranded to the CSA?
754 Messages
3 years ago
The issue being that SimpliSafe still doesn't natively support Homekit? :) Despite there being a January 2018 interview where Apple Insider talks to the CEO and founder of SimpliSafe, Chad Laurans who states that Homekit is planned for that year? That video can be found here and but here's the transcript of the Homekit specific exchange:
Since then we've heard almost nothing official from SimpliSafe re: Homekit. About 6 months ago Harriet C replied to my question about Homekit integration in the old forums and informed us that, "There are no plans that we're able to share publicly at this point." In fact, if you search for homekit on the support site it only shows one result which has nothing at all to do with smart home integrations. It doesn't even show up in the support article about smart home integrations! There are almost 250 messages on the forums referencing it though. :)
All of this is to say, I advise a (more) cautiously (than) optimistic approach to hoping / waiting for new SimpliSafe integrations and features.
2 Messages
3 years ago
It has been a year since I purchased my system. I continue to be very pleased with SIMPLISAFE. It taking the system to the next level, it would be great if a home automation component could be integrated into the product. It would make the system competitive with Amazon’s RING and Blink product lines.
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
Things for MATTER seem to be finally accelerating. Samsung just announced "Smart Things Home Life" to consolidate all of their smart home product/service offerings in one place. My chips are on the line betting Simplisafe, liking it or not, will be in the midst of this industry wide initiative with their own Matter product(s) by the end of this year. In the past SS could afford to ignore other splintered "standards" but Matter appears to be the real thing and if your in the home security industry, you will have to support it.
In my thinking, within reason, if SS's response to an "open format" requires 1. A needed proprietary product to access those open standards (hub hardware, software subscription etc) and 2. A signoff to limit SS's liability, to access 3rd party access, I would be potentially in favor. Of course, another route would be for SS to partner with enough 3rd party companies offering a wide range of products via Matter that could be limited or approved to the SS eco system. To make that feasible, that range would have to include auto water supply shutoff switches, garage door openers, light socket/switches, thermostat, cameras, locks and more.
Here is the link to the Samsung story:
What do you think? What would you like to see Simplisafe pursue?
3 Messages
3 years ago
I believe the initial spec of Matter (1.0) does not account for home security systems or cameras. Unfortunately this means we'll have to wait a bit longer for the 2.0 spec.
6 Messages
2 years ago
I think we should have Matter 1.0 integration so we can integrate our systems with other devices for the full smart home experience. https://www.engadget.com/matter-smart-home-standard-released-160059101.html
Other home security systems have already integrated, and I think Simplisafe should as well!
2 Messages
2 years ago
Wasn't exactly sure where to post this but?
It sure would be nice if simply safe would develop An input/output module to triggerIs extra point events that we may already have that we would like to add to the alarm.
5 Messages
2 years ago
Along with the Camera footage being able to be viewed on Nest Hubs, I would also like to see Notifications, similar to that found on iOS, detection alerts for example.
5 Messages
2 years ago
Can someone from SimpliSafe give an official update to Matter support now that v1.0 is out and Google and others have launched support? @davey_d can we get some information?
137 Messages
2 years ago
Is there any ETA or even plans of HomeKit / and or Matter support? I seen a couple years ago SS mentioned HomeKit support coming but haven’t seen anything since.