3 Messages
Turn off notifications only for camera activity
Every time motion is detected on my camera I get a push notification on my iPhone. I’m aware I can turn off notifications for the SimpliSafe mobile app as a whole but I do not want to do that. I only want to turn off notifications for the camera, I don’t need to know whenever someone walks in front of it. Is this a setting?
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
2 years ago
@mfk7277 yes! The Snooze Notifications feature has been recently rolled out. You can access the options right on the notification itself:
You can learn more about Snooze Notifications on the Help Center here.
3 Messages
2 years ago
“Camera detected motion” is the alert I see on my phone
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
2 years ago
Hi @jeffrey_s ,
That would be a per-camera setting. You can change it in the SimpliSafe app under Menu > My System > Camera Settings > Your Camera > Motion Detection.
If you are subscribed to Recordings and want to keep those active, you can leave Motion Events on, but turn Motion Notifications off.
3 Messages
2 years ago
Ahhh thank you so much!!
5 Messages
2 years ago
That's great to have that flexibilty (to turn the notifications off and on), but unfortunately, it has to be done, one by one, on each camera each day twice. Very cumbersome, but the alternative is to be bothered multiple times during the daylight hours when someone or some animal walks by.
It would be quite simple to program one central "switch" in settings to turn ALL outdoor camera notifications off and on. And then, ideally hopefully later, develop a slightly more sophisticated program to allow a schedule to be set up to automatically turn the notifications off and on, e.g. off during the day and on in the evening. The complexity of the program would be comparable to a $10 light timer.
Davey, could you please submit that to development for consideration? It would be greatly appreciated by those, especially those with multiple outside cameras.
1 Message
2 years ago
Is there a setting to temporarily disable the cameras? For example, while mowing or playing fetch with the dog. So far I have not been able to find a setting to do that. Thanks.
1 Message
2 years ago
Is there a way to set outdoor camera notifications to only when system is armed in “away” or “home” mode?
5 Messages
2 years ago
I'm +1 here. The code that requires resetting of the camera specific notifications daily+ needs fixing. On ColorOS (droid 13), you can only snooze notifications for 30 or 60 mins at a time. It's infuriating. Also what is DFU notifications? Turned this off, but then earned I wouldn't get alarm notifications even though this is a separate notification setting (app management). Please push this feature or fix up the priority list. Thanks
1 Message
2 years ago
Another +1. Having a birthday party for my wife with lots of family staying over, in and out all the time. Need a Simple (see what I did there?) way to shut the camera notifications off whenever I need to. Tying them to the alarm state would be a useful option.
1 Message
1 year ago
Yes, please add a way to add camera notifications only when the alarm is set, but have the notifications off when the alarm is off.
11 Messages
1 year ago
I've had Simplisafe setup for over 2 years now and I don't see ANY enhancements being implemented. Having spent my career in product development tells my there are no R&D resources active on this product which is disappointing.
2 Messages
1 year ago
New SimpliSafe user. When my system is OFF, I have cameras set to detect motion, and I have the setting to NOT push notifications - but I get constant notifications. What am I doing wrong?