‎All Cameras Do Not Record When An Event Occurs (Arm/Disarm/Secret Alert) | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 8:46 PM



All Cameras Do Not Record When An Event Occurs (Arm/Disarm/Secret Alert)

Within the past week, my cameras have stopped recording events.  In the past, when I set or disable my alarm or when a secret alert was triggered, all my cameras would record.  Now only one random camera records.  For example, instead of seeing my front door keypad when the alarm is shut off, the only recording may be the hallway or office camera.  I did add the new indoor camera and outdoor camera this week and thought that might be connected. 

I've just spent almost an hour on the phone with customer support and they were not helpful at all.  They kept asking to check my wifi and motion sensors on my cameras.  Wifi is not the problem.  I am able to view all my cameras live and manually record if I want.  And my issue had absolutely nothing to do with the motion sensors.  Whoever I spoke to I don't believe ever understood my problem.    After 45 minutes, I finally asked for a supervisor and am supposed to receive a call back.  We will see...

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Camera Recordings Missing for locations with more than one camera

Official Solution

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

11 months ago

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for reporting this issue! This has been sent to our engineers to look into, and an update will be provided once I hear more from them. I've added you all to the ticket that's with our engineers, so someone may reach out to you as they continue to investigate. 

8 Messages

Thank you and hopefully this will get fixed quickly.

9 Messages

Thank you I am happy to provide screenshots if the engineers reach out. I have also noticed that previous videos from before this issue started are no longer accessible. For example videos I downloaded a couple weeks ago that were part of 4 videos recorded during an event are longer accessible on app, so this is affecting all videos in the timeline, they all say there is only 1 video per event when I know I have seen 4 videos on those specific events since I downloaded them before.

136 Messages


I could have sworn i had seen complete sets more recently than they show in my time line. Maybe i'm not crazy.

I also logged in from the computer and they are not there either so it is not a device or app dependent issue.


9 Messages

11 months ago

Starting today I noticed that on my timeline, it says only "1 recording" is available for each secret alert but there should be 4 recordings for each secret alert because I have 4 cameras. Secret alert events that I viewed 4 different recordings for yesterday now show as only having "1 recording" and the available recording alternates between the cameras on different events. This appears to be a bug in the timeline, and it is an issue both on my phone app and when logged in on a computer to the website. Previous secret alerts that I know had 4 recordings are now only showing 1 of those 4 recordings so this is affecting the whole timeline. I even scrolled back to an event that I had previously downloaded a video to my phone for (and had watched all 4 camera recordings in app) and that event on the timeline now shows only "1 recording" available and it isn't even the one I had downloaded and saved to my phone. All of my cameras are currently connected and working, I tried updating the app and uninstalling it, but nothing changed. I chatted with support but they want me to take the batteries out of my cameras, but I can't do that because they are hardwired anyways and I would have to climb up ladders to get to the cameras. I asked support to report this problem to the software engineers because this appears to be a bug. Hopefully this will get resolved quickly because I view the secret alert recordings every day, and right now I can't access them. Has anyone else had this issue?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Bug in the timeline- can't view all camera recordings

197 Messages

I have the same problem. 

Within the past week, my cameras have stopped recording events.  In the past, when I set or disable my alarm or when a secret alert was triggered, all my cameras would record.  Now only one random camera records.  For example, instead of seeing my front door keypad when the alarm is shut off, the only recording may be the hallway or office camera.  I did add the new indoor camera and outdoor camera this week and thought that might be connected.  But if others are having the same problem then maybe not.

I've just spent almost an hour on the phone with customer support and they were not helpful at all.  They kept asking to check my wifi and motion sensors on my cameras.  Wifi is not the problem and my issue had absolutely nothing to do with the motion sensors.  Whoever I spoke to I don't believe ever understood my problem.    After 45 minutes, I finally asked for a supervisor and am supposed to receive a call back.  We will see... 

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

11 months ago

Hi @mdolfan, 

Just so I have this right, whenever you disarm your system of a Secret Alert is triggered, only your Hallway or Office camera will record the event? Do all of your cameras still record when they detect motion? Or does this issue only happen when your disarm your system and when a Secret Alert is triggered?

I would first try resetting your cameras that no longer record during these events to see if that resolves this problem. Below are articles in our Help Center that take you through the steps of resetting your SimpliCam and Outdoor Camera.

197 Messages

Thanks for the response. 

The camera that records when the system is disarmed or a secret alert is triggered is random. It could be anyone of my cameras, but it's only ever one.  It used to be all cameras that recorded. 

All my cameras will detect motion and all will record.

In my timeline after an event, there is only one random recording where there used to be multiple recordings.   This is the issue.  

I tried resetting one of my cameras I could reach and that didn't fix anything. 

There was another thread where someone else reported the same problem. 



8 Messages

I have noticed this within the last week or so as well. specifically, whenever i disarm my system, i have have one recording from a random camera in the app (both ios and android), whereas i used to have three recordings, one from each of my three wired cameras. Looking back through my timeline for the past 30 days, Simplisafe has purged all but one of the three recordings i did have for each time i disarmed before this started even. Basically, to me, it appears that Simplisafe has downgraded our recording/storage capacity, while recently increasing their rates.

2 Messages

Similar issue for me… It used to be that all cameras recorded upon alarm or disarm. Now only the standard wired camera does and not the wireless smart camera unless it’s the motion detector inside it that sets off the alarm. I’ve just spent 1hr15mins with a level 1 and then a level 2 technician resetting the wireless smart camera multiple times and changing numerous settings. It still doesn’t work correctly. Hopefully enough people will report a problem that SimpliSafe will check their firmware and debug it. 


197 Messages

I think it's clear that the issue is not our individual cameras and something that SimpliSafe has to fix.

2 Messages


Same issue here. Only one camera recording (selected at random) of two is viewable in my timeline after front door entry sensor is opened. Both cameras are triggered correctly (shutters open and flash blue, close after 60 seconds). Both cameras are connected to the WiFi and viewable on demand. I’ve had this setup for the last 5 years and this issue started occurring in the last week. As another person commented, it appears the second video was purged from my 30 day history, too.

Chat support was useless - had me reset both cameras, reset WiFi, and tried to sell me on turning on motion activated recordings (despite that having nothing to do with the issue). 

4 Messages

11 months ago

I have two cameras and several sensors. I've counted on the secret alert camera recording feature from both cameras to support the monitoring needs I have for several years. It's just what I need. All of a sudden as of yesterday this doesn't work anymore. The secret alerts arbitrarily just pick one camera recording to include. I'll have to find a new system. Right way to do it would be to let user indicate which (if any) cameras should get tied to a particular sensor's secret alert.

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@froeber​ This issue you reported sounds similar to something our engineers are investigating, so I moved your comment into this post. Your case details have been forwarded to our engineers - someone may contact you as they continue to look into this.

4 Messages

@emily_s , Good call. You are right! This is the right place for my problem to reported as everyone here is having the same problem. Good catch moving my post! I'm a retired SW developer who developed systems like this at times and had to address issues like this. When I saw what had happened the other day I assumed (like @James_S ) that it was an (upsetting) attempt at a significant downgrade in service. From what you say, it sounds like more of a bug introduced by some recent SW update. I know all too well those can happen ;-).

It's a weird bug because, as others have said, it retroactively changed the results of all the recorded timeline data presented to us customers to match the new concept of limited (to 1) random camera recordings from any event that used to record multiple cameras.

I'm glad the team is working on it and will hopefully fix it soon. I looked for something broken on my end and it wasn't there (ie everything worked as expected except for the data now available from your back-end system). It's obvious to the people working this problem on your end but I would focus on checking the changes made to the SW via updates the past week. Unless some serious change was made to the backend HW setup that caused some "limited bandwidth" data shedding operation to kick in. Anyways, I'll be glad when it's fixed. Thanks again!

136 Messages

11 months ago

Yup, i just noticed this but it appears to have stopped recording all cameras on disarm over a month ago as that's as far back as i can go in the timeline.

Also Random cameras but though i have not gone through every recording the outdoor camera does not appear to be popular in the randomness. in the last week its rotated between the other 3 cameras pretty randomly. 

also yes, all 4 of them detect motion.


Edit: and when i accidentally set the alarm off it only recorded one camera, and not one that would be helpful.


136 Messages

update: i tried a few things and the random camera recording does not seem to be either the last watched or the last triggered by motion. 

It also does not seem to be a set sequence - in other words it isn't camera 1, camera 2, camera3.... it can be camera 2 three times in row and then camera 1 then 2 again then 3... it seems to be completely random.

I also don't thing the outdoor camera is ever the one. (i have a door bell 2 simplicams (with outdoor kits outside) and an outdoor camera. It seems to always be the door bell or one of the simplicams.

8 Messages

11 months ago

I am having the same issues as well.  From what I can tell it started Monday October 30th.  My outdoor cameras as also not uploading any footage when motion is detected.  When system is disarmed and when secret alert is on it is a 1 random camera that records on each of these triggers. At this point I realize that it is not on my end because of all the comments on here. 

2 Messages

2 Messages

11 months ago

Ever since the firmware update only one of my 5 (4 indoor, 1 doorbell) camera recordings show up in the timeline instead of all 5. The camera that does show up is not the same camera every time.

I removed all cameras from my system, unplugged all cameras except the doorbell (which still had power after removing it from the side of the house), unplugged and removed the batteries from the base station.

i put the batteries back into n the base station and plugged it in, then reinstalled all cameras. Problem still exists.

I spent 2+ very frustrating hours with support who either couldn’t understand me or didn’t know what they were doing or both.

This needs to be fixed or there is no reason to continue to do business with Simplisafe.

Thank you.

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@jallen_45​ Your comment sounded similar to this issue that our engineers are looking into, so I've moved your comment here. I've added your case to our engineer's ticket, and once I hear more from them an update will be provided in this thread.

3 Messages

11 months ago

I am having the same problem here. I have older simplicam and new wifi smartcam. I have also noticed that previous videos from before this issue started are no longer accessible. For example videos I downloaded a couple weeks ago that were part of 2 videos recorded during an event are  no longer accessible on app, so this is affecting all videos in the timeline, they all say there is only 1 video per event when I know I have seen 2 videos on those specific events since I downloaded them before.

In the past, when I set or disable my alarm, both my cameras would record.  Now only one random camera records, usually only the older simplicam. For example, instead of seeing my front door keypad when the alarm is shut off, the only recording may be the other camera in the family room.

This is not good. Please correct as soon as possible.

3 Messages

I am also having this same problem! I have chatted with tech support the last two nights in a row. I have had this system for three plus years and every time with a secret alert, all my cameras would record and I would receive a recording. Now when I am opening my back door I am getting a recording only from my front door outside camera.( which makes no sense) It seems to be so random which camera I will get a recording from now, but it’s only ever one out of my three even though it looks like all of them are recording. When I chatted with tech support they continued to repeat what I had already done and gave me generic answers. They continued to tell me it was my internet provider and connection even when I gave them proof from my internet provider app and the Simplisafe connection check on their app that my connections for my cameras are good in both areas. I have not had any problems with this system and have loved it until I believe this last update when this changed. I would like to also be updated if possible as I would like to be able to know if someone comes in my back door I will get a recording from my living room camera which faces my back door instead of my front door. 


2 Messages

Add another one to the list @emily_s . We are having the same problems as everyone else in this list. Cameras aren't recording. I stood in front of all three of them today, blue light came on, no recording. I also know the dog walker was here today and a package was delivered while we were at work and there is no evidence they were ever here...no recordings or alerts. And random older recordings have disappeared.

64 Messages

11 months ago

I just discovered I'm having the same issue.  When disarming the system, one random camera will record instead of all 5 (combination of Simplicam, video doorbell and outdoor camera).  I've also received a number of  base station update alerts over the past week or so.

136 Messages

11 months ago

This is sorta a big deal... one random camera recording during an alarm is nearly useless...

I guess i don't really understand why its not a quick fix / very high priority.


136 Messages

Hmm, so it says 3 recordings this morning when disarmed. Still nothing from the outdoor camera.

8 Messages

Recordings now working properly for me and showing up in the app (both ios and android) as of last night. All wired cameras recording/showing in the app when I disarm the system. Outdoor battery operated cameras have never recorded/shown in the app on disarm for me.

136 Messages

Hmm, you may be right about disarm, guess i am going to have to set the alarm off and see if i get 4 recordings.

2 Messages

I reported this to the UK support folks a few days back. They’ve been really responsive (big shout out to Oliver) and they’ve advised it’s been fixed overnight. Got a call from them as well as an email. I can report that it is indeed fixed.

The outdoor cams won’t record in disarm, but you can check they record by setting off a secret alert to test the ‘all camera record’ feature. I’ve done so and the timeline now works as it did before the bug got introduced… 


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