1 Message
Customer support
I was disappointed to find out today that SimpliSafe does not support its devices purchased from other retailers. I purchased a second SimpliCam from the Simplisafe display at Best Buy. The camera would not log into my existing system, and I received help from your tech support. They were able to see the view from my functioning Simplicam, and said the new camera was likely defective. They stated a new camera would be sent out in a couple days and a return postage slip to return the defective one would be included. It never arrived, so I called SimpliSafe again. The person there said that I would have to go back to Best Buy to rectify the problem, and that they do not support devices not purchased directly from SimpliSafe. They also stated they have no record of me having purchased any SimpliCam, even though I obtained one with my initial order for the system, and you can actually see the view of the camera on my system! Best Buy showed consternation that SimpliSafe would not take back a defective product. They were gracious enough to refund the purchase price even though I was outside their refund time window. I recommend you inform your customers of your policy in an obvious location on your website. I have informed those I know who either use your system or are looking for a new one.
Official Solution
Community Admin
1K Messages
4 years ago
We're sorry to hear about your recent experience. It appears that there may have been a couple of mistakes that we made during your calls. Our 3-year product warranty does cover all of our equipment whether purchased directly from us or through one of our 3rd-party retailers. As such, both of the representatives that you spoke with will receive some additional training regarding our policy and how to ensure the customer always receives the necessary replacements in a timely fashion. We'll also make sure that one of our representatives reaches out to you to make sure that you are all set.
@Captain11, thanks for bringing that to our attention. While we do have articles in our Help Center about our warranty and returning products for refunds, we'll try to add some clarity regarding how those apply to products purchased through our retailers.
SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
Now back to @thekilbys. I purchased, about 2 years ago, a Nest Thermostat. I called Nest, confirmed it would work with my existing wired Carrier system (it didn't) and then went to Best Buy and purchased it. After a $100 service call the weekend before Christmas I packed it back up and returned it to Best Buy. They issued a refund on my credit card without question.
So, in my opinion, both Best Buy and Simplisafe have a horse in this race, and need to get their acts together.
Simplisafe, please respond to this thread, and if I did miss the article in the help center, I apologize upfront. Thanks!
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
@thekilbys this is a great example of why I have been and continue to be loyal Simplisafe customer for over nine years. As SS experiences dramatic growth, continuous improvement process can only help maintain customer goodwill....and SS's bottom line.
To all, be safe out there, and have a great week!
1 Message
2 years ago
My customer service issue is different. It is unrelated to products or any of the other options listed under the Chat with us on the web site.
Specifically, my issue is with accessing the SimpliSafe web site from my cellphone. When I attempted this I got the message: prod-xb.sprinlr.com could not be found.
2 Messages
10 months ago
I ordered a system, however due to moving I put in the wrong address. It was ordered in January and I have not received it, due to my error. I have tried to correct this error but FedEx states the tracking number is invalid. It now states it has been sent back to SimpliSafe, however I am still being charged for the system, the billing company states I need to talk to SimpliSafe and SimpliSafe states I need to talk to the billing company, in the meantime I am being charged for a product I do not have and can't get assistance from anyone. The one person I was able to talk to at SimpliSafe sent me a return address label for the product, but since I don't have the product to send back it doesn't help much.
1 Message
2 months ago
The battery on my door lock is low. What do I need to do?