‎Scheduled Arm and Disarm | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Sunday, April 29th, 2018 1:17 AM



Scheduled Arm and Disarm

On my previous system I had the alarm on a schedule to arm throughout the night and disarm in the AM. Does SimpliSafe have this feature? I can't find it.

3 Messages

2 years ago

Just accidentally set my alarm off because my dog had an emergency outdoor request. I'm sick of this already. Am I in 1982?!?!

1 Message

2 years ago

Got everything unpacked and installed today only to find this feature is unavailable. Even though the requests are ranging back 5 years.  We'll be returning all of it. Cannot believe this feature isn't available. Xfinity Home has it and I counted them in the junk pile...


Same here

1 Message

2 years ago

+1 want schedule feature. Through the app or Alexa/Nest routines

9 Messages

2 years ago

Even if scheduling arm and disarm isn’t a feature then the alerts need to be able to be scheduled at a MINIMUM. There is no reason this should still be missing 

7 Messages

2 years ago

I left ss 

1 Message

2 years ago

Like many others, I would very much like to have the ability to schedule arm and disarm of the home status.

I just left ADT for SS and i thought ADT's platform was antiquated and they have had this feature for years.

There seems to be one poster that does not want this feature and seems to feel that they speak for everyone or their needs are they same as every one else's.

My use case is very simple and i am sure not unusual.  I have a family and their schedules of coming and going at night and start times in morning are variable.  Instead of trying to get everyone's daily schedule every day and hoping the late person sets the alarm and early person turns it off without setting it off.  Automation makes it simple and gurantees alarm is set at night and reduces false alarms in morning.

1 Message

2 years ago

SimpliSafe needs to upgrade many features…come on its 2023!!!

2 Messages

2 years ago

Has there been any movement on this topic. This is definitely a deal breaker, and I am researching other services because of this lack of functionality.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Scheduled arming and disarming

2 Messages

I use Google Home to arm at 11pm but it can not disarm. Alexa would do the same.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages


At this time, there is no way to schedule arming or disarming of your system. The philosophy is that both arms and disarms should always be intentional by a human user.

But we do know that this is a popular request, and we have a thread on the Suggestions section about it here. Our product team is always happy to listen to feedback!

In the meantime, you do have the ability to schedule a reminder, so that you'll get a notification when it's time to arm or disarm. You can find instructions for that here.

3 Messages

@emily_s​   terrible answer.  just got my system today and its going back today.  i assumed stupidly that any alarm company selling a SMART system would have basic arm/disarm scheduling.  foolish.

2 Messages

I feel like the philosophy should be to give the user the option to schedule arming. This seems like a silly thing to restrict and ultimately makes me feel less safe since I might forget to arm it. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @Cw ​, 

Good news, scheduled arming has been released! This feature is slowly rolling out to users. If you don't see it in your SimpliSafe mobile app under Menu > My System > Scheduled Arming, you should soon. In the meantime, you can learn more about scheduled arming here in our Help Center.

3 Messages

2 years ago

ridiculous that my new system that arrived today CANNOT be set to auto arm and disarm, but a basic russian made nonmonitored $49 alarm from amazon can easily accomplish this feat via wifi app. 

bad design and really dissapointing.   returning the entire package to SS today.   

3 Messages

2 years ago

When will this feature be available. I would like to have an option to schedule arm and disarm. This should be an option, if I’d have known this earlier I would have not bought this system. 

764 Messages

2 years ago

Not sure if this is a BETA function or not.  I missed the notification of having your alarm set at a specific time.  I have the reminder set.  Where is the android app setting to automatically set the alarm?


Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@general_kaos​ the feature is rolling out slowly across all users. If you don't see it in the app yet under Menu > My System, you will soon!

1 Message

2 years ago

What’s the time frame for enabling Scheduled Arm and Disarm? I don’t see it yet in my system (I have interactive monitoring) and it’s a feature that would be very helpful 

This comment was created from this reply

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @el19​, 

We don't have a specific time frame at the moment, this new feature is rolling out slowly to users. I'd keep an eye on your SimpliSafe mobile app to see when it's introduced to your system!

764 Messages

2 years ago

How slowly is this function rolling out?  I have gotten 2 or 3 application updates since my first post.  Still don't see anything.

7 Messages

2 years ago

I have the app installed on my phone (primary) and my wife’s phone (secondary) the scheduled arming feature does not show on my phone but it does on my wife’s phone. I have deleted and reinstalled the app and it still does not show. I need the feature on my phone as I’m the one that controls the system. My wife just has it on her phone as a backup. 

App version: 2078.68.0

iOS: 16.4.1


10 Messages

2 years ago

Davey says it's available but I tried it and it didn't work. I scheduled disarm at 9 AM today (Thursday Jun 1, 2023) and nothing happened at 9 AM.

Perhaps someone at SS will figure it out.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@jnstevenson​ Thank you for reporting! I've forwarded this to our devs for investigation. 

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