7 Messages
longer record time for outdoor camera
I would like to see a longer record time on the outdoor camera. If someone triggers the camera then stays still, the video stops. Then starts up if they move again, sometimes not recording till out of sight.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @RHB ,
This is sort of how the Outdoor Camera is intentionally designed to work. It's set up to keep recording until it no longer senses motion. That way, it saves battery life and bandwidth for when there's actual action in the scene. But it shouldn't be going back into deep sleep immediately, so it can stay ready for more motion events.
If you're seeing lag between recordings, it might help to troubleshoot the wireless connection between your Outdoor Camera and the Base Station, since it's the Base Station that tells the camera when to start recording.
2 Messages
1 year ago
I agree. This camera is terrible. It is located 10 feet from Wi-Fi and only records up to a min but usually 10 seconds. Need to fix that
1 Message
1 year ago
I am really not happy with the Outdoor SimpliCam either. I have both the Outdoor SimpliCam and the older Ring Spotlight Cam and I was really hoping the Outdoor SimpliCam outperformed the Ring Cam, but for me it doesn't. The SimpliCam only records for about 10 seconds, then stops and starts again. I have great Wi-Fi and battery life is not an issue because I have the device hard wired to power. I have much better recording times with the older Ring Spotlight Cam. The cameras are just as important as the rest of the system in my opinion so you would at least expect a Home Security company to sell a product as least as good as the competition. Please update the firmware of the Outdoor Cam to record at least as long as the 1st gen indoor cam. That device records for about 1 minute and four seconds.
4 Messages
11 months ago
100% agree with this. Extend the record time.
Delivery driver pulls up but doesn’t get out right away so recording stops. By the time the camera starts up again in response to his getting out it has missed his exit from the vehicle and his approach to the door. All you get is a recording of his back on his way back to the truck. Useless!
extend the record time - simple solution.
2 Messages
11 months ago
This looks like it did not make the cut for development. This is a really important feature request.
1K Messages
10 months ago
This should be done as my old 8 year old arlos even running on nothing but battery you can choose from 10 seconds to one minute of recording after movement has happened.
5 Messages
9 months ago
This is essential. I only get up to about 10 seconds of recording before it cuts off and ALWAYS misses the most important part. We need the ability to set a minimum record time of 1 minute.
2 Messages
9 months ago
It’s really pathetic. You pay so much for a camera and subscription and it records for 20 seconds at best when it sees motion. I’m plugged into power outside. I want longer record times!!!!
1 Message
9 months ago
I'm considering removing ALL Simplisafe just because of the limited recording time! I need more time and can decide what ratio I want for recording time vs battery time. I bought the electrical connect BECAUSE I need longer recording time!! I'm really sorry I bought this system.
1 Message
8 months ago
Not allowing us to have longer recording times is not acceptable. Nest cameras do an excellent job on this and are less money than the $30 plus a month we are spending now with Simplisafe. This needs to be added or you will see many people going to other cameras or maybe new whole security systems. Give the customer what they want. I am not asking for it free, but you have to be competitive with the market out there.
1 Message
4 months ago
Please enable longer recording times once movement is detected. My recording average 13-17 seconds each. Someone can be moving within the camera range and it stops recording and starts recording a new clip. It does not keep recording while there is motion.
The camera connection is great and very near to the base station so don’t use that for an excuse. The firmware needs updating to keep up with your competition, otherwise the outdoor cameras are useless!
4 Messages
4 months ago
Need longer and continuous recording for beginning of activation to the end of movement activity.
Example - Delivery driver pulls up but doesn’t get out right away so recording stops. By the time the camera starts up again in response to his getting out of truck it has missed his exit from the vehicle and his approach to the door. All you get is a recording of his back on his way back to the truck. Useless!
2 Messages
2 months ago
I second the opinion. It does not have to be a forced software update, but at least allow people to select if they'd prefer the recording to be longer, like a shutoff delay. Detects movement, stays active 10,20, or 40 seconds longer etc.
Almost all other prime, motion detection camera devices allow this. Dashcams even more so letting you change insane amounts of settings for a simple $50 camera, this entire service I pay monthly for ontop of the expensive cameras should be way more.. It's horrifically rudimentary.
We know a camera being active longer, drains more battery.. Obviously
That is why it should be an option. I would literally much prefer to change my battery a week earlier and have that necessary film than to not have to change my battery as early and literally miss out on the purpose a camera is meant to fulfill.
(And no, i do not want to plug it in for performance mode because it is not located in a position to do so. Again, options.)
this, along with the fact they still haven't made the fix where a camera fully dying completely bricks the camera and wont let you reconnect with a full battery are reasons I think i'll be ending the service soon..
8 Messages
2 months ago
Do any developers ever look at these posts? I'm really sick of non-answers from what appears to be an AI robot.
1 Message
2 months ago
I agree. I have 100/1000 in speeds and I'm definitely close to hub. Full singal strength. Record time stink, not long enough, and even on high sensitivity they delay on triggering motion.