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Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 2:12 PM


IFTTT Integration


The lack of formal IFTTT support is quickly becoming a thorn in my side, especially with alternatives like https://www.scoutalarm.com . I have read many accounts of your customers looking to integrate your otherwise awesome service with the rest of the house, including smart lights, HVAC, and security camera. I've learned that it is much BETTER to integrate than trying to corner the market for everything by cornering yourself off.

IFTTT is quickly becoming (or rather become) the standard, and shouldn't present a serious problem for SS programmers to create an integration. Please 1) let me know if I can help in any way and 2) explain why IFTTT isn't offered yet/when it will be offered/why it isn't on your development roadmap.

Thank you,

Alex (a happy, loyal customer who really wants to see you continue to succeed, but will have to start considered alternatives soon)

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Community Admin


5.7K Messages

6 years ago


Thank you for posting. Yes, IFTTT support has been requested before. Our development team is always looking for suggestions! I'll be sure to add your voice to the chorus.


4 Messages

Folks on this forum have been requesting this since at least 2014. Any progress? :-/


1 Message

I concur.  Please add. Just bought and didn't think to check this prior and now disappointed.

1 Message

Please add any voice as well.  I have the Smart Things Hub.

2 Messages

Adding my voice to the chorus of users who want IFTTT and better Alexa integration added.  Shame on me for not reading these threads before I bought my system, but I honestly can’t believe it’s not enabled.  Most SimpliSafe competitors (Ring, Blink, Arlo, Abode, Honeywell) have basic IFTTT geofence functionality for their systems.  You have a good product that could be much better and satisfy many of your customers with almost no additional investment needed on your side.

Since it seems the technical aspect of adding this option is not a challenge, we as customers are left to assume it’s a deliberate business decision.  However, I can attest that it’s the wrong one:  Based on Simplisafe’s lack of commitment to add this basic smart home functionality (this thread is 5+ years old), are you telling me that I should return my system?  I certainly will not be expanding the number of devices, adding cameras or enrolling in the monthly monitoring / service based options if I can’t use this system as expected.  So you will lose both initial and recurring revenue streams.  And I definitely cannot recommend this product to others.

Hoping I’m mistaken, you have reconsidered and are willing to enable IFTTT and keep your current customer.  And if the decision is no, at least be honest about it:  Tells us why you are unwilling instead of giving us the “we’ll add it to our list of requested features” boilerplate.

1 Message

im still within the 60 days trial.

over 5 years and this simple request never been addressed, what a shame.

anyways, the cameras always lag, upgrading firmware got to be done through customer service, web UI need a lot of work and lack of constant monitoring online. all seems they are just running a business based on the $1 a day revenue.

going to return it for sure, but got to find something else now.

1 Message

6 years ago

I see there is no answer.  I agree.  We need IFTTT channels for simplisafe, primarily as triggers so that arm or disarm commands will then trigger other actions!

1 Message

Seriously it would be great if we could get iftt to connect with simplisafe.. I would love it if when the ring door bell is triggered, all simplisafe cameras create a recording of like 20 seconds before to 30 seconds after. 

6 years ago

IFTTT integration would be a huge step forward for safety too. Imagine the smoke detector sounding in the middle of the night... There is no reason why all my hue lights shouldn't come on to help my family get out of the house. IFTTT integration would make this simple.

6 years ago

IFTTT would be a REALLY huge bonus to your system. Considering it would also make it pretty easy to configure a self-monitoring solution though, I'm not sure how likely it'll be to come out. I'd be very happy to be proven wrong though!

4 Messages

6 years ago

I personally have given up on any integration with SmartThings or IFTTT and I went ahead and added a multi purpose sensor to each door and a smart smoke in the master bedroom with LIFX par 30s down the hall, to the entry and a tunable over the front door that flashes red. Cost about the same as my initial system. But it gives me some options like my alerts from that will arrive faster than the phone call and I will be able to see to get out. Hitting the panic alarm would not turn any lights on. Parenthetically I might add that four immediate family members lost their homes in the recent Butte county fire in California last month. They evacuated because had they waited til the smoke alarms went off they'd not be here today. A raging firestorm of that size is nothing like leaving a frying pan on the stove

We need levels of redundancy, plus a coordinated evacuation plan. 100 people perished in that fire, 20,000 survived by getting out quickly. Putting lights that go on and guide us to safety became a huge priority for us. Prior to that I was more worried about some lowlife stealing my grandma's silver tea set.  Granted some who died in Butte county were killed in their vehicles and were trapped on roads closed by fallen trees, but unless you've driven in the total darkness of a raging fire closing in on you at the speed on a football field a second, you have no idea how dark that is. Lights may be the one way to get out and get to your car.

1 Message

This might be why SimpliSafe hasn't integrated with IFTTT. They might be afraid of legal action, in case the IFTTT recipe fails in case of an emergency. I wish their communications team would get out in front of that, instead of prompting us to make assumptions that reduce loyalty to their brand.

6 years ago

I'll add my thumbs up for support - Simplisafe needs continue to be an innovator - Don't stop short ladies/guys - Take a play out of the sonos playbook - They are always adding innovations - always developing a world class platforms - Of course that's my opinion :)

2 Messages

6 years ago

Okay folks. I'm shopping for a security system. (I just registered to post this question.)
DIY install
Google Home integration
Cell phone based

If you guys (current SimpliSafe) customers had a do-over, would you still go with SimpliSafe?  Any word from SimpliSafe on IFTTT?

2.2K Messages

6 years ago

I would, it appears to be the best value in a SECURITY system.  I'm not a big fan of total automation (I'm not lazy or incompetent and with a lifelong career in breaking software, know that all of it has bugs and can be hacked), and even if I were a total automation fan, I would never want my SECURITY to allow any automation to weaken it.

Having the SECURITY being in control of automation is a different story.  I would tolerate the alarm going off causing other things to happen, but I'd prefer the security system do that stuff itself.  But SS has shown they have no interest in doing that.

2 Messages

I agree with you. I don't want other things to control my security system, but I would like my security system to control other things.
For instance, if I "arm" my security system, I'd like it to lock the four external doors if one of the kids left one unlocked.

100 Messages

@ag2ward, I agree that they should open up IFTTT integration, and that it would open up a whole world of options, but in the meantime, you can already do exactly what you've described if you install August Locks.

1 Message

5 years ago

Has there been any automation done yet?



6.1K Messages

5 years ago

@epirian21 , there has been some but it is limited.

August Lock
Google Home Assistant
Amazon Echo

Do a Google site search to learn what each can go, again, it is limited.

1 Message

5 years ago

Simplisafe Developers,

IFTTT is a very robust and easy to plan and execute next step to your simplisafe ecosystem.  All you have to do is allow your simply safe alarm alert to be an IFTTT trigger.  Then individuals can add to it what they would like.  Personally if my alarm is going off I would like to use that to trigger all the lights in my house and my exterior lights to come on simultaneously.

It is not hard work for simplisafe.  They just make the trigger, IFTTT and the Simplisafe community would take it from there.

Makes for a pretty neat television ad when your siren goes off and every light in the house lights up!

Mark Miner

A very good potential work around for this would work as follows.  A microphone that you put close to the external siren and when it picks up the very loud noise the siren makes the microphone makes it's own IFTTT  trigger that you can use to your hearts content!!

103 Messages

5 years ago

I would LOVE IFTTT integration.  My idea is to have all my interior and exterior LIFX lights come on, turn red, and flash.... basically creating a huge RED ALERT from the inside and the outside.  I think it would create a visual deterrent to go along with the alarm.  Either way, I'm very happy with SS. I just see all the different ways it could go if you opened it up to other aspects of a smart home ecosystem.

245 Messages

5 years ago

Deterrent.  You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.  Deterrents only work to deter behavior if the would-be perp knows about them.  Not the case with blinkenlights that come on after the alarm is tripped. ;-)

That said, I would also like a way to integrate other devices into the system.  But I don't want to use another third-party website subject to folding up shop or changing the rules on a whim.  I want it under my control.

1 Message

5 years ago

Please att IFTT support!

5 years ago

Yeah I think I will be avoiding simplisafe when I get my next alarm system purely because of their closed garden approach and failure to integrate IFTT. I've had my system for a long time and am due for an upgrade. Guess they will be losing me as a customer. So it goes. I write software for a living and the lack of an IFTT integration is purely a business decision - they clearly do not care about their customers. Happy to take my business elsewhere if I am not important to simplisafe.
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