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Friday, August 4th, 2023 9:38 PM


Third/Custom Arm Mode

My daughter and family left for a one week well earned vacation and her parents (My wife and I) said yes for their two cats to stay at our house. Her SS3 has entry, glass break and other types of sensors, but no motions. Ours has 9 motion sensors and 3 SA cameras with motions. Subtract the three rooms that is off limits to the cats and we now have six motion sensors and three cameras that I manually changed settings for home and away modes. Whew!

An added mode, "custom" would have allowed me to configure "Cat mode" next time they visit (which is in about six weeks).

1 Message

1 year ago

Agree. Need a custom mode asap! It’s 2023!

8 Messages

4 months ago


I see there are Off, Home, and Away modes available. I would like to request the ability to create additional custom modes and specify the settings for each sensor in every defined security mode.

Scenario: Imagine a multi-story home with motion sensors on every floor. At night, I don't want to enable Home mode, where all motion sensors are turned off. Instead, I want to create two custom modes: "First Floor Arm mode" and "Second Floor Arm mode." In "First Floor Arm mode," the motion sensor on the first floor is enabled while the motion sensor on the second floor is disabled. In "Second Floor Arm mode," the motion sensor on the second floor is enabled while the motion sensor on the first floor is disabled.

Depending on which floor we are on at night, we can activate the corresponding mode. For example, if we sleep on the first floor, we would activate "Second Floor Arm mode" because only the motion sensor on the second floor needs to be enabled, not the one on the first floor.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Ability to create custom Security modes



6.3K Messages

@dk1 This has been asked for many times before, and fully support your request. There are some sensors I want armed all of the time (3 basement windows that have not been opened in 35+ years since the house was built). Right now I can only get secret alerts.

Suggest that you can configure your current system right now to get what you described (I apologize if I misunderstood your request.  Our current system has all motions (basement, 1st and 2nd floors) armed in away mode. in home mode, all bedrooms are on the 2nd floor and those are turned off while all motions on the first floor are turned on.

1.5K Messages

@dk1 My DIY system can do that.

In my humble opinion, lol, in order to have areas or zoned security, some more expensive brands "seem" to offer it. I said seem to. Lol

Of course they're canned systems as well, and probably want large monitoring fees and long ugly contracts or something.

At least here there's no contracts, just the retention department hassles when "calling to cancel" and the other known hassles.

I chose to build my own after buying this stuff. Not that expensive either. Just launched it and it's fully operational in parallel to Simplisafe sensors for now. Eventual replacement.

It has areas, self programming, sensors can actually be used for automations, such as lights etc., has a door been opened or left open for a certain time period, I'm covered, I'm in control, not a company. Multi user access pins, etc etc etc.

Do practically anything I want in home automation within compatibility these days.

I marked up the integration name in the pic, so as not to violate any fine print here in terms and conditions. Pic at bottom.

This won't help you much because these devices here may not ever have it. In the near future anyhow. Or ever.

SS is a canned "Simple" system, done their way or no way, with a little bone or app feature thrown in rarely to appease "some" customers.

Their model, IMHO, like may others, is monitoring fees, not features and good hardware.

I've seen copies of emails on other forums, fees here are rising again for those using full monitoring, so they can "continue innovation", it made me πŸ˜‚.

However, an admin may forward your request to the "devs", where it will probably die a slow death or go directly to file 13.πŸ˜‰

If you're technically inclined, can handle IFTTT type stuff etc. and have any interest, DM me and I'll share brand information there. At least that might be a little private, but highly doubtful.

If not, just ignore my post, have a good day and carry on.πŸ˜„

At the bottom shows areas, I only added for sample purposes. I don't use the zones or areas myself. Note also, I'm retired, and have plenty of time to fiddle with electronic gadgets and new iOT toys.


2 Messages

I'd like to have this ability also. I want to secure one room separately from the rest of the house.



6.3K Messages

This has been requested many times in the past and while Secret alert settings provide flexibility in each alarm state, not quite the same. In my case, I want some sensors armed all of the time (like basement windows that haven't been opened in 35+ years since the house was built. Allowing an "alarm" value in off state would accomplish a "zone" to be possible. The opposite is true now, with "secret alert" selected for a specific sensor in home or away modes. SS, you are close, why not finish it?

2 Messages

Another vote for this.  Should be doable in Mobile App and then the Home / Armed would reflect specific mode selection (ie Home - Custom & Armed - Custom.)

Lots of use cases that would make this much more flexible system.       ie.  I have a NextGen home (attached apartment) with connector door to main house. Depending on who is in the 'NextGen' space (or not) I need to modify the Home / Armed sensors each time I need to address that space usage.   Very tedious and something I can see impacting anyone with rentals, visitors or even allowing for situations where spouse travels leaving other alone who now wants different areas sensors in use (ie Motion when Home for downstairs) when home alone differently.

4 Messages

2 months ago

The 3 modes of off, home, and away are too limiting. I'd love to see more modes even if they're not available on the key pad. 

My wife and I have very different patterns. She never goes to the basement and would like that alarmed especially since it's a walk in basement. 

In contrast I spend most my time in the basement, either sleeping down there when I'm doing shift work, or working in the shop/garage. I'd like the keep the upstairs alarmed and the basement off. Anyone upstairs would be an intruder. 

There is no way to do this with the current system. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Would love to see more than 3 modes available
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