‎removing credit card | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Monday, February 8th, 2021 5:01 PM


removing credit card

I added a new credit card a week ago and they charged the old card today.  How do we remove old credit cards?  I selected the new card, but the charge continued to the old card.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Ability to Delete Old Credit Card Info

Accepted Solution



6K Messages

3 years ago

@david076 speaking from experience, the only way to take care of this is to call.  They will get it straight.

Community Admin


535 Messages

3 years ago

Hi @david076,

After adding a new payment card to your account you'll need to make sure that that card is selected for each system that you would like to use it on (assuming you have more than one). That being said, if you would like to remove an old form of payment from your account, you can call up our Support Team at 1-800-548-9508 and they'd be happy to help!

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

13 Messages

@simplisafe_admin​ Nobody should have to call to remove a credit card from their own account. You guys offer two factor authentication to ensure it is the user intended. I can monitor and control my whole system from my account. I can add a credit card. I can change billing/service options. All without having to call you, which nobody wants to do in this day and age. Please inform the Simplisafe powers that be that its customers want to have the ability to delete credit card data from your site/database.

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seriously, how is there not a delete option on a card IF there is already another card added to the account?!!

6 Messages

100% agree!

4 Messages

they won't delete it even if you call and you can't speak to a supervisor.  The only way to get your credit card out of their system is to delete and cancel your account.  Horrible customer service.  They don't even have to decency to let you speak to a supervisor.  They also have a bug in their system that lets criminals sit 100 yards away from your house and record your passcode enabling them to break into your system.  WORST COMPANY

2 Messages

2 years ago

Is this the year 2000?  Because I thought it was 2022?  Fix your website to allow full control of payment methods.  I work nights, so this is not convenient.

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

@kwhudson​ sorry for the inconvenience. We do need you on the phone to verify your Safe Word passcode, to make changes to your account. But it's a simple task that shouldn't need more than just a couple of minutes once we get that verification, and our Support team is available at 800-548-9508 from 8am to midnight ET (5am to 9pm Pacific) 7 days a week.

13 Messages

@davey_d This is one of the worst customer service responses ever. I can add a credit card to my account and I can update a credit card from my account. Why can I not delete a credit card? If I can log in through two factor authentication to my account, it is me. Allow me as the customer to delete MY credit card information from your database. Seems an easy fix that you guys should already have in place.

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4 Messages

1 year ago

Shouldn't have to call for this. It's an inconvenience. Most all apps and services allow you to remove a cc from your payment methods easily in-app. Why would SS even want to have call center reps deal with such minute things that should be handled on the user end in the app? Sheeesh!

2 Messages

1 year ago

This is absurd. You need to fix this. 

4 Messages

1 year ago

Imagine... a security company that is unable to deleted credit card information. Ridiculous!

2 Messages

1 year ago

Agree.  SimpliSafe you need to fix this.  I don’t have a security word since I use the self monitoring app.  How am I supposed to call and give my word?   Why is it that I can add card and not delete card? Should be a  Pretty simple thing to do within the app.  Fix this problem.  Obviously you don’t listen to or care about your customers.   This has been an issue with your clients for years now and nothing has been done about it.   Maybe we need to take to Twitter and spread the word how you as a company are exactly the same as every other major company when it comes to customer service.  YOU HAVE NONE!   this shouldn’t even be an issue.  


6 Messages

1 year ago

I updated payment information on the app by adding two new cards to my account. It wasn't easy to find, but I did it. I wanted to delete my previous card and like everyone else, I couldn't.

I found this thread and called support mid-afternoon on a Sunday to delete a credit card. I did not have to wait, my call was answered quickly. I was on the phone for 10 minutes of back and forth, put on-hold a couple of times, asked to give my personal information (last 4 of SSN, last 4 of credit card, credit card security code...over the phone) in ADDITION TO already providing my safeword. I was finally told there is a 3rd party billing company that won't allow your customer support team to delete my card from my account.

I read the message from davey_d to the phone support person, then was put on hold for another 7 minutes, only to get a slightly different reason, that they were "in the process of updating...blah, blah, blah...and couldn't delete my card at this time. Total phone time 19 minutes.

So no, it's NOT a "simple task that shouldn't need more than just a couple of minutes once we get that verification".

This has gone from a bad customer experience to one of the worst billing customer experiences.

As noted clearly by many others, it shouldn't be this hard.  Simplisafe required me to divulge personal security information to someone I don't know in an environment that does not sound very secure.


14 Messages

@tikimike33​ same thing here - was on the phone half an hour before speaking with a "supervisor" who said they would get back to me by end of day tomorrow. yada, yada, yada. I asked him if a court order would help. I'm calling my card company tomorrow. 

6 Messages

1 year ago

On the phone with SimpliSafe. Not only can I not remove an old card, they apparently cannot either!

I was instructed to try again later but the agent is unable to tell me how.

Good grief...

6 Messages

I have been on the phone for over 30mins and still unable to have the old card removed. Waiting on a supervisor now. UGH!

6 Messages

Was just told this is an ongoing issue that the developers are working on. Requested a problem ticket be opened and to be contacted when resolved. I also made the request that the delete option be added to their website. 

That's 45 mins of wasted time. 

2 Messages

1 year ago

I spent 36 minutes on the phone with no resolution. Please fix this!!

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1 year ago

I recently had fraudulent charges occur on the same card that I have stored on the simplisafe site, so had it replaced.  In process of removing ALL cards from any sites that they are stored (except ones that require a card for monthly payments, like simplisafe). Obviously, I recommend this to all.  All the other sites allow the card to be removed on the website, so simplisafe needs to change their billing service company.  Haven't called yet, but from the messages above, assuming it won't be easy.... Will follow up on that.

4 Messages

1 year ago

they won't delete it even if you call and you can't speak to a supervisor.  The only way to get your credit card out of their system is to delete and cancel your account.  Horrible customer service.  They don't even have to decency to let you speak to a supervisor.  They also have a bug in their system that lets criminals sit 100 yards away from your house and record your passcode enabling them to break into your system.  WORST COMPANY!  30 minutes on the phone and finally got the girl to stop repeating herself and send me to an escalation specialist.  Still no resolution


9 Messages

@SHM​ EVERY TIME,I've called S.S. I get a tech support person that has no idea what thenissue is. After calling 8-10 times (WASTING hours of my time) I sometimes get a tech. support person that fixes the.problem in a matter of minutes.  S.S. has 'apparently' same problem most businesses are encountering, lack of personel that CARE about customers and their job.

2 Messages

11 months ago

My old card was hacked, cancelled and reissued. I was able to add the new card effortlessly BUT not able to cancel the defunct card on the App. Good luck if SimpliSafe tries to charge the old card!!!! Terrible way to do business!

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

@dmurray18​ as long as you have the correct card selected under ☰ Menu > Plan & Billing, you're all set and don't need to take any further action.

But yes, for security reasons, we just need to verify your identity before removing payment info. Our Support team can take care of that very quickly for you.

52 Messages

That is NOT TRUE!  We had our credit card hacked and it was reissued a year ago.  I added the new card and you have been successfully charging it for the last year.  Then today I get an email saying that my "credit card could not be processed".  Since I knew that the card on file was good, I logged onto my account to check it.  Apparently SimpliSafe decided to stop charging the new card and went back to the old (cancelled) card.

I also noticed that the new card was on there about 8 times which means that my wife & I probably added the new card multiple times.  I remember my wife had called a while ago and asked them to remove the old card but apparently they didn't.  BTW, T-Mobile has the same problems and sends a nastier email, i.e., pay by tomorrow our your phone service will be cancelled.  We now have a different carrier.  I guess SimpliSafe thinks we won't switch companies because of our investment in equipment, but a new cell phone costs a lot more than all of my security equipment.

I'm still upset about the changes to the Device page on the website.

9 Messages

@davey_d​ BS.BS.BS. just like your "support team"

2 Messages

10 months ago

So, I also discovered that Simplisafe doesn’t allow you to delete a credit card.  My card got hacked.  I added a temporary card to get the Simplisafe monthly charge to process.  I’ve now added my replacement card.  I now have 3 credit cards tied to this account.  That was not the outcome I was looking for.  Sounds strangely familar to the tactics that Dish Network and other providers used in the past that would prevent you from cancelling the service online.  Please fix your site.  It I can add a card, then deleting unneeded cards is not a security issue.  I’ve already authenticated thru the app. 

6 Messages

10 months ago

Glad to see these comments.  I tried to remove my numbers from the app and then from the web.  I will now use a virtual Citibank card number that expires every 3 months.  Let's see how much fun they have with that.  Smh

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