‎How many people can I add on to my account | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Monday, August 26th, 2024 5:21 PM

How many people can I add on to my account

Where do I go to add multi people to see my cameras like my family member 

Official Response

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

7 months ago

Hi @tbriski27, 

At this time, SimpliSafe accounts are only capable of single-user logins. To give your family member access to your account, you would have to share your login credentials with them so they can log into your account.

But our devs are working on a multi-user account feature so you can add multiple users to your account. Once this feature is ready to roll out, we will be sure to update the Community!

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@heatherthompson​ That article is incorrect. At this time, SimpliSafe supports single-user login only. However, the capability for multi-user login is in active development. When it is ready to roll out, we'll let the Community know.

3 Messages

@emily_s​ is there any further update or progress on this? I need my wife and oldest daughter to have their own users that I can set specific permissions on. I want them to be able to access and control certain things but not others. For instance, I don't want my daughter to be able to spy on us through our living room camera when we're wrapping Christmas presents but I want her to be able to see what vehicles are in the driveway or who is on the front porch. With ADT I could control user settings individually. This is a feature that will make the difference in me staying with Simplisafe or going back to ADT. Please help!!! 

@emily_s​  Any update on the requested multi-user account feature? As you can see with the comments on this post, this is a BIG ask and has been for quite awhile. If development was in active development 3 months ago- are we close? This should be a simple feature to add on. 



6.3K Messages

7 months ago

@tbriski27 My wife and I have shared our account, and app logins, for over 10 years with no issues. My daughter, years ago while living at home, made it 3. Works fine.

1 Message

7 months ago

You shouldn't have to undertake insecure practices like sharing a user name, password and adding multiple multifactor phone numbers to be able to access a security system for your home. It's been years, where is this feature at?



6.3K Messages

@de1905​ SS is working on this, however, in 13 years my kids and spouse have not yet betrayed me by compromising our SS2 or SS3 system.

1 Message

6 months ago

This is simply unsafe then A user should be able to create their own login with their own email And password and be added to your account

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@stevelotto78​ Multi-User Accounts is a feature that is currently under active development. We'll keep you updated in that thread when it's ready.

@davey_d​ any update on these features?  Clearly there is frustration In The community 

5 months ago

When will this feature be updated? This is a huge issue, I should not have to share a login for my husband and I to be able to access the security system app. 



6.3K Messages

@jessicamccartney22​ I have asked others this before and will ask you: why is it an issue for you and your husband to share a log in? Again, my wife and I have done it for over 10 years with no issues. What am I missing? (And of course, SS is actively working on this to allow multiple logins available for one system.


@captain11 Its not an issue of "sharing" a password, its the FUNCTIONALITY that exists for other apps to be accessed with multiple accounts. 

I'm not worried about my husband knowing the passwords/login; its the basic functionality that clearly other users want and are asking for- that SS is not providing. I should be able to login at the same time as my husband, and with the "single-user sign on" feature, we can not. 

Keep in mind, if you or your wife's phone is ever compromised- someone could access your system with that shared login information and change it so you no longer can access your system. A multi-user login would be an extra step of security to avoid this issue. 



6.3K Messages

@jessicamccartney22 It isn't that I disagree with you, its just the urgency factor for SS to get this done I suggest is the difference. There are many other things I want SS to get done and get a higher priority in my mind, and while they are working on this mutli user issue, the current workaround is fine.

2 Messages

@captain11​ I agree that the practice of sharing login credentials is insecure and should not be an issue at this stage of development. I also have a house I sold 4 years ago on my account that SimpliSafe says they cannot remove. I 'hide' it on the dashboard, but frequently I get emails asking me to restore service Bottom line is SimpliSafe's IT development team is slow and sloppy. 

1 Message

4 months ago

Good question 

1 Message

3 months ago

Shocking that SS does not have this feature integrated in their platform. I would have thought this would be a no brainer day one feature. Frontpoint had it with our previous system. If they don’t have it by now, that means they’ll likely never have it. Wish I would have known before buying…bummer

@bmesserall​ agree, I'm frustrated I didn't think to ask/look if this was a feature. But now we're a bit stuck- 

1.5K Messages

3 months ago

For me, it always been a why? 🤔. The reluctance to add some simple new features that appear easy when I'm comparing devices?

Fear of overwhelming users? Don't want to? What? Simple business model, which is aged? You can have both simple and features laden with user choice. Two or more models? RF Extenders. Genius! Lol

Being a rigidly closed system means users rely on them for features and they won't or don't or can't provide many with any expediency.  

As far as I can determine,  Simplisafe is primarily programmed with Python. Internal hardware & storage type capability unknown.

For comparison only; Home Assistant is also programmed primarily in python. Separate user logins and passwords to the primary system, as determined by the administrator.

Both are open source free software integrations. Donations accepted of course for continuous updates and support.

Security integration has Endless security users & pins, security zones/areas, don't arm with doors open toggles, sirens, wifi paid monitoring, actually resembles Simplisafe but on steroids, arm home, away, arm night, arm custom bypass, arm vacation, but has all those wished for features here and then some. All DIY too.

Example; I just setup geofence arming and disarming by tracking my phone or a user.

I'm not recommending or advising switching or adding unless you have some time on your hands,  it's all DIY and requires a bit of technical ability. Don't want a private designation on my lengthy rambling post.🫢

But if you can use cell phone and a PC adequately,  that's the extent. Know how to plug in an Ethernet cable? A 120VAC power device? A USB dongle? Can read documents and follow directions? Have patience? Willing to learn? Set a static IP address? Etc.

If this, then that automations, or technical in YAML programming similar to HTML for web pages. Learning curve of course.

Not just a security device, I'd describe it as home automation device. Compatible with 1,000s of devices, 1,000s of APIs. Free user provided blueprint automations etc. etc.

Maybe it's their strict adherence to a almost entirely closed Simple system or perhaps lack of programming talent here or over there or somewhere. Or limited # of devs.

I'm just saying, the features asked for here often, the one in this thread for example, shouldn't be that difficult to provide IF they had the inclination & talent to do so.

Seems to be an our way or the highway approach. If it's not broke, which it is in several areas, then don't fix it. Which they don't. Rigidly inflexible to the point of self destruction as to future growth. Word gets around. Count on it.

Lastly, I'm not writing this to sway someone from their Simplisafe system. It has it's simple uses. Arming, Disarming, sirens work if breached, if sensors are still connected. Monitoring etc. etc. I still arm it and disarm it, well my phone automations actually that for me. My bad. Lol

It just a head scratcher to me as I said in the beginning. WHY?

I own a bunch of Simplisafe sensors & cameras. I still use the sensors for redundant security backup.

Cameras with self monitoring are rather useless and mostly visual deterrents. Expensive ornaments. Live view is too slow to see a perp, unless he stands still in front of a camera while it wakes up..detection though works better, again the Why?

I could or might be a cheap, not worth their trouble customer again for self monitoring with cameras for detection only. It'd provide me some value for in close & personal detection videos. That's currently in their hands and requires some flexibility on their part.

Which so far has been rigidly inflexible and is still TBD. Soon.

I accept their decisions, could care less actually. It's their business, and the rigid inflexibility, run it however they wish, which they do. But they're getting left behind quickly. IMHO. Of course then there's my decisions to deal with now. I can also be rigid and inflexible if necessary. 

Becoming a future niche only business,  along with the other providers of locked & or limited security systems, with eyes only for monitoring fees & retention. Based here, but 3rd party subcontractors for almost..every service. The way of the world I suppose.

2 Messages

2 months ago

I too would appreciate having the ability for my wife and I to have individual logins in the event I am unable to get to my phone for any reason.  This really needs to be resolved as it has clearly been "in progress" for months.  I will be watching this for a resolution.

3 Messages

2 months ago

Can we get an update on any progress that's been made on this? Is there an estimated launch date for being able to have multiple users and user permissions? 

1 Message

2 months ago

So I'm order for my wife to access the cameras, he has to use my login, which sends me a login code on my phone, and then she uses the code that I give her?   What if I'm not able to give her the code that's sent to my phone?  This is crap



6.3K Messages

@joenkelly13 my wife and I have Pixel 8 phones and once we both logged into our SS app, we turn on biometrics and don't log out. No codes, no hassles, still secure and works fine on one set of credentials.  Yes, would be better with multiple accounts but works fine for us for years while SS continues development, however SS, an update is required and needed.

2 months ago

Any updates? I live in a home with roommates who all need access. Infuriating how old this thread is and still nothing has been released.

Set my system up just today, and already disappointed. 

Agree, with the immediate frustration. Hoping if we keep asking & commenting we get a solution 🙃

1 Message

2 months ago

I need this feature so my property manager can do their job. When will it be available?

I read through this thread — sharing passwords for a security company is a ridiculous suggestion and is not acceptable for my use case

1 Message

New user here. Had I known this I would not have moved over to SimpliSafe. I’m going back to Scout Alarm.

1 Message

1 month ago

This is ridiculous.  There needs to be a way to have multiple users with individual permissions.  I want my children to be able to use the app to see the camera, but I don't want them to have the same permissions as me.  I just ordered my system and am now considering returning it.

2 Messages

I had 2 homes on SimpliSafe. Sold our weekend home, but the house remains in our app and account. They said just ignore it. Well I bought another house for rental. Insurance is much less if the house is monitored, so I put SimpliSafe in it and pay the bill. I don’t want to receive the alerts when the system is armed, turned off, or someone at the front door. I just want to control the administration of the account. Again they say the tenants have to be the subscriber. I have stayed, but they really have several fundamental weaknesses. I too would have not chosen them had this been known up front. 



6.3K Messages

@jimradcliffe​ They don't have to appear. Call support, if you are told the same ask to be escalated to a technical specialist.  SS can "hide" or suppress the address to appearing on your account and app. They deactivate locations but never delete them.

Please post your outcome here if you get a chance.

1 Message

29 days ago

Any update on this?

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