‎2 accounts 1 app | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Saturday, November 19th, 2022 3:40 AM


2 accounts 1 app

This is BS & should have been addressed already! My wife needs access to our account and her account on the same app without logging out!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Multi-User Accounts

2 Messages

2 years ago

I agree. My spouse should be able to logon to the system using her own credentials. Come on SimpliSafe!! Ring, Nest among others have figured it out. Do I need to switch to their devices to get this issue resolved. I DEMAND a response. mPlease don't tell me it's being worked on. I need an affirmation that this will be fixed in the next 30 days, or I will be posting this issue to social media, including YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn and your website.

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