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Saturday, November 25th, 2023 3:10 PM


Multiple Users

How do I set up multiple user assess to my account?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Multi-User Accounts

1.1K Messages

1 year ago

They can just download the app with your user info and they can do what you can do. 

4 Messages


Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @sdk2984, 

As Lance mentioned, if you want to give someone else access to your account they will need to use your login credentials on their own device. 

When giving other people access to your account, we also recommend setting up Multi-Factor Authentication. By doing this, you can register multiple phone numbers to your account so when someone is trying to log in, a confirmation code will go to their phone instead of yours. You can learn more about enabling Multi-Factor Authentication in this Help Center article.

2 Messages

So that does not make any sense for a business.  In that case any co-worker can change anything on the account including the Safeword, master PIN and any additional PINs.  Or they can create PINs for other people that don't work for our company.  Vivint has it where each individual user has their own login so when they disarm the system we know who disarmed or armed it.  They don't have access to any master PIN or safeword.  This does not seem secure at all.  If I knew this, I would have spent a little extra for Vivint and have that extra sense of security.

4 Messages

@emily_s​ It does not even make any sense for residential installs either. This seems like a simple and high priority feature. Telling people to just share credentials is not acceptable for a security system. 

2 Messages

8 months ago

I agree with others - this is a fairly fundamental feature of any good security system.  Quite surprised that SimpliSafe does not yet have it - and it's only code, no hardware development...

2 Messages

7 months ago

Multiple users should have at least 1 main owner role who can change and add devices, and codes, etc.

Guest Users/groups who can use there own codes for shutting down alarm

Monitors in addition can see users at the doorbell camera, answering the door, etc.

I'm hoping being part of the beta group, I see these types of features soon. My wife isn't happy not being able to get notifications as those come to my phone


2 Messages

6 months ago

Yeah, this is a feature that is sorely needed--it is wild a security company would only work if we all login with the same credentials! It doesn't make any sense and as mentioned above is unworkable for a business full stop. I'm pretty disappointed in SS's response to most of these issues however, you see this request going back years. 

6 Messages

Surely that’s where the latest (and probably not last) price increase is going to ‘innovate’. 🙄

2 Messages

6 months ago

Hoping to see this get added very soon. As a new user switching from the most basic security alarm managed by a cable  company out there, it's sad they have this technology and Simplisafe does not. 

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