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Friday, July 28th, 2023 12:33 PM

Apple HomeKit & Matter Standard Support

Dear Simplisafe Management and Development,

It is a market differentiator for products such as a home alarm system to integrate with the market's most popular consumer home automation platforms (Apple Home, Amazon Alexa, Google Home).

I see this subject was discussed in a different thread, but is not allowing me to upvote the subject. Please allow me to +1 this request.

A few of Simpliesafe's competitors have chosen the Matter Standard for this market differentiator and compatibility feature. With the volume of customers on both Apple, Amazon, and Google Home, it's logical to select a single model that achieves cross-compatibility. 

The goal of the standard is to make all smart home devices interoperable. That means if you buy a product emblazoned with the Matter logo, you can use it with Amazon Alexa, Apple Home, Google Home, Samsung SmartThings, or any other ecosystem that meets the standard.

Note: I am not affiliated with the Matter Standard in any way. I am a premium Simplisafe subscriber that favors the Simplisafe brand, and would like to see your team succeed.

Currently: I cannot use my Simplisafe Base Station & Alarm System with Apple Home (aka Siri). I would like to possess this capability, as it is an active inconvenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Official Solution

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @cd8749, 

You should certainly be able to upvote threads in the Community. I would ensure that you're logged in and try again.

Thank you for your suggestion regarding HomeKit and Matter integration. These features have been submitted to our devs. Right now, HomeKit compatibility is definitely not in development, but iOS Shortcuts compatibility is a slightly different conversation, so we'll update that thread if there are any changes. Same goes for Matter integration, which you can find a thread about here.


7 Messages

1 year ago

Emily has confirmed that the rumors are true in a separate thread. SimpliSafe will continue to stand by its belief integration with other formats and foreign entities are not in its scope. 

Reports indicated SimpliSafe’s resistance against integration with other big manufacturers primarily target the industries effort towards open dialog between other security providers and shareable format standards. For example, Google, Amazon and Apple continues to advance those programs with both the willful and support of those open standards and entities.

SimpliSafe has raised concerns about the widespread presence of inter-operability of multiple brands and their involvement in developing activities. These other companies engage in proliferation related activities that promote inter-operability between each other so the end consumer can enjoy a multitude of options at their choosing. Google, Amazon and Apple’s  activities include sharing apps across platforms like Roku, Firestick, Blink and Nest to name a few.

These companies are disrupting close to 15% of SimpliSafe’s client base, mostly in the United States, as consumers flee to more cross-platform friendly security systems. 

In the light of these recent developments, SimpliSafe recognize and implement strategies to maintain a position as a top tier service, which are to be implemented the SimpliSafe team. SimpliSafe has also adopted a policy to resist cross-platform collaboration, data export controls, and other restrictive measures for entities, and activities linked to cross-platform promotion and proliferation.

It has been reported that SimpliSafe aims to tighten control and oversight within their respective organization and to advance their own security interests in preserving data and video feeds.

The bottom line? Do not expect SimpliSafe to integrate with other platforms as the security standards as set forth by management verifiably prevent such activities. 

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@brastifard​ it is true that we are deliberately being very cautious when it comes to opening up to third parties, because we place the utmost priority in keeping our customers' data secure and private. But I wouldn't say that we're resistant to the idea of integration as a whole. We are after all a participant in the Connectivity Standards Alliance, which is building the aforementioned Matter standard, so we can help shape the future.

For any further developments on Matter integration, you can follow this thread.

1 Message

@davey_d​ part of the reason I bought my SimpliSafe system a few years back was because the announcement of the next generation said it would eventually work with Apple HomeKit, and after all these years of waiting, I’ve realized it was obviously a lie - just like the lie I was given a couple years back when I asked about it and was told “very soon”. 

1 Message

@brastifard​ The second they attempt to kill the HomeKit integration in HomeBridge I will rip ever sensor (80+) out of my house and replace them. No time for people who want to play the vendor lock in game. Then they can just waddle off with the boomers who prefer an “ADT” style solution and die with all the other companies that don’t want to innovate and integrate to keep consumers. Wish they would just go ahead and do it so I know I need to replace them. 

3 Messages

@brastifard​ In other words, SimpliSafe doesn't want to jeopardize their bread and butter.  If they allow people to integrate with their own home automation equipment, some users might opt to drop the professional monitoring. Their success as a company should be based on how many customers are paying for professional monitoring. They should appeal to all customer types -- the ones that want 24/7 monitoring and the ones who want to self-monitor with an occasional upgrade to professional monitoring when they go on vacation.

2 Messages

1 year ago

Couldn’t agree more with this post. I understand implementation takes time and research, along with much consideration; that being said, for over a year I have been googling this exact topic, and I’m very grateful that someone started this thread and worded it so well. 

For me, it would be a massive relief and provide me with a great sense of security if I were able to have my Simplisafe account connected with my Apple HomeKit. Personally, I’ve decided to purchase additional cameras on top of my Simplisafe cameras so that way I have access to camera footage inside of my HomeKit app. Ultimately, I know that was my decision, but it would have been nice if Simplisafe could have had matter compatibility so I could have avoided making that extra purchase in the first place. 

I’ll continue to hope that more people speak up on this so it’s more evident that a lot of people are looking for this feature.

To the Simplisafe team, I understand that more work and research needs to be put into this in order to make it happen, but if there is any way you can make this a reality, myself and so many others would be beyond grateful. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

732 Messages

1 year ago


But I wouldn't say that we're resistant to the idea of integration as a whole.

You have to admit that your track record so far screams, "We are extremely resistant to the idea of integration as a whole!". You even have a support article called "Does SimpliSafe integrate with other smart home devices?" that shows just how little you integrate with other systems. In summary:

- You can use Google Home or Alexa to turn the alarm on, but not off, and ask which mode (home or away) the system is in.

- You all support August Smart Locks. (And though it's not stated, you don't support any other hardware and your hardware doesn't work with any other services or vendors.)

That's it. End of list. Full stop.

I allow that things could change with Matter but it's a hard sell for you to convince us you're not resistant to integrating with other systems. And by hard I mean nigh impossible but I'm eager to hear you try. :)

1 Message

This is really annoying. I am literally in the market for a new system right now. I am done with Brinks. Hated the system, and it got insanely expensive. Anyway, I really want SimpliSafe, but I am now hesitant because I really want a system that works with HomeKit.

4 Messages

What would be very helpful here is a more complete response from the SimpliSafe folks as to why the company is resisting adopting standard integration patterns and methods. If it is truly a customer privacy issue (which I’m suspicious of because business decisions are never this one sided) then it would be nice to understand what the concerns exist. Are the risks being properly weighted against value to customers? And why wouldn’t supporting the protocol with the option for a customer to use (clearly stating the risks) be a more appropriate approach? I’ve learned a long time ago, through personal experience, that strong corporate positions that buck market momentum without clear rationale to customers can lead to damaging business results. As I read this and other threads I see a lot of marketing and PR language consistent with community boards. I don’t see transparency and clarity with more technical explanations as to why this is not plausible or advisable for the SimpliSafe’s customer base. Answering a questions with responses like, the company will log the request and let customers know if anything changes, isn’t enough considering this type of integration and compatibility are common place and expected in any modern home security application and/or service. This is not novel technology being asked about. SimpliSafe leadership, please consider a more fulsome response. Sincerely a perplexed, well-informed and cautiously shopping SimpliSafe customer. 

3 Messages

@timmersw​ I would also be really interested in why they don’t think Matter or HomeKit offer the right level of privacy. HomeKit at this point is notorious for being so closed off that it can be hard to work with. 

I’d be more willing to bet that if the data was transmitted locally over HomeKit that SS wouldn’t have as much consumer info to leverage as a value add for would be investors or acquirers.

In any case - whatever. My next security system purchase will be weighed heavily towards a system that has interoperability as a feature. 


3 Messages

1 year ago

I am heavily invested in the Homekit ecosystem and purchase the best kit I can for each category, such as lights, plugs, etc. SimpliSafe is now an outlier and suffers from a self-imposed handicap as it does not work with HomeKIt. Your average consumer does not know what Matter is or Thread, etc. However, by not implementing this standard and making it a reality for your products to work seamlessly with Homekit, you are allowing your competitors to move into your area and steal your market share. People want the least resistance to move to an integrated system.  If you are not careful, people will move to a system that provides that and once done, they will not come back due to the investment they have made. This could be your Kodak and Blockbuster moment if you are not careful........

3 Messages

1 year ago

I've been a paying SimpliSafe customer for 5 years now.  I've been pretty happy with the system overall, but recently I've started replacing a lot of my older home automation equipment with devices that offer local control (for privacy reasons). Local control is the future.  Sadly, SimpliSafe does not allow this nor do they offer any kind of smart integration.

You can get around the lack of smart home integration by using Homebridge or Home Assistant, but because their system is cloud-based you will never get real time alerting -- there's always a delay of 15-20 seconds for each sensor.  The reason Homebridge and Home Assistant even work is because the home automation community reverse-engineered their mobile app.  SimpliSafe as a company did NOTHING to help with that.  So if I want home automations based on entry or motion sensors I have to buy additional (non SimpliSafe) sensors.  So two sensors on each door?  Yeah, no thank you.

-OR- SimpliSafe could adopt open standards to allow customers a choice on how to integrate the system. Abode home security, for example, offers this integration. I not only get an alarm system with professional monitoring like SimpliSafe, but I can also use the Abode sensors for home automation through Apple Home, Google Home, or Home Assistant. And it's all local so when a door or window opens I know immediately.

Anyway, I haven't closed my account yet, but since the price hike recently there's additional motivation to move on to something else, something with smart home integrations and true local control.  If SimpliSafe doesn't start innovating they will become a relic of the past.


3 Messages

@watkinstales​ FYI, I did end up canceling my SimpliSafe account and going with Abode. They tried to entice me by offering 3 free months of monitoring. I said NO, but I did ask for a proration of the existing month of which I only used 7 days (only seems fair). The rep refused.  Wow, just WOW!  So they're only courteous if I agree to stay. Got it!  I will never return to this horrible company.

7 Messages

1 year ago

⚠ ATTENTION SIMPLISAFE TEAM!! ⚠ Please take notice that you have unhappy customers with profound dissatisfaction and deep concern regarding your upper management not putting cross-platform integration in your scope. Their frustrations stemmed from SimpliSafes' refusal to work on cross-compatibility with popular home systems. 

In another thread, one customer (user handle: StephenAbby) quoted "The lack of action on adoption of popular standards and the appalling lack of customer support is utterly unacceptable." He continued to write "My loyalty as a client and continuous on-time payment every month have been met with an alarming lack of support and concern from SimpliSafe. This speaks volumes about the lack of leadership."

This user is clearly upset. And this one example represents many SimpliSafes' customers. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Today, more than ever, YOUR customers have access to a multitude of popular platforms (HomeKit, Matter, Apple, Alexa, etc) that work with eachother. Unfortunately, SimpliSafe does not provide direct integration and/or information sharing across platforms. Often, these other systems (HomeKit, Matter, Apple, Alexa, etc) provide attractive new features and benefits for operations and user friendly functions, but SimpliSafes' lack of integration is creating a bad vibe with your company. Furthermore, HomeKit, Matter, Apple, Alexa, etc are multibillion dollar companies who do not have an overwhelming anxiety about privacy or cross system sharing. Some people are even speculating if SimpliSafe is using the "privacy concerns" as an excuse for not wanting to develop and adopt to popular standards.

Customer dissatisfaction is arising as a result of the shortcoming from your business, and it tends to be expressed via feedback resources like this board, surveys and reviews. Your business will not succeed if your customers are dissatisfied. A product is considered poor when the quality of the product doesn’t correspond to customer expectations.

SimpliSafe, please pay attention to this thread. When customers reach out to your support team but don’t get a resolution for their issues, they will take their complaints elsewhere- mostly to the public. These negative feedbacks factor into the growth of your company, so make sure you handle them correctly. At the same time, negative feedback isn’t all that bad. You can use their comments to validate product issues and prioritize which problems to focus on first. As you know, dissatisfied customers who have a negative experience with a company or its products are likely to churn if they are not satisfied with their resolution.

So why did I write this reply? Its because we all want your company to be proactive in identifying product issues to reduce customer churn. Don’t wait for customers to point them out for you.

Just sayin'

2 Messages

1 year ago

This is very unfortunate. I just purchased and setup about $1500 worth of SimpliSafe equipment. I really love it, but it was an oversight on my part to not check whether a modern company was utilizing common standards. Fortunately I'm still within my return period and have all of the boxes saved.

All I can say is wow.

4 Messages

1 year ago

I pulled the plug on SimpliSafe. It was a net loss of time and money but made zero sense not having it hooked up to my home automation. I believed it when they said it was coming. Shame on me for that one. Switched to Abode and running everything through apple HomeKit now. Lesson learned. 

3 Messages

1 year ago

I can sympathize. I am also ~ $1,500 invested into the proprietary ecosystem, but unfortunately I am well past the return window. I also believed Simpliesafe Sales when they told me Apple Homekit support was coming soon. That was over a year ago. As of time of writing, there is no indication that it really will materialize. Shame on me for believing them.

4 Messages

1 year ago

I agree with most of what is stated here. I understand security with a security system needs to remain an utmost priority, however it is also true that integration is essential. By SimpliSafe abstaining from these evolving standards they actually are encouraging users to use a homebridge solution with could be argued to compromise the very security they claim to promote. Of course that is a decision made by the user, but to not integrate with the largest growing smart home platform is a blatant miss and stirs some regret in having chose SimpliSafe and dissuades simplisafe from being an easy recommendation to others.

1 Message

also have Simplisafe for 6 years now and pay for their basic subscription. I’m guessing they are feeling the heat from market competition and trying to milk their install base for as long as they can. That approach is the opposite of being customer focused and usually buys you a little bit of time. I plan to replace it for a more modern approach over the next 12 months

1 Message

11 months ago

I've been a SS customer for many years - since fairly early in the v1 system.  I don't remember how long, but when I started with them they didn't have cameras or doorbells.  Anyway, I bought the whole system for two houses, and my parents also bought for their house.  Now I'm building a new house and thinking through home automation and smart home features.  

Now that I'm learning that SS will not integrate with any of the other systems, I'm definitely rethinking my allegiance to SimpliSafe.  If nothing else, if I'm downstairs and someone comes to the door, I want to see who is there, and the SS app isn't really fast enough for that to work smoothly.  Putting the video on the TV would be great, and even better if I could remotely unlock the door at the same time.  

SimpliSafe, please wake up and see the world around you!  I want to be loyal, but I'm moving into the world of a smart home and home automation.  If you aren't there I will have to find someone who is.

11 months ago

I too invested $1500 in the Simplisafe system assuming it wasn’t an entirely closed ecosystem, thank goodness I’m still within the return window. Bummer though because I was excited about the SimpliSafe security equipment. 

732 Messages


"I too invested $1500 in the Simplisafe system assuming it wasn’t an entirely closed ecosystem"

I sincerely hate this for you but 30 second with google searching for "simplisafe smart home integrations" without the quotes turns this up as the first result:


Please do your due diligence as you research whatever system you're going to buy next to make sure it's not missing critical functionality as well. Also don't trust the sales people, make them show it to you on the website. :)

6 Messages

11 months ago

I've been a longtime Simplisafe customer and have used Homebridge to integrate Simplisafe with Homekit after the CEO's promises of Homekit integration never materialized. 

This spring Simplisafe changed their authentication which broke my Homebridge Simplisafe/Homekit integration...  thus basic triggers like a SimpliSafe water sensor turning off the water in my house (Flo by Moen system) no longer works, among many other automations.

4 Messages

Wow, while unfortunate this is good information as I have been considering the very same setup. Thank you for sharing.

This is also a great example of the power made possible by integration, unless SimpliSafe is committed to rushing to your residence to turn off the water in the event of a leak we would all benefit from SimpliSafe incorporating Apple home kit

1 Message

11 months ago

I agree with this post…please integrate with Apple HomeKit.

1 Message

i doubt it will ever integrate homekit otherwise peoples with icloud+ will just use the recording and timeline straight on homekit and not pay for their subscription

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