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Monday, October 16th, 2023 10:14 AM

Alarm sensor low battery chime

My sensors seem to consistently get a low battery overnight and beep through the early hours of the morning waking up myself and our family. This is the fourth time this is happening at 4am.
I cannot find a way in the app to turn off the sound of the low battery warning. I'd like to be able to do this without getting out of bed to go to the base station and clear the warning. Is there a way to do this in the app?

1.1K Messages

1 year ago

Actually there is a way to stop the constant beep warning and it's in the keypad but I'm not home now so hard for me to tell you but you can. It will still say warning blank sensor battery low but will not beep non stop. Try pulling out the battery and replacing it as it has worked for me a bunch but I also keep a bunch of batteries ready. 

2 Messages

@lance843​ yes, I know that it can be stopped from the keypad. Just annoying to have to get out of bed in the middle of sleeping to turn it off when it goes off randomly. Was just wondering if there is a function to turn it off from the app so I could prevent needing to get out of bed in the middle of the night whenever this does happen. It never happened before. This is new after the last update.

1 Message

Have you figured out a way to make this stop? It is driving my dogs insane when it happens while I'm at work. They have to listen to the beep all day long until someone gets home to mute it from the base station. I hate this!

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@nicole000​ In the Keypad, if you go to Menu > System Settings > Trouble Signal, you can turn this sound off so the Base Station will no longer beep when a sensor has a low battery. 

1 Message

@emily_s​ this is super helpful, thanks!  Are there in-app notifications that I can enable to alert me of low batteries?   If not, can you submit that as a feature request?  With the trouble signal audio alerts turned off (which I strongly prefer to avoid waking up my family in the middle of the night), I am concerned I may miss the only other alert I’m aware of for this issue, the little tiny exclamation point on the keypad display by our front door.

Community Admin


1.2K Messages

@wwright22 if you have the Warning type push notification enabled, you will be notified whenever a device has a low battery.

6 Messages

1 year ago

Thanks so much for posting this! Low battery warning on Panic Button went off last night at 4:30 a.m.  This happens regularly on the keypad so we always keep a set of batteries charged, but that’s not possible with the panic button. 

1 Message

8 months ago

So there's no way to set the trouble signal to only go off during certain hours? It's ridiculous to have to wake up in the middle of the night because a battery is a low, this is just a terrible design that would be so easily fixed with a basic software improvement.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@rjmungall​ You can use the Keypad to turn the Trouble Signal off completely by going to Menu > System Settings > Trouble Signal. But you cannot schedule it so it only goes off at certain times.

1 Message

6 months ago

Thank you. I check the app regularly and do not need this service. It really does go off mainly at night when you are asleep. 

3 Messages

5 months ago

I have the same issue. Infuriating. The base station speaker waking me up at 3AM to tell me camera battery is low. What's worse, the camera it's referencing isn't even in use. 

3 Messages

5 months ago

I have the same problem. The base station speaker wakes me up at 3AM to tell me camera battery is low. What's worse, the camera it's referencing is offline and not even in use. How do I turn this feature off??

3 Messages

5 months ago

The base station speaker wakes me up at 3AM to tell me camera battery is low. How do I turn this feature off??

What's worse, the camera it's referencing is offline and not even in use.

Simplisafe, please give us a 'do not disturb' or base station voice mode off option. Giving me camera batter updates at 3AM is not appreciated. There has to be a more thoughtful way to do it. 

Community Admin


1.2K Messages

@Tsmith You can turn off the Base Station's Voice Prompts in the SimpliSafe mobile app by going to My System > Base Station Settings > Voice Prompts, but that would turn off other voice prompts from your Base Station - like when your system is disarmed or armed. 


We have submitted a feature request to our devs for a Do Not Disturb setting for the Base Station's voice prompts. If we hear more, we will provide an update in this thread in the Community.

1 Message

4 months ago

Omg, this happens to me too. And always in the middle of the night. Please change this option to be able to manually mute this warning from the app!!  Ugh. Horrible implementation of this feature. Count this as another request for this feature to your developers. 

6 Messages

3 months ago

This is an area where Simplisafe is very poorly designed.  When ever a sensor has a low battery there should be two stages.  One - generate a notification that the battery is low, Two - after a time or when the battery reaches a lower threshold, give an audible alarm and maybe another, more urgent notification..

Once the audible alarm starts, it should be easy from the keypad, app or web control panel to mute the alarm for a period of hours or a day, or permanently.

I leave my summer home for months.  If a battery goes low, my only option is to delete the sensor and then, once I get back there, go through the painful process of re-adding the sensor.  If I could mute the audible alarms/notifications permanently, I could just turn them back on once I change the battery(s).

2 Messages

8 days ago

Sorry, all, but I have had Trouble Signal turned off for years.  What awakened me at 5 AM today was a VOICE announcement of "low keypad battery".  It would be wonderful if there was a way to set the importance level of the various verbal announcements so that some could be suppressed, rather than all or nothing. Ugh. 

Community Admin


1.2K Messages

@geraldt8z We have submitted a request to our devs to customize the Base Station's voice prompts to only receive audible prompts for notifications of your choice. Be sure to follow its request thread in the Community to be notified of any updates from us!

2 Messages

Thank you so much for your response! I will thank you even more enthusiastically if your devs can make this update! 

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