‎Where to get replacement adhesive? | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Tuesday, February 16th, 2021 8:04 PM

Where to get replacement adhesive?


I just installed a new SimpliSafe system, but now I am thinking I will move one of the components, and do not have replacement adhesive. I thought it might come with some replacements? My system did not. I actually need a replacement adhesive for the keypad. I am pretty sure I can buy these elsewhere, but am not sure which size to buy.

TIA to anyone who can help.

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1.1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @carla67,

All SimpliSafe systems should come with a few extra adhesives for this exact reason. You can find them tucked in with the window decals. If for some reason you are missing these additional adhesives, you can contact our Support Team and we'd be happy to send some out to you.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

5 Messages

Unfortunately, no, there was nothing included with the window decals. I am definitely missing the additional adhesives. I guess I have to call again. (I called once before because my order was missing an item.) Is there any reason I can't just make the request via email? It would certainly be quicker and easier.

1 Message


We didn’t receive any extras when we received our system either. I didn’t know we were supposed to have extras. We bought the pack of extras from you guys when we moved recently but they don’t fit the entry sensors.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@ghabib71​ Sorry to hear that. Give us a call at 800-548-9508 and let 'em know that I sent you. We can get you a pack free of charge.

1 Message

@simplisafe_admin​ do you make replacement adhesive for the entry sensor magnets? I noticed it's a different type of adhesive sticker and there weren't replacements for that in the envelope of adhesives that came with my system. If not, do you have any recommendations on what to replace the magnet adhesive with?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi @lindseymetz87 ,

You might be talking about the genuine 3M Command Adhesives, which we switched to a couple of years ago? As of right now, all of our components use that same type.

But if you're talking about size, we would just recommend cutting down the larger adhesives for your smaller components, like magnets. And our Support team can always send more if you need them!

43 Messages

4 years ago

For the keypads, I highly recommend some small screws.  These components are a little on the heavy side, and the tape may not be strong enough to hold them over a very long period of time.  Also, if they fall, they are more expensive to replace if broken.

5 Messages

Thanks, I agree. I was actually thinking I'd stick the keypad on first, and then use the screws to really ensure that it will hold.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

3M command strips, especially the picture hanger types with velcro sides, are excellent.  If you want to overboard, the 50 pound strips would do nicely but I stayed with just the 10 pounds. :-)

5 Messages

Thanks for the suggestion. :)  I wasn't thinking of going the velcro route, since I like how it sits on the mounting plate now. I'll probably just take a measurement of the width of the tab, and hopefully I'll get the right replacement size. Although, customer service says I should have received extra adhesives in my order. That makes two items that were missing from my order. The packers need to pay better attention, it seems.



6.3K Messages

@carla67 sorry for the confusion but you still use the mounting plates. Those sensors still have to easily come on and off for multiple reasons.  You will find that especially in corners of rooms, the strips actually make it easier to mount the sensor and its mounting plate by filling in gaps in the walls.  There is not a straight wall in my house.

As far as where to get them, I would forget calling SS and just buy a large pack of them at Lowes, Home Depot or Ace.  Worth the small investment.

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

Yeah, I second that. Cut to the chase and go get some genuine 3M command strips. Practically any hardware store or every home improvement store will have them.

I have the older SS2 system. The strips for that keypad are 5/8" wide and I think the sticky area is something around 1-1/2 or 1-3/4" long.

Better to err on the larger side and trim down to fit if there is any doubt to the size.

If you REALLY want them to stick you could use the 3M VHB foam tape. But, bear in mind, that's generally considered permanent. Oh, you can get it off with work by cutting through it or whatever, but it's not removable by pulling the tail like the Command strips. And, almost certainly there will be residue or surface marring after removal of VHB.

5 Messages

Thanks for that info. It sounds like you have some experience with replacing the adhesives. I just wasn't sure what size to get and didn't want to end up with a bunch of adhesives that didn't fit.

Maybe you can answer one more question for me? I have an entry sensor that I now think I want to move. I know how to get the larger half off (there's a pull tab), but how do I remove the smaller half of the sensor? There is no pull tab for that. Do I pry it off? What do I do when I want to stick it back on? It almost seems as though there are multiple adhesive strips on the smaller half of the sensor, with one layer on top of another, or maybe I'm wrong. I have no idea how to replace that adhesive since it's not the pull tab style.

TIA for your help. I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I'm a new SS owner, so still trying to figure out best practices.

740 Messages

@carla67 I do not know if you will return to the forum and see this, but from the Support General Use Questions:

The Entry Sensor magnet uses a slightly different adhesive than the other sensors. Remove the magnet by rotating the magnet slowly until the adhesive loosens and you can pull it off the wall.


740 Messages

4 years ago

On February 20th, 2021 carla67 says:

I have an entry sensor that I now think I want to move. I know how to get the larger half off (there's a pull tab), but how do I remove the smaller half of the sensor? There is no pull tab for that. Do I pry it off? What do I do when I want to stick it back on? It almost seems as though there are multiple adhesive strips on the smaller half of the sensor, with one layer on top of another, or maybe I'm wrong. I have no idea how to replace that adhesive since it's not the pull tab style.

What you are referring to is the magnet half of the entry sensor. When I removed my SS2 system and replaced it with SS3, I twisted the magnet back and forth until it came off (right then left, right then left, repeatedly). It left no residue on any surface. An employee from SimpliSafe described the method here on the forum, and it worked for me without much effort. Unfortunately, as you may or may not have noticed, there is no search function, so I cannot link to the response. But I may have the link bookmarked - I will look for it.

I gave away my old system and installed it for the individual realizing adhesive strips could work for the magnets but are not what SimpliSafe utilizes. If you go to the order page, you will find Adhesive Tape for Entry Magnets. I ordered a few of those (12) with my new system, and since they are what comes with the Entry Sensors, they fit perfectly.


Look for:

Adhesive Tape for Entry Magnets (4)

If you're moving your entry sensors, don't forget adhesive tape for magnets.


1.3K Messages

4 years ago

For the magnets I'd just snip off a piece of a Command strip and use that. But, that's me...

2.8K Messages

4 years ago

Please don't rely on the adhesive strips that SS sends - they're literally crap.  Far too many user experiences with sensors, keypads, etc falling off and causing real alarms.  Get real stuff (3M heavy duty) strips and cut them to size - or, use the screws - the screws are tiny, but they are secure, and easy to patch if you ever have to move.  If you have SS3, remember that with OTA updates, those keypads have to come out of their bracket and placed next to your base station in order to update correctly - that's a lot of taking on and off the bracket, so screws are best for at least the keypads.

2 Messages

3 years ago

I tried calling to get extra adhesives since I didn’t get any included in my order either ($600+) and the agent informed me I had a to pay for shipping…as if increasing their monitoring fee isn’t enough to offset a stamp fee lol getting really sick of dealing with sub-par service and having to pay a premium for it. Other comparable security options seem more and more appealing as time goes on.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@glterz​ we would charge for extras, but we shouldn't be charing any shipping at all of we were sending it for free. I apologize for the mishandled situation! I'll alert our Support team leadership. Meanwhile, please give us a call again at 800-548-9508 and we'll make sure that you get those adhesives.

2 Messages

@davey_d The nice person who helped me over the phone said there would indeed be a shipping charge. I asked if, per your post, they could waive that, and she got permission to do so.

So, it looks like it's not yet standard practice to ship these for free. Or perhaps the word hasn't reached everyone at Simplisafe customer service.

1 Message

2 years ago

I had the same problem and eventually found the adhesive strips on the Simplisafe site: https://simplisafe.com/alarm-sensors. I got there by choosing "Add to an existing system" and choosing the latest generation of base station.

1 Message

2 years ago

Hi! The adhesives are not for sale online. I tried speaking with customer service, who was surprisingly unhelpful. I wanted to know which products from 3M come with the devices so I can buy more for moving. She just kept telling me to go to any store and buy double sided tape. I told her I know that they are 3M Command strips because it says so on the items provided. I just wanted to know which ones to buy to ensure it could hold the weight of the devices. She told me that no one working there has that information of what product they use. Wild! Can anyone here provide any guidance? Thank you!

2 years ago

Hello - I need new adhesives for my entry sensors.  Can you please send them to me?

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@davidgluckman21​ If you reach out to our Support team, they will be able to send you new adhesives. 

1 Message

1 year ago

Just completed some renovation work in my house and replaced the front door. Had to remove entry sensor, motion sensors (x3) and the keypad. Contacted Simplisafe asking if they could provide me replacement adhesive and they said they were out of stock. Suggested I go to a hardware store and just pay for them. I didn't have spares included when I ordered the system. I'm on a premium monthly subscription plan and can't even get them to send me some adhesive tape so I can use the system!

1 Message

2 months ago

How can I receive additional adhesive tape for 2 keypads? I replaced the security system with Simplisafe. The new keypads are installed where the old ones were. Unfortunately the sizing is different and there will be some wall repair. I will need enough adhesive tape for two keypads.



6.3K Messages

@DR1862​ Do yourself a favor and read this thread and get your own strips at Ace, Home Depot, Lowes etc. Quick and inexpensive.

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