‎Wireless Battery Powered Video Doorbell | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Monday, September 28th, 2020 9:36 PM


Wireless Battery Powered Video Doorbell

You website does not give enough specifics on the products.  I ordered the doorbell system and when I was ready to install it I found out that it requires electricity to operate.  I don't have electricity at my front door.  I have been using a battery powered chime.



Don Boozer

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

My guess is that would be very hard, if not impossible, to have something with a semblance of convenience.

A battery that could support any meaningful run time for video, night time IR illumination, voice/communication, and the necessary Wi-Fi  connection would all but certainly be larger than what could fit in a doorbell button housing.

If you don't want the camera and voice/talkback stuff that's a different thing and more possible... whether in the SS plan is a different matter.

9 Messages

@whoaru99​ Ring has a battery powered doorbell.  I have to charge once every 2-3 months.  We get packages frequently so it gets a lot of use.  SS could easily provide a battery powered option if for no other reason than to compete with Ring and others who provide this capability.  Furthermore, they could also provide the capability for solar charging such as with their outdoor cameras.

1 Message

4 years ago

Ring says hi! ....

That being said, I'd much rather have SS use some tech knowledge and create a batt only doorbell (once again ring says hi) because my Rings upload times are not great, compared to SS and I miss my SS doorbell we had on the old house. SS just wants to stick their head in the sand...

4 Messages

4 years ago

My doorbell wire has a short and can't be used. The electrician quoted $600 to install a new doorbell wire. I will return the video doorbell. You should supply a wireless doorbell.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Wireless Video Doorbell

3 Messages

I went to install my SimpliSafe doorbell camera only to find out that my current doorbell is wireless and there aren't any wires to connect to the new doorbell camera. Is there any way to still install and use this product? Or am I out of luck? Any help or advice is appreciated!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Wireless doorbell camera?

24 Messages

If you are handy, you can install a mechanical doorbell.  Or if you have an outdoor plug close by, you could power it from a wall transformer (if it is waterproof or under a porch, etc.)

3 Messages


3 Messages

I have this same issue. Unfortunately this completely changed my experience with Simplisafe as I have to now return and get a new doorbell and outdoor camera so I can have monitoring within the same company as appose to having two different companies. I wish I could return everything and move on to a different company.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi ashcourtt,


So sorry about your experience! But yes, the Outdoor Camera is fully wireless and battery-powered, so it might fit your needs better.

1 Message

4 years ago

Agree with the comments.  I appreciate the SS design, functionality, and simplicity.  The lack of a battery powered doorbell is a big disatisfier.

217 Messages

4 years ago

Battery powered doorbells are convenient, to be sure.  Especially if all one wants is visitor notifications.

But what are their security implications?  Can they be disabled by removing the battery?  How quickly do they respond to their triggers?  How quickly can they upload video to the monitoring site?  Can a battery-operated device integrate into a home security system without requiring a too frequent recharge or battery replacement?  When the doorbell is down, does that compromise the overall security?

I'm not against a battery-operated device, but I would want to make sure that SimpliSafe did some 'due diligence' as regards its effect on overall security operations.

3 Messages


battery is locked in by screws, one could just as easily unscrew a wired doorbell and rip if off the wires (a thief won’t care about destroying your wires lol). So one really no more theft proof than the other)

4 Messages

3 years ago

SS - any update or comment on a Battery only doorbell?  Not all homes have electrical doorbell outlets and costly to install. Any insight appreciated?

2 Messages

2 years ago

When will Simplisafe make a battery powered doorbell camera?  Or, why won’t they?

Simplisafe’s lack of this feature pushes users to competing services like Ring.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Battery Powered Doorbell Camera

Community Admin


5.7K Messages


Thanks for the question. We have no announcements at this time regarding a battery-powered Doorbell Camera specifically.

In the meantime, we do have the Outdoor Camera, which is fully battery powered and can also be used to watch over your front door.

2 Messages

Is there an update on this?  We love SimpliSafe and just ordered two wired doorbells but are going to have to wire for them and would prefer not to.  

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @tjchildressiv​, 

At this time, we don't have any updates on a wireless doorbell. This request has been forwarded to our devs, and if we receive any word from them about development an update will be provided in this thread.

2 Messages

Seconding this post as well. Seems strange that nearly all of your products don't require hardwiring except for doorbells.

2 Messages

Agreeing with everyone that’s posted on here as well! Have SimpliSafe for everything else but don’t have the option of hardwiring the doorbell and would prefer to not buy a Ring doorbell instead.

1 Message

2 years ago

Seems like this could be fixed with an optional battery pack mount and a software patch that allows it to chime through the base station and your phone. Doesn't seem like such a hard fix. 

4 Messages

It's not a hard fix.  My Ring doorbell has had all this functionality, plus chiming through Alexa devices for years.  That doorbell can be both wired and battery-powered. 

This seems like a major failure on the part of SimpliSafe.  I'd like to switch to the SimpliSafe doorbell so everything is integrated, but I'm keeping my Ring doorbell specifically because of the lack of battery options with SimpliSafe. 

In fact, I almost skipped SimpliSafe completely specifically over their terrible doorbell solution. 

2 Messages

2 years ago

All of your competitors have it, why not SS?

 It may be time to say hello Ring, goodbye SS…

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Battery operated Video Doorbell

1 Message

2 years ago

All this talk about the feasibility of such a product as a wireless, battery-powered camera doorbell is moot. I am currently using a Google Nest wireless doorbell at my garage entry only because there is no SS equivilent. I've replaced all my Nest gear with SS and as soon as SS releases a wireless, battery powered video Doorbell I will be the first to purchase. And battery life isn't an issue either. I only have to remove and charge my Nest wireless doorbell on average between 1-2 months. It's doable. Make it happen, SS! 

1 Message

2 years ago

I’m stuck using a Ring battery doorbell when the rest of my home is SimpliSafe.

6 Messages

2 years ago

I've been waiting years for a wireless battery powered video doorbell. Now I'm at the point where I need another camera or I need a doorbell from another company that sells battery powered ones. We don't have the wiring for a wired doorbell or I'd purchase that. It's disappointing SS hasn't come out with a wireless battery powered doorbell yet after being a user for nearly 4 years. 

4 Messages

I want a battery-powered doorbell to keep my home protected in the event of a power outage.  I keep all my Internet connectivity powered via UPS battery backup so if the power goes out, I still have cloud/Internet access.  My Ring battery-powered doorbell keeps working when the power is out!

Get with the program, SimpliSafe.  There is obviously demand for such a product.

2 Messages

1 year ago


2 Messages

We’ve been SS customers for 10 years and we’ve been hoping for a battery powered doorbell for the past 4 after buying an old home. It would be costly to have a wire run given the lack of easy access to the front door via a power source. 

2 Messages

1 year ago

Please offer us a battery powered video doorbell option ASAP!!! 

2 Messages

1 year ago

When will SS come out with a wireless doorbell like the REST of the Industry?   Considering switching systems. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Wireless Doorbell
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