1 Message
Terrible Cancelation Process
Have been trying to get my SimpliSafe account canceled for weeks now. Seems as straightforward as going into the app and clicking “Delete Account”, but then it requires you to wait on a call from them (gives no timetable) to verify cancelation. If you miss the calls when they try to call you, good luck getting anyone helpful on the phone (or on the phone at all).
After multiple failed attempts and long waits on hold on the number provided in the voicemail, I decided to call the general customer support line to see if I could get it done that way. After getting someone on the phone (finally) it took multiple times going on and off hold trying to explain that I was just trying to delete my account/cancel my subscription and FINALLY they transferred me to the group I was supposed to be talking to. However, after talking to that person for a couple minutes they said they were going to put me on a brief hold while they went and “removed the delete account account request from the app” so that they could do it internally on their end.. Surprise! After a couple minutes on hold an automated voice starts asking if I would like to review, re-record or cancel my message. Not understanding what message it was talking about I said cancel and the automated voice just goes “message canceled. Goodbye.” And the phone hangs up.
So now I’m right back where I started and will likely have to go through the same B.S. trying to get it canceled, all the while I’m still getting charged for the account despite submitting my cancelation request over 3 weeks ago! Feels like they are just trying to make it as difficult as possible to get the account canceled even though anything you read from them online says that they “just want to ask why you’re canceling”. Extremely frustrating process and would hesitate to recommend SimpliSafe to anyone for this reason alone!
6.3K Messages
1 year ago
@carsonhollyoak When I read your post about "Delete account" in the phone app, I was wondering where you thought that was a feature in the app. Got my trusty Pixel 8, opened the Simplisafe app and, tada, there it was at the bottom of the navigation menu. My apologies for doubting you.
What is very disturbing is the rest of your post, which I read several times. In the past I had personally written and called SS questioning the wisdom of creating a "Loyalty Team" based on my experience with Comcast, Sirius Radio and, the ulimate dark force in the universe, ADT.
Simplisafe: I have to file this one under "You have to be kidding me". After referring and placing over 30 some odd systems over the past 12 years, to have a customer, soon to be gone, treated like this is abysmal customer service and NOT in line what is expected from SS at any time. Camera, software, support and other issues are expected but treating a customer who is departing like this is not in any stretch of the imagination acceptable. What you accomplish is someone like me who would never, ever be a customer of one of the previously mentioned companies earlier in my post.
Read carsonhollyoak's post carefully, slowly and repeat as many times as it takes to sink in:
"Extremely frustrating process and would hesitate to recommend SimpliSafe to anyone for this reason alone!"
To say I am concerned and, more importantly, disapointed is an understatement.
This needs to be fixed now. Including a direct apology to this customer from the head of the "loyalty" team.
1 Message
1 year ago
Agreed. It's a PAIN to downgrade to Unmonitored.
It's taken 2 LONG phone calls to get them to cancel.
The first call: Rep lied (omitted telling me) about the option to have Unmonitored.
The second call: I had to INSIST that they downgrade me. Sheesh!
I'll update if it takes a third call.
-Margaret in Texas
1 Message
6 months ago
Bingo. Going thru right now. Contacted them and thought had it straightened out. Wanted to downgrade to self monitored only. But get the bill this month, still being charged for it. Chat is useless and phone is always busy.
5 Messages
6 months ago
I just dealt with the Loyalty Team trying to downgrade, and it has me so pissed I'm half tempted to call back in to cancel service all around.
1.5K Messages
6 months ago
The FTC rule, Click to Cancel may be official in days or weeks.
As mentioned above, some companies are being proactive and making changes if for nothing more than good PR.
Its going to change whether they like it or not. If the FTC doesn't poke loopholes in their own rule for cable companies that think we're too stupid to know what cancel means.